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Anti-depressants, Anti-psychotics and mood stabilisers
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Last activity on 15/02/2021 at 15:12
Joined in 2016
14 comments posted | 7 in the Depression Forum
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No they don't Haze, you're right. I kept forgetting to mention this; something which has really helped me is Mindfulness. I went on a course (my Psychologist booked me onto it, but I believe that GP's can too - and it's free) and it has really helped with my self-criticism and also if I'm having a bad day to live in the moment. It also helps to stop/reduce going over & over things which happened in the past. Obviously it's not the definitive answer to depression, but it helps a lot - you just have to keep remembering to meditate (there are free guided meditations to download). It will definitely help on the road to recovery
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Unregistered member
Thank you Angelfishlea :D
My mental health worker is now on it and i think this week i am trying Mindfulness :)
Good advisor
Last activity on 09/10/2024 at 02:20
Joined in 2016
41 comments posted | 34 in the Depression Forum
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Having a really bad day today, I got my son to school, came home and did the housework with my back killing me. I just sat down for a coffee when my dad rang his house had been broken into and the money I had given my dad for a new car was taken and he was giving out to me as if it was my fault and then he was saying that he would have to get a loan to give me the money back and i told him not to worry about it, just to tell the gardas. But he was saying that it was strange that they had only taken money out of his room when there was a laptop phones tvs and i was in the house when it was empty that morning. So he is blaming me of taking the money even if he doesn`t come out and say it. I told him to get the gardas and he said that they were but i was talking to my sister and i don`t think she was meant to tell me but he had not called the gardas at all . So i am so fed up with the lot of them.
Thanks sorry for ranting
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Unregistered member
Aww no sorry to hear you had a bad day! Hope tomorrows abit better!
btw you can rant whenever you want , keep chatting :)
Good advisor
Last activity on 09/10/2024 at 02:20
Joined in 2016
41 comments posted | 34 in the Depression Forum
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Hi really really bad day son sent home sick from school, year head wanted to know why I let him go to school this morning. Then dad rang and he was giving out that I had him home sick. Just so fed up, just can't win today and am so tempted to start cutting or just taking extra tablets just to get some peace.
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Unregistered member
Nope just write day off as an awful one, yersterday was awful me me too I had a stressful ESA interview which was really stressful i was about to have a panic attack when i asked if i was ok to take my dizapram to calm me down.
Then saw my mental health worker who is normally great but actually made me feel guilty about my illness not on purpose. then other things happened too. I didnt want to alive anymore yersterday.
Today is a new day i am still here, and i am going to get on with the day and see what it brings :D
Never stop fighting :)
Good advisor
Last activity on 30/11/2020 at 17:32
Joined in 2016
461 comments posted | 420 in the Depression Forum
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Good Advisor
Good morning all.
Haze, I do hope that you are having a better day today?
Don't waste energy on over thinking things. If you are low , then what people are saying/doing won't appear to be acceptable but on those "good days" you wouldn't bat an eyelid because you would probably agree or just let it go.
Katz; We have all had that dreaded phone call from school informing us that our child is ill , but haven't we all joked/laughed calling ourselves unfit/bad parents for sending Joey in in the first place.?? I know I have.
My mum used to make me feel bad for doing that when my children were young ,but all I can remember looking back was that we were always sent to school no matter what was wrong with us. More often than not I would eventually end up at the GP with bronchitis or some other type of infection.
My son went to school with what turned out to be pleurisy. How bad is that ?
The same with a broken bone. I gave him paracetamol and told him to elevate it. They are now adults but we still laugh at it. Don't be harsh on yourself . It is a grandparents rite of passage .
Being extra sensitive when feeling low is "normal'; whatever "normal " is?
I beg to differ on the point that medication does nothing. To me on a personal level ; you are right it didn't solve my issues but it gave me the ability to feel lighter in my moods thus enabling me to focus on my underlying problems and work on them. It made them more manageable. Surely , that can only be a good thing.? In conjunction with other tools available I [self help, counselling, and basic talking etc] I would still use the medication ; in fact I do ; haha.
You would take meds for any other unseen aliment and i personally don't have a problem with medication. Why take the long way round to healing when you can take the shorter route?
Seize the day and make it yours.
Much love xxxx

Unregistered member
Today is alittle better so far, headache is back but its ok i can deal with that abit better then when my mood is really low. So yeah its ok at the mo
Thanks from
Hazel :)
Good advisor
Last activity on 09/10/2024 at 02:20
Joined in 2016
41 comments posted | 34 in the Depression Forum
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Thanks for the advice, my parents actually turned up today to see how my son was and if i was just keeping him home, as if i would not bring him to school if he was well. they just gave out about everything i had a bunch of ironing on the couch and had not finished cleaning done. just cannot win at the moment, they don`t think i should be taking anything as they think i should just get on with it and stop whingeing. My son was still sick but they told me that he should be fine to go back to school tomorrow and i think if he feels better then yes he should back but i just am sick of them trying to control everything i do, he`s my son and i do the best for him. Just feel like i am letting him down as a parent they do not approve as i am a single parent and my parents did not approve when i got pregnant. Just wish they let me bring him up as i want not the way they want me to. And just understand that between my back and my depression i am finding it hard.
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Unregistered member
Hi there,
Sorry but they really are over stepping the mark there your parents, with respect obiously, its your son not there son. YOU AS A PARENT KNOW BEST AND DONT EVER STOP BELIEVEING THAT
The day you start letting people say to you your not doing well etc blah blah you dont need meds pull yourself together, well no its not you need to try and stay strong and trust me this is the difficult part, just nice and calmly just say thank you for your input but everything is as in control as possible. Then if you feel you can suggest small things your parents maybe could help with.
You need to stand up for how you feel and trust me its never easy doing that i know because thats why i am struggling so much at hte moment my parents (speaking as 24 year old who still has to live with her parents in their house)
You look after yourself and try and be kind to yourself, its amazing that you even get on with your day, i struggle even some times to get up and do stuff thats on a really bad day!
Take care from
Hazel :)
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Good advisor
Last activity on 15/02/2021 at 15:12
Joined in 2016
14 comments posted | 7 in the Depression Forum
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Has anyone been on the following drugs and successfully come off them please?
I was also taking Mirtazapine, but have managed to come off it. Tried to come off the Quetiapine, but had terrible insomnia which my Psychiatrist prescribed Lormetazepam to help me over with, but it just wouldn't go away so she put me back on the Quetiapine.
Thanks in advance for any info