Schizoaffective disorder: talking makes it easier
Published 19 May 2017
Hazel talks to us about fighting and never giving up, no matter how many different chronic diseases that she has. Become inspired and read her story of strength.

Hello Hazel, could you introduce yourself in a few lines?
Hi my name is Hazel, I in my last year of a Diploma health and social care qualification level 3, I used to be a student nurse. I heard about this site though an advert on Facebook and I was feeling that alone that I thought it could or might help.
How did you hear about Carenity and what motivated you to subscribe?
Scizo affective disorder was diagnosed nearly 4 years ago and it took for every to make that diagnosis so bad I had to be sectioned (section 2) for around just over 2 months I was in hospital under a section. It was hell putting it mildly.
When were your depression and schizoaffective disorder diagnosed?
3 years after that happened I was almost well, then I have had depression on and off in my life, mainly my depression is linked to life stresses. So bi polar but at the moment I don’t get the manic highs just the lows. (Diagnosis of depression too awhile to be diagnosed as well)
Do you have other conditions?
I am dyslexic and a bit dyslecilic (like dyslexic for maths), also I need a hearing aid now. I get headaches all the time from stress and then I get upset stomach too. I forgot to say I do have PCO.
Has it been easy for you to cope with your condition(s)?
No its never been easy, first time I had to ring SAMs (Samaritans ) Its affected my family badly some days we hardly speak (I still live with them) . Even my friends some are not my friends anymore.
What has been the most challenging thing you have had to go through because of this condition(s)?
Most difficult thing is being kind to myself about everything and anything I do, I also tell myself off for making mistakes and I am bad at not following the advice I always give too friends struggling.
As for today, what medication or treatment you think has worked best for your depression?
Talking to people i trust helps this includes people on Carenity. Also mindfulness and at the moment on medication but it’s not working correctly yet and I have had a lot of bad reactions.
What practical advice could you give to other people who live with several chronic conditions on how to cope with them in everyday life?
I think you need to make small goals in life and each day at a time, so for me getting dressed is an achievement.
Do you think Carenity has helped you in some way?
Carenity has 10000 per cent helped me, just hearing you’re not alone.
This site has helped me I hope it helps you too :)