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How to treat depression naturally?
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I found out this really helpful and enlightening. We focuse so hard on finding medical solutions to everything that we sometimes forget that nature can also help us.
Thanks for sharing this @GildaT
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Last activity on 03/02/2023 at 15:26
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710 comments posted | 13 in the Depression Forum
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Don't forget about this important and useful article.
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Has anyone tried this? Has it helped?
Last activity on 18/06/2020 at 10:23
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Hi, I've tried Omega-3 supplements, exercising, dietary changes and yoga.
I would say that only healthier, more regular eating schedule has done the trick for me. I haven't noticed much difference in my mood while doing other things.
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Good advice, tried them all and the list has it's benefits, more vitality...

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when I was fighting depression in the past I did a clean eating vegan diet and wentto the gym it sort of helped me out:) unfortunately I work nights now so imnot as commited
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There are some really good aromatherapy oils too, and blends,
I get some made, but my guilty sin that always lifts my mood is the body spray my husband used to wear when we first met, he doesn't wear it any more, but I still buy it and put it on his big baggy jumper and pop it on.
love light and peace x
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Stormy by Day Stormy by Night
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I find the list useful, But wouldn't mix them with prescription drugs as there may well be contra indications affecting how any health/herb or prescription drugs work. (Side affects)
Another thing I would like to add is this site called http://www.getselfhelp.co.uk/index.html is packed with self help to help you keep a track of the pattern of your health concerns or events that are happening. Any thing that helps build a picture is useful to a professional & your self knowing more about how you are.
Take Care
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Hello @Cazash what contraindications are you talking about?
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Hi Aria
St Johns Wort can do a number of unfortunate things. It can affect the heart drug Digoxin which is obviously risky if you have heart disease. It can alter levels of antihistamines. Most significant here is anti-depressants. You are thinking of Serotonin Syndrome which is a set of symptoms associated with too much Serotonin in the body. I won't list them but it can be serious, people have died from Serotonin Syndrome. The general advice is don't mix St Johns Wort with SSRI's ,Tricyclics, and Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors. Cazash can maybe give you a fuller picture.
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Last activity on 03/02/2023 at 15:26
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710 comments posted | 13 in the Depression Forum
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It is said that 80% of mild to medium depression cases can be countered with natural remedies. There are in particular 6 that are pretty effective and I want to share them with you:
1. St John’s Wort: You may take the herb, St John’s Wort. In studies it has been found to alleviate mild to moderate depression. However, for more severe cases you may wish to seek the advice of a trained professional.
2. Omega-3 fatty acids: Consuming omega-3 fatty acids are a good way to help overcome any symptoms of depression. Studies have found that countries which have diets rich in fish have ten times lower rates of depression than countries where meat is preferred over fish. Omega 3 may be found in sardines, salmon and anchovies. Having said that, because of the possibly high levels of mercury that may be found in fish it is perhaps better to take a fish oil supplement. Additionally, using omega-3 fatty acids in combination with a prescribed anti-depressant may have a much greater effect.
3. Folic Acid: Too little folic acid may be a indirect cause of your depression. Studies have shown that there is often a folic acid deficiency in people who suffer from depression. You may derive folic acid from green leafy vegetables, nuts, beans and safflower seeds. You may also take it in the form of a supplement if you do not readily consume foods high in folic acid. Like Omega-3 fatty acids, this will work best in conjunction with an anti-depressant.
4. Dietary changes: You should also consider making small changes to your diet. Avoiding alcohol, caffeine and sweets will be of great benefit to you. All these substances have the ability to give you the transient feeling of relief but, in reality, they only worsen your mood, once their effect wears off.
5. Exercise routine: You should consider doing more exercise. It has been theorized that exercise increases certain mood-elevating neurotransmitters within the brain which will often help alleviate the symptoms of depression. It is best to do aerobic exercises which will have the most desired effect.
6. Yoga: Try yoga which has been proven to be a great technique that can naturally better your mood. Because yoga incorporates breathing techniques it is likely to help you relax and give you a greater sense of well-being.
Remember that this don't substitue your actual medications if you are taking, and that in some cases like the St John's Worth, you should ask your GP before taking, cause it may have side effects if taken with other medication.
I hope it is of some use and feel free to share any experience, comment or question here below.
All the best,