Patients Depression
Feel like crap
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Last activity on 30/11/2020 at 17:32
Joined in 2016
461 comments posted | 420 in the Depression Forum
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Jon +Emma, Welcome to the group and thank you Jon for your friend request.
It is sad that you are both feeling so crap presently. I can relate to those dark, lonely, frightening days. Days, when I never ever truly thought that I would ever be free from that heavy feeling dragging you constantly down. Only getting very light relief before the heaviness returned creeping out of nowhere.
Emma, I can remember crying and not really understanding what had set me off. At times I would try and tell myself to "get a grip and not cry" It never worked !! Even walking home , I would feel the tears ready to drop and so would rush home.
You can't help it and I think that it is a natural release from whatever is going on inside your mind.
Jon, Please never give up. I always told myself and other concerned people that "I was fine, I wasn't depressed and was sorting myself out" The turning point for me was when I thought how easy it would be for me to walk out in front of traffic. I then knew that I wasn't coping. The thought of walking out in front of traffic frightened me so much that I went to the GP and accepted help.
Medication didn't solve my issues, but they lightened my frantic mind enabling me to focus on "me". The really hard work can only be done by ourselves. It isn't easy and it is a long , hard path at times but I am in such a wonderful place in my life .
Accept all the help that you can and embrace it 100%
I do hope that you will both benefit from joining . Keep talking; you will get the support from people on here who have first hand experience. Always here for you .x
Little by little, day by day.
Last activity on 18/11/2020 at 10:28
Joined in 2016
10 comments posted | 7 in the Depression Forum
Hi everyone, I feel rubbish as well, the sun is shining, I'm on holiday from uni, and I'm going away with my family soon on holiday, but all I want to do is stay in bed all day. I feel like an inconvenience and a liability a lot of the time. I'm so nervous and anxious about the holiday that it is starting to feel like a task rather than a treat!
I hope everyone is having a good few days and if not, don't hesitate to message or post, as someone will always be here to listen xx
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Last activity on 30/11/2020 at 17:32
Joined in 2016
461 comments posted | 420 in the Depression Forum
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Hiya, Sorry to read that you are not looking forward to your family summer holiday. Do you know what the underlying cause of your depression is?
Depression can really be all consuming but with help you can beat it. I too, had days when I would hide away in bed, not wanting to see /speak with anyone. I just wanted everything to go away and leave me alone. My frantic mind would be running at 100 miles p/h. I felt the same as you.
To cut a long story short I went to the GP and accepted help via medication. It didn't solve my problem but it lightened my frantic mind enabling me to focus on my issues one at a time.
I declined counselling as I such a great network of friends/family.
Talking got me to where I am a wonderful place in my life. It has been a long, hard sometimes frightening journey but I can honestly say that I have come out of the other side...happy.
Are you getting help?
Take time out to do things for "you"; no matter how small.
Focus on your breathing when those feelings of anxiety start to creep up on you.
Keep chatting on here as you will receive support from those who have first hand experience of what you are feeling/going through.
Take a "Little by little, day by day approach"
Learn to notice the flowers instead of the weeds.
Big hugs wrapped in love. xx
Last activity on 18/11/2020 at 10:28
Joined in 2016
10 comments posted | 7 in the Depression Forum
Thank you for the lovely comment itgetsbetter, I am taking medication but i'm not sure how much it's helping yet, as its only been a month. I have also applied for CBT but the waiting list in my area is around 3 months, so it could be a while before I get to see anyone. My family help as much as they can, but it's not easy for them, and I haven't told most of my friends as I don't really want to be "labelled" I suppose. Maybe it would help to tell them, but I'm not sure how to!
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Last activity on 12/10/2016 at 23:24
Joined in 2016
39 comments posted | 28 in the Depression Forum
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every day is a crappy day but i am learning to understand the lies my head tells me.
Its not that crappy really.
if you climb high enough you will always get to see the sun !!!
See the signature
leave me alone i`m scared of being lonely
Good advisor
Last activity on 30/11/2020 at 17:32
Joined in 2016
461 comments posted | 420 in the Depression Forum
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Once you hit rock bottom , there is only one way to go ...up.
Little by little, day by day.

Unregistered member
Hey, how is everyone coping today? Anyone need a chat ? Hope all is well

Unregistered member
I'm doing ok just got through the day just about
Last activity on 23/04/2024 at 16:38
Joined in 2016
24 comments posted | 9 in the Depression Forum
Sorry I've not being very active everyone, just now and again I need time out as it were and want to be alone. I guess for me what has become has important is recognising that while it is okay be want to be alone have alone time that I don't take it that step further and shut myself off from the world. For example yesterday I was feeling somewhat agitated and so I decided to go for a long drive alone, as I have a very keen interest in phototgraphy I took my camera with me and an hour out in the nature with my camera and by the time I got back home yesterday evening I was feeling while not 10% I did feel less agitated. So as I said to someone here just last week it's about taking baby steps, that's all any of us can do.
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Last activity on 30/11/2020 at 17:32
Joined in 2016
461 comments posted | 420 in the Depression Forum
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Hi Susan. Great to read that you changed a negative in to a positive experience.
I hope that you managed to take some fab photo's?
Sometimes it is about pushing ourselves that little bit harder to actually get up and do something instead of becoming restless, agitated but unwilling to actually do something about it.
A little by little ,day by day approach is my view.
Much love x
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Last activity on 23/04/2024 at 16:38
Joined in 2016
24 comments posted | 9 in the Depression Forum
Not necessarily looking to start a discussion but quite frankly I feel like crap and have nowhere else I can just spit it out like that.......