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Anti-depressants, Anti-psychotics and mood stabilisers
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Last activity on 09/10/2024 at 02:20
Joined in 2016
41 comments posted | 34 in the Depression Forum
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Thanks Hazel, I am trying but they are his grandparents, and he is their only grandson, my younger sister has 3 girls, so they do spoil him rotten but they just do not understand that i am his mother and that i want to raise him my way. I appreciate their help but sometimes it just feels like they are saying that i am not good enough, and i already question that i am failing him all the time and that he would be better off with them but then he will give me a hug and tells me he loves me and i feel that i am doing something right. I just wish they would understand about the depression and panic attacks as they just think that i should get on with everything and it will just be fine, and i think that as i am 38 they think i should be well able to deal with things and that depression and panic attacks is just another way of saying lazy as they are constantly on my case to get a job as i lost my job 4 years ago when the american company i was working for years with decided to shut down and go to manilla as it was cheaper than hear. I have done courses to help get me back into work but according to them they are just a waste of time and i should be looking for work even though my doctor applied for disability for me because of my depression and back and they just say that it was a way not to look for work. I would love to be able to work so that i could give my son everything he deserves, he is the one good thing in my life and i am very lucky he understands that sometimes i am not feeling to well and he helps me around the house or just gives me a cuddle when i really need it. Sorry for going on and on it just feels if i do not get it out i will explode or start cutting again and i managed to stop for the last 6 months but it was bad and i do not want to go back there.
Thanks for letting me talk
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Unregistered member
You can talk anytime, and katz seriously i understand i am not really getting any family support only negative stuff on the whole, i did have plans to become an adult nurse but then mental health illness hit, so i have not had a job yet but that would be my dream job, currently i feel like i will never be able to do that job anymore.
Just take each day at a time and be proud of how far you have come i mean 6 months not self harming is a huge achievement so try and be proud for that.
You take care and you can chat whenever you like, trust me this site actually for me is abit of a life saver currently for me.
Take care from
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Last activity on 30/11/2020 at 17:32
Joined in 2016
461 comments posted | 420 in the Depression Forum
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Good Morning Katz. How is your son today?
Please believe me when I say "You are not alone ". My mum still tries to tell me what to + I am 53!!!!
You will do the same ; I can feel myself doing it to my children even though they are adults. It is hard not to get upset/angry at being told what to do or feeling that you can't do right for doing wrong. On my low days I too feel extra sensitive. They are doing it out of love; they really are, despite you feeling that it is interfering/controlling.
Despite what you may think or feel, you are their daughter and believe me you will always be their" baby" whatever your age.
It is hard not to snap or take offence. For years I would just moan to my sisters; the same is done to them also so we moan to each other at times. I still do but now if my mum says something negative; although to be totally honest she knows the crap I have been through + what is going on in my life she doesn't do it so much; I just say now " Well that's ok but I like it"
Parents can be so infuriating can't they?
They obviously care very much by their actions calling round and offering to take your son for you. Do try not to take it to heart.
It really is done out of concern and love. I try and now appreciate all that my parents have done and continue to do for me; you don't realize what you have until it's gone. My dad is older than my mum although he is the sweetest , mild mannered man ; I know that he is at the wrong end of life. Mum has so much on her plate with dad being ill and one of my siblings having schizophrenia [he lives t home ] and yet she worries about all her other children /grandchildren.
I too suffer with my back and at this moment in time I am under a lot of stress!! I am feeling low/weepy but I am trying my hardest not to fall as low as I have previously. My new partner is in hospital again [depression] + I thought that I try + re establish his contact with his children and so I E/M his estranged wife and between us we worked out that she would see if the children would be willing to have a relationship again with him .Nothing was arranged for contact now as I hadn't mentioned it to my partner in case nothing came back from her.
He didn't appreciate what I had done and couldn't see that I had I done it to make it smoother for him ; he is also terminally ill. At this moment in time , I too feel that I can't do right for doing wrong. I understand that he is struggling mentally but i am carrying all the financial worries/personal worries, along with the health of my son who was attacked by a gang of 8 in a totally unprovoked attack. He sustained 2 bleeds on his brain. I felt so overwhelmed by my partners reaction + may God forgive me but I called him a selfish, ungrateful individual. I feel so guilty now but I don't know why I should as I suffer from depression [take meds] but I can't sit down and wallow in my own self pity. i do know that if I mention it to my mum ; i will be in the wrong.

Unregistered member
Some advice please :(
So i need an anti deprassent to actually work one that doesnt make me ill would be fab but so far nothing :(
Mood stabilser also been suggested i agree about this being a good idea, but so far again had a bad reaction.
Today i feeel reallly really sick and ill and i think now i maybe could be reacting to my anti psy (Amipizole)
Any advice is welcome as i really dont know what to do anymore :(
All my bloods came back normal too, so i dont understand why i am so so tired all the time :(
Good advisor
Last activity on 30/11/2020 at 17:32
Joined in 2016
461 comments posted | 420 in the Depression Forum
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Hi Haze, I hope that today hasn't been too hard for you? I think that you will just have to listen/try what the professionals are suggesting if you have tried all other options.
Depression can leave you feeling lethargic . When my anxiety was at its peak , i used to feel so sick and tired. With time and some tweaking of my medication these symptoms vanished . These things do take time before you get the real benefit from them.
Little by little, day by day.
Don't expect too much too soon.
Much love xx
Last activity on 22/05/2016 at 19:44
Joined in 2016
im on venlafaxine and I go to bed at 10pm and wake up at 11am also ive put on weight since being on them is this normal
regards toni

Unregistered member
Hi, I take Quetiapine 150mg a day (50mg x 3) never tried to come off it but if I miss a couple of doses I know about it , As for Venlafaxine I was on 350mg a day then they changed my prescription to Trazodone 300mg, I did a tailored withdrawal over 10 days, worst thing I've ever done! it was an awful experience at the time I'd been on Venlafaxine for about 5 years so it was brutal.
I used to also be on Risperidone, but again they changed me over to the Quetiapine.
Been taking the Meds since 2009 and I’m no better really, done CBT and other courses but nothing really works.

Unregistered member
I've just been prescribed Venlafaxine after being on Fluoxitine for quite awhile. This is all new to me so I'd love some idea what to expect moving meds. How different is Venlafaxine to Fluoxitine. I'm feeling a little like a lab rat
Last activity on 06/07/2018 at 12:51
Joined in 2016
Hi Katz I hear you on the family thing, I made a decision over Christmas and told my family that I was removing myself from their company for a few weeks. I told them I was attending my psychiatrist who was looking after my mental health. I discussed this with my doctor and I did keep them updated. I had a few weeks of phonecalls asking me if I felt I was okay and even though I assured them I still got the question 'don't you think you should speak to your doctor? ' I was laying down boundaries and some people feel insulted by it. That is not about me, it's about their needs. I enrolled in a course in payroll (I'm a certified bookkeeper ) because I knew it wouldn't put pressure on me. I love getting out and doing something not mammy related. I thought I would give up half way through! I think what I'm trying to say is set your boundaries nicely and stick to them like glue. There are professionals to help you with your mental health issues, well meaning interference from family can be a hinderence. I love my family but I had to get some inner peace and now 6 months on I can go have a cuppa or lunch and enjoy it and not worry about them overstepping the boundaries because I just won't let them. I listen to zen music every day which I Google and I choose the one that suits me on the day. I still take my medication and if I'm having a bad day I treat it like a cold, annoying but should be gone by tomorrow or the next day. I allow myself that and I don't berate myself anymore. I hope this might help you a little and I hope tomorrow will be a good day for you. Xxxx
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Last activity on 30/11/2020 at 17:32
Joined in 2016
461 comments posted | 420 in the Depression Forum
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I completely agree with you akahero. When you have got yourself in to the right approach for you; some "well meaning" person has to scupper your thoughts by adding there own opinion.!!!
It is so hard at times when you feel pressure from all directions. You just have to stay strong and focus on what is going to make you feel happy in your own skin.
I try not to be over critical of myself anymore ; if my day doesn't go to plan then I will try again tomorrow. Looking back and over thinking gets you nowhere.
I now take a Little by little, day by day approach. x
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Good advisor
Last activity on 15/02/2021 at 15:12
Joined in 2016
14 comments posted | 7 in the Depression Forum
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Has anyone been on the following drugs and successfully come off them please?
I was also taking Mirtazapine, but have managed to come off it. Tried to come off the Quetiapine, but had terrible insomnia which my Psychiatrist prescribed Lormetazepam to help me over with, but it just wouldn't go away so she put me back on the Quetiapine.
Thanks in advance for any info