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Last activity on 01/09/2022 at 20:51
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187 comments posted | 122 in the Depression Forum
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I feel you and am in the same boat myself as an abused child and Veteran been left to rot, But what I have found useful is to focus on that Hour that makes you happy and start to rebuild your life around that. Hope it helps.
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Last activity on 02/04/2024 at 09:45
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32 comments posted | 12 in the Depression Forum
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Thank you leebee that's very kind do of you xx
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lesley jeal

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Depression is a very cruel disease and also very real ! I took an overdose at the age of 14. I wasn't diagnosed until I was 25 ish and that is when I started on Anti depressants. I was adopted at 5 mths old, at the age of 21 I decided to trace my birth mum. I was 23 when I met my birth mum for the first time. You'll never guess but she had suffered with severe depression all her life. I live in Greenock, Scotland now but originally from Birmingham. My birth mum and I had 9yrs getting to know each other. But the evidence I have that depression is brutal, my birth mum made 3 attempts to end her life. And me coming into her life was a dream come true to her, yet still it took hold !! She eventually was given Ect treatment and finally got her medication right and she was brilliant ! 6 yrs ago my birth mum passed away, not an overdose !! Heart failure, the fags got her, not the depression. I moved up here anyway, as no family left in Birmingham, my mum (adopted), who I refer to as My Mum passed away when I was 15. I had also been through a relationship breakdown after 11yrs of being together. So yeah here I am now in Greenock.
Right now I'm well, March to early October has been my down period this year. I have a great support in terms of my gp and my psychiatrist. In combination I also take a mood stabilizer (quetiapine) as well as 2 types of anti depressants. I don't plan stuff anymore, I can't, 1 day at a time and live for the moment. In my eyes that's all I have, the here and now. While I am feeling good I would love to listen or try and help anyone that is struggling now. Right that's me well and truly introduced !!
Hugs and a hand to hold
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Last activity on 02/04/2024 at 09:45
Joined in 2015
32 comments posted | 12 in the Depression Forum
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Thank you Debbie your comments mean a lot xx
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lesley jeal
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Last activity on 01/09/2022 at 20:51
Joined in 2015
187 comments posted | 122 in the Depression Forum
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Bless ya Debs, hugs and feel your pain with no medication.....:)
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Last activity on 01/09/2022 at 20:51
Joined in 2015
187 comments posted | 122 in the Depression Forum
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Maybe its other people that need to slow down and not us?
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Hi, I too am fed up with the highs and lows of depression, I am in the middle of a bad low at the moment...I recently fell ill with something totally not connected to depression and because I live on my own I had no one to call on to help me...this bought the depression on, before I fell ill I think I was alright, but looking back maybe I wasn't...the problem with me is I won't take medication for depression...I did before and I don't like the effects that medication has on me, the heavy head, sluggishness, I work my way through...I don't make plans...maybe because I don't see a future...
I do try to self help myself, I am a member of two amateur theatre groups and I have been called upon to help stage manager a panto, this takes my mind off my troubles for a little while, but it's always there in the background niggling away at me...I have some good times...I can have a belly laugh...but the trouble with depression is it always creeps up on minute I am happy...then crash...
I hate the mood swings that comes with the minute laughing...the next crying...I keep saying to myself why are you behaving like this...I feel guilty for being depressed especially when there are people out there who are far worse off then me...and I know I shouldn't feel guilty, because depression is an imbalance that is going on inside..but it still isn't helping me...
I've gone through thinking that maybe I'm better off out of it all...I hate waking up in the mornings, at least in sleep you can forget...then again I'm not sleeping too well so this isn't helping either, because I lie there in the dark with thoughts in my head, thinking what have I got to look forward to...why is this happening to me...
There are probably people on this site who are having it worse then me...but depression stinks and I just want to have more highs than lows...

Unregistered member
It's 9.15pm I'm sitting here trying to read these posts but because the tears are running down my cheeks it's difficult. All I do is to try not to hurt myself again but it does seem the easy answer at present. I've had 2 emergency appointments to go see my GP but cancelled them as I can't face to talk to anyone at present.
Last activity on 23/11/2015 at 16:02
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8 comments posted | 2 in the Depression Forum
I've had depression from a child I always remember being different to everyone and couldn't stick with the same friend for to long sometimes even I don't understand myself so wouldn't expect anyone else to
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c Penton
Last activity on 08/05/2021 at 12:35
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1 comment posted | 1 in the Depression Forum
I am writing this to all contributors with great trepidation. First I am a therapist and not a sufferer from depression. And as a therapist trained in something called Human Givens and with a lot of experience in helping my clients recover from their depression, I know that there is a way to get better and stay better. Now many of you will be resisting this idea or may think I am simply a salesman. But what if I am selling something really special. Anyway if you are interested google andrewmrichardson feeling better and see what you think
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Good advisor
Last activity on 02/04/2024 at 09:45
Joined in 2015
32 comments posted | 12 in the Depression Forum
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I've had depression all my life I must feel happy for just 1 day in a week and that's only for a hour maybe .I hate it .I'm sick of feeling low all of the time .I'm wouldn't wish this illness on end one its terrible.