Depression Forum

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How to be taken seriously when you suffer from depression? How to accept to be treated and what treatments to adopt? Join our forum to discuss with other patients and relatives of patients affected by depression.

Medical fact sheet


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Chronic Depression

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Depression: Causes and Risk Factors

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Depression: Treatments

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Depression: Symptoms

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Depression: Treatment with Psychotherapy

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I take each day as it comes, try to have a focus for that day. Today is pretty good, but it gives me a nudge every now and again. H

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Lizzie when we loss loved ones some people are expecting to grieve in the same way with each bereavement, and are even more upset because they dont. this can be for many reasons, for example it could be the age of the loved one, how close you were to a certain person, how well they physically or emotionally knew a loved one. or lastly some of us may never have met a loved one for many reasons. or if physical events had taken place ,and a loved one could not be viewed by family and friends

this happened me was because, my son and i parted with bad blood between us, and when his baby daughter was born , and died age 50 minutes i was banned from attending her service or internment, her name was Rebecca Jade, but i called her Becky, and i bought her a small headstone and i go to her grave at least once a month with fresh flowers. i will always love my grandaughter, but possibly not as much as my Angel wife or son, who took his own life.?

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I have not been seen by an individual therapist.

For my Fibromyalgia I attended a 3week course followed by a 6-month and 12-month review. It involved a Psychiatrist, Rheumatoid Consultant, Physiotherapist, Occupational therapist and specialist nurse. We covered the possible triggers of the condition, how to pace one self which is very important, when an achievement was made to treat yourself, meditation, a discussion about medication. Physio group and hydrotherapy and how to cope at home with daily living. This course was very good, at the end of 12 months I no longer attended the hospital outpatient clinic, the course was self-management, any concerns were to be directed to the general practitioner. I must say initially I felt they didn't know what to do with Fibromyalgia patients, I felt insecure but now feel comfortable with it.

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