Feel like crap
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Unregistered member
Hello everyone & its great to see that im not alone & people out there in the world feel exactly how i feel & its not just me going bloody stir crazy & out of my mind ;) lol
iv suffered with Depression for 19 years but the LOWS are very much outweighing the HIGHS lately to the point of losing 2 jobs in the past 6 months because my lows have been so bad & cant get out of bed
Just pleased iv hopefully found people who are on the same wave length as me :)
Last activity on 23/04/2024 at 16:38
Joined in 2016
24 comments posted | 9 in the Living with anxiety and other mental illnesses group
You guys all sound so wonderful and so supportive of everyone, this is something that we all need and I for one am very grateful for that.
Sending you all hugs and many thanks xx
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Unregistered member
I will do and I won't think sooo far ahead

Unregistered member
My puppy Zeva is 16 week old and amazing- am trying to teach her to fetch a ball but she not getting it- she has mastered sit/paw/other paw/wait /come but this one she doesn't seem to get it lol I shall try every day a little- my friend bought me some amazing garden lanterns last night- was so taken aback- we were flat mates years ago and got back in touch a year ago- she knew what I needed- acknowledement and she did indeed make me feel wanted- my family don't and it's hard to live with - hope you all having a good day x
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Last activity on 30/11/2020 at 17:32
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461 comments posted | 420 in the Living with anxiety and other mental illnesses group
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Shiningstar. You have stated that you have suffered for many years with depression and so you must accept that you can get through it; just believe in yourself and stop being over critical of yourself. When I was facing all the anxiety of the financial side of divorce I was petrified as I gave up work to raise my children. My ex controlled everything in the name of "wanting to look after me" That was the biggest mistake that I have ever made. I can't tell you how overwhelmed I felt when well meaning family/friends started making it their mission to find me more jobs to help my finances. I didn't feel ready to be thinking of a change of job . I had no idea what I could do job wise.
I can't tell you how long it was before I felt ready to sort out that side of my life. Looking at your post , I personally feel that you weren't in the right mindset to be working. You weren't ready mentally.
My new partner is at this crossroads. He feels guilty not to be contributing much financially but I know that at this moment he isn't ready to face rejection or work . He is struggling with enough guilt as it is. Sort out your depression properly before going in to the world of full time employment. Have you considered voluntary work to help maintain as structured day? xx
SusanD; It is nice to know that you are feeling supported. I can't recommend enough putting posts on here for the real benefit to what you are feeling etc. We all understand how hard, dark, lonely and frightening life can be ;despite putting on a brave face to outsiders when you are screaming inside.xx
lauzy; You will get to were you need to be ; in time.
2 steps forward ,3 steps back approach.xx
Sylvia; How amazing is having a puppy? They grow so fast .
Lovely, that your friend has done something for you; I am sure that you are really loved but are being super critical of yourself.
Keep posting and have great fun!! training Zeva. xxxx
Last activity on 23/04/2024 at 16:38
Joined in 2016
24 comments posted | 9 in the Living with anxiety and other mental illnesses group
Itgetsbetter, thank you so much for your lovely comments and support, you seem to be an amazing person and I look forward to getting to know you better.
I can't get over how friendly, understanding and accepting everyone here is, it really is great to speak with others who "get it"
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Last activity on 30/11/2020 at 17:32
Joined in 2016
461 comments posted | 420 in the Living with anxiety and other mental illnesses group
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Hi Susan, Thank you so much for your lovely comment. I would never wish for anyone to go through what I have been through ; it truly was a horrible, ,frightening , dark time in my life. I can always remember someone who had been through a dark time telling me that in 5 years time I won't believe how happy I am; despite at the time not ever believing that I would. It hasn't been 5 years but 3+ years on and although still going through some struggles I really am in a wonderful place . I now tell my new partner that this time next year he will feel totally different from how he is feeling now [depression].
It hasn't been easy but it has been worth fighting myself mentally for. I really had hit rock bottom but as they say "Once you have hit rock bottom , there is only one way and that is up.
If I can help anyone else with my comments then I am delighted to offer that support.
You are correct, everyone on here is so friendly and supportive. I always advise to keep posting as we will all stick together and support each other. We all have our own experiences but we are all united in one factor.....wanting to live and love our lives in a positive way.
Happy Sunday Susan. xx

Unregistered member
Thank you so much it's like I need time apart from my partner because I feel my depression and mental state and that it feel like a failure and that I don't feel good enough for him anymore and feel like he can do so much better

Unregistered member
Hi everyone i have had depression for 10 years feel like i live in darkness i dont want to be alive i came on for support the mental health service in England is awful i self harmed cry everyday no point being alive wish i hadnt been born

Unregistered member
Hi all I been feeling really crap aswell, I keep crying at work it is crazy, been in the office with manager crying twice God knows what she thinks of me. I sometimes feel I'm weak because I been suffering with depression and PTSD for years but can't seem to overcome it, has people in here been suffering with it for years
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Last activity on 23/04/2024 at 16:38
Joined in 2016
24 comments posted | 9 in the Living with anxiety and other mental illnesses group
Not necessarily looking to start a discussion but quite frankly I feel like crap and have nowhere else I can just spit it out like that.......