Depression Forum

  •  1,226 members
  •  5 discussions

Start discussions in this group about the condition that affects you. Share your experience on your quality of life, tips, and anything else.

Patients Depression

Medical fact sheet


Medical fact sheet - article

Chronic Depression

Medical fact sheet - article

Depression: Causes and Risk Factors

Medical fact sheet - article

Depression: Treatments

Medical fact sheet - article

Depression: Symptoms

Medical fact sheet - article

Depression: Treatment with Psychotherapy

 Treatments for anxiety and other mental illnesses

Difference between social phobia and social anxiety

avatar Somya.P

 Treatments for anxiety and other mental illnesses


avatar jamesm

avatar LizziB

 Treatments for anxiety and other mental illnesses

Treatments that may help manage ADHD

avatar anxietyisme

 Treatments for anxiety and other mental illnesses

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT): Thoughts, experiences, advice

avatar Courtney_J

avatar Pippa1961

 Treatments for anxiety and other mental illnesses

Do you know of any alternative methods for improving anxiety?

avatar Courtney_J

Give your opinion