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Patients Depression
What treatments have you tried for depression? What works for you?
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Last activity on 25/03/2025 at 03:43
Joined in 2014
Mine is treated with medication, which frees up my mind to be able to think and be in ways that encourage happiness in themselves. Fluoxetine is what I am on, have been for 10 years. I was so reluctant at the start, thought it would change me etc. But it lets me be me. I'm the me I would be in relation to a normal level of serotonin. I still think depression and other so-called mental disorders shouldn't be over-simplified or dealt with superficially, but I don't think medication equals that. Medication is a means to and end, not the end itself. Talking and thinking are the main things that lead to transformation (perhaps re-transformation in to a previous 'way', and beyond) It's the talking, thinking, relationships and actions in my life that have saved me, but medication allowed me to do these things by freeing me from a cycle of despair that I was stuck in. The cycle began for real and logical reasons - ie. the seretonin got low for good reasons, not because of something 'wrong' with me, but I was stuck in a place that I could not get out of through thinking alone. It was far too complex. Finally I accepted that, tried medication and have felt so lucky ever since. It's like I have a second chance at life, when I had already lost all hope and resigned myself to the fact I would be unhappy forever.
Last activity on 08/03/2023 at 10:13
Joined in 2014
12 comments posted | 5 in the Depression Forum
ABCD88 your whole description is so well put! Especially "Medication is a means to an end, not the end itself". It is so true! When I was first diagnosed with depression, my GP put me on paroxetine and that was it. I was wondering why he didn't suggest any therapy, since I also believe that talking, thinking and not least perceiving is necessary to cope with depression (I got my depression after a heart attack). It took me six months to convince my GP that I needed therapy. But now I feel that I am getting somewhere. The combination of the medicine that frees up my mind and the therapy is helping me manage my thoughts. As for side effects I suffered from nausea in the beginning, but rarely anymore.
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I'm on duloxetine, but I also do CBT. I am very pleased with CBT which helps me and my way of thinking. I have type 2 diabetes as well and have been feeling pretty bad about it lately, so the therapy is helping me managing the thoughts I have about the diabetes.
I am getting some side effects from the duloxetine - getting very drowsy from it, which makes it difficult for me to stay motivated to exercise, which is also important for my diabetes. Can anyone recommend something?

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Hi guys, feeling very down and out today any tips on getting past this episode

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Hi sandra88,
My husband has a depression and he tries to occupy his mind when he is feeling down.. he watches his favourite funny-movie, calls a friend, goes for a run (always gives him another focus and a sense of accomplishment- granted, he really needs the push to do it, but it sometimes helps him relieve the feeling down). I know it is difficult to convince yourself to do anything. But I hope you find strength.
Last activity on 25/03/2025 at 03:43
Joined in 2014
Hi guys :)
I totally agree Gefruaw- I think psychotherapy is great, I much prefer it to 'medical-y' therapies, as you can speak on an emotional level, or spiritual level (what spiritual means to me, annyway).I think it's really important to find someone you click with for talking therapy.. If your visions gel, it can be a great catalyst and a great process. I went to one in my university who I clicked with. Ideally I'd like to be going to someone now but can't afford it. Should look in to free ones maybe.
Spencer, have you tried taking your medication at a different time of day for the sleepiness side-effect? ie. if you take it in the morning - maybe start taking it at night instead, so it doesn't matter if it makes you sleepy? Probably doesn't always work like that but prob worth a try if you haven't already.
Steph88 and everyone else...I have no idea why, but watching this documentary totally lifts me out of a grey patch. It's nothing to do with the subject matter or anything.. it's just a coincidence that what it is about is a mental condition. It's very funny in parts, and very touching. It's my old reliable for cheering up, never fails :)
Louis Theroux. Extreme Love: Autism

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Hello, Im very new to this site so not sure really wot to do, i am currently being treated with cilitapram and zopiclones and unfortunately the doctors had me on repeat prescription for the zoppies as i call them for over 7 years, i have now developed serious insomnia and an addiction of which i am taking up to 16 a day my current job that i am on sick from diddnt help as i was doing night work but all various different start times so i was taking the zoppies at the drop of a hat so i could sleep on demand , I have to buy of the internet to sustain this addiction, it is controlling my life and naturally added to my depression and anxiety. I am currently seeking help tho and have an appt with a drug specialist doctor who has reviewed my case and is going to assist me with withdrawing from them. I am very very scared about this but i must do it to get control of my life back. Any one else addicted to zopiclone?

Unregistered member
hi im claire, ive had depression for over 2 years now and ive been on the sick for six minths with it. I feel like im letting everyone down ive worked ally life and now i cant even bare to leave the house. I feel alone smetimes

Unregistered member
Hi Twevil, I'm also knew to the group and a bit lost! I was on citalopram for nearly 2 years. It got me out of the worst of depression (the anguish and deep sadness), but it was really bad for my concentration and motivation. I stopped exercising altogether and had a lot of trouble finishing my thesis, holding on to my job (which I didn't in the end) while also taking care of my child. I was also on zoppies as Twevil calls it. I just took half of it per night as a whole one made me drownsie, but also felt I was getting dependent on it and was taking it to switch off and hide from my relationship with my husband. I got out of it all in the summer, started feeling more motivated and focused. Unfortunately, the happy times lasted for just a few months and I'm now depressed again, as unfocused as ever and have in fact been diagnosed with ADD which just made me even more depressed as at 44 I just wonder how come I haven't been diagnosed earlier! I'm now about to go on Alventa XL and have been prescribed zobbies again.

Unregistered member
Hello Bird70 nice of your response, please be so carefull with the zoppies they are extremely addictive I am assuming your doctor has only given you 2 weeks supply wot mg are you tasking 3.75 or 7.5 of which new laws are now in place for these evil tablets finally? be very carefull, the doctor left me on them repeat prescribed for over 7 years of which i am a full insomniac with out them doctors prescribe me 1 aday which doesnt even touch the sides i take up to 16 a day and sustaining this addiction via the internet an ordering them my self, they are very expensive and being on sick im struggling. However on a brightside i am now finally getting help from specialists and first week in jan i have an appointment on how a specialist drug team (under the mental health crisis team) are going to wean me off them, i think it will be swapped for diazapam and then weaned off them, it is going to be so hard but i carnt wait to get the zoppies out of my life they have controlled me for a very long time ! but with good reason might i add, due to various traumas i have had to suffer from being a child, the zoppies stop the flash backs and memories ect ect but once im clean off them i can then concentrate on theapy for these traumas :) Bird70 im unsure wot ADD is sorry and Alventa xl do you want to explain so i can understand a little better :) good luck tho xxx
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How is your depression treated? And which medicine works the best? Unfortunately there can be many side-effects when taking these meds, what are your experiences?
All the best,