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Last activity on 07/10/2020 at 11:39
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Hi @DebbieBLCP,
You are definetely not alone here, and you will soon get feedback from other members. For now don't hesitate to take a look at the existing discussions and learn about how other people cope with their depression.
Also, have you tried talking to your GP? He can perhaps suggest another counsellor for you, or a support group in your area. Everyone is different so the approaches must also be different.
Hope you feel better soon!
Kind regards,
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Unregistered member
My GP is great but don't see her for another 2 weeks and she is really hard to get an appointment with.
My counsellor did suggest some support groups but I work nights so that makes it a bit difficult for me plus don't like being around a lot of people.
Just had enough now been fighting this for over 30 years now and getting so sick and tired of it all.
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Last activity on 30/11/2020 at 17:32
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Hi Debbie and welcome. Margarita is right; you will get lots of support from people like myself who have first hand experience. It is a sad things that there are 'time limits' placed on counselling sessions. I was offered counselling but declined, my new partner was also offered it when he was discharged from hospital . He was self medicating on alcohol following a very difficult time facing not only his wife committing adultery , losing his family/job but also being diagnosed with a terminal illness. He was suicidal and was arrested for drink driving.
The waiting list was at least 16 weeks. Yes, the counsellor's are the professionals but we on this group have all gone through the same emotions/ thoughts etc as you are.Those with first hand experience can be so beneficial and so whilst we may not be 'trained' ,we all understand the horrible, painful. lonely dark path that you are on. You will be supported and encouraged.
By joining this group you will realize that you are never alone on here nor is what you are feeling abnormal. It is all part and parcel of your illness.
Talking really is a brilliant tool and by doing just that on here you may feel that it is a real positive thing for you to do. I never ever thought that I would ever get to a better, brighter place I was that low/ill.
The turning point for me was when I had suicidal thoughts; it was then that I finally acknowledged, accepted and embraced the fact that I wasn't coping despite telling not only my family/friends but more importantly myself that I was .
It has been a long journey and at times I felt like giving up but I am in such a wonderful place and you will be too. It takes all lot of time, patience and self belief.
Always here to not only support but to offer friendship along the way.
Gentle hugs.
Julie xx

Unregistered member
Thanks. Just so confused and alone. My family don't understand me and I can't talk with them.
I had a really good counsellor and could talk easily with her and now I've lost that again and I no that I shouldn't but I feel rejected yet again.
I don't have many friends and hide most things from them because past friends have ran a mile when I show and tell them how I really am.
Just want to give up now I've really had enough.
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Last activity on 30/11/2020 at 17:32
Joined in 2016
461 comments posted | 420 in the Depression Forum
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Right Mrs....Talk to me on here; either on the public site or private message me.
Please believe me when I tell you that there is probably nothing that you are feeling that I haven't felt and I totally understand what a difficult journey you are on.
There is no reason why you should feel alone because in reality you aren't; we are all here for you. So get talking as that was one of the best tools available. I declined counselling and here I am , I have made it through without seeing one and so can you. The cause of our illness /issues may differ but the emotions /feelings/ thoughts etc are the same.
The best counsellors may have all the qualifications going but there is nothing more beneficial than someone who has had first hand experience.
I had a great support network in family/friends but I was so low that I didn't want to burden them. Plus I didn't have the energy or the inclination .You will get to a place when you will feel ready to open up .The more you chat then the less impact whatever it is troubling you will have on you. Honestly.xx
My path hasn't been easy nor was it over quickly but I am here to tell you that I am in a wonderful place and so can you.
It just takes a lot of talking/addressing your issues and working out a plan to address them 'one by one'
Don't let your mind overwhelm you; take control and deal with you what you can manage in small chunks.
Take time out for you; be gentle on 'you' as you are the most important person in your life.
Feel free to get back to me.
Big hugs.

Unregistered member
Thanks Julie.
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Last activity on 30/11/2020 at 17:32
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No problem Debbie. Always here to chat + support.
Julie xx
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Last activity on 24/11/2020 at 00:04
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Hi DebbieBLCP, time restricted counselling is such a problem, as you can't put a time constraint on an illness or life issue, however unfortunately these time constraints exist because of a lack of funding, and that is such a tragedy, I'm lucky I have my counselling indefinitely until my counsellor retires in about another 10 years, although I hope not to need him for as long as that
I've been working with him for almost 4 years but have known him 13, almost 14 years, as I used to see another counsellor with the service, and only within the last few months I finally fully started to trust enough to open up fully, it's hard when counselling ends, I've had that lots of times with various different counsellors at various different services, but I've always tried to take something positive from each one of those counsellors, memories can be a blessing, and taking this approach of always taking something good from it, is what helps me feel less rejection, and more love, help and fulfillment
*Hugs wrapped with Love*
Stumpy xxx
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Last activity on 20/03/2025 at 08:25
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I am on my 5th or 6th time of counseling and I believe it helps me loads, I care for my husband who has mental health problems and we don't have any family so talking to a counselor really helps, I do talk to friends but prefer to talk to someone not connected with me, some counselors are better than others and I have been to various place for the sessions but most have been though charities. If you do not like your counselor you could ask for her/him to be changed, I also think it helps if you keep an open mind.
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Elaine Browne
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Last activity on 24/11/2020 at 00:04
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Elaineanne, I completely agree how much talking helps, especially with someone not connected with me, and that some counsellors are better than others, all my counselling has been through charities, I've had problems with a few counsellors, and have always made it clear and asked to change, I've had 17 different counsellors throughout my life, and only ever 6 I've really well connected with and been comfortable with throughout my life, with my current counsellors (there are 3 of them each for a different type of counselling/need) being the best of them all, it's taken me 13 years to start getting to a good point in my life, with some positivity, but being trusting, and keeping an open mind, as you said, is also important
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Hi I've just finished a 19 week course of counselling and now my head is even more messed up than when I started.
My counsellor knows that I need to carry on but there hands are tied to the set time.
Im having suicidal thoughts and self harming most days now and feel really crap. It was a set amount of sessions and can't go back now for another 6 months and then I can only have a few more sessions because it's a charity not health service.
Im really screwed up and feel alone with no one to talk to now.
thanks for reading sorry I new to this group