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- Suicidal thoughts, not coping, how to get treatment without carrying out my plans?
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Suicidal thoughts, not coping, how to get treatment without carrying out my plans?
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I hope you all feel better soon. Im sending love and hope you recieve it. Im very low again. I sometimes wonder about the theory we never get more than we can take.
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@ursular Hello Ursular,
Have you looked at some of the other threads on the forum? They can be great for creating a support unit and knowing that you aren't alone in feeling ndespair sometiles. Here is a link to one we had recently.
Also, if you feel the need to talk to someone immediately about how you are feeling, I would recommend that you call Samaritans to talkabout it,it is completely free: 116 123 Or you can email them at jo@samaritans.org
Best of luck and kind thoughts to you all.
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Josephine, Community Manager
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Last activity on 27/03/2025 at 18:22
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My dad spent 28 years in a mental hospital he went in when I was 3 months old, he went in as a certified patient every week my mother used to take me to visit him ,when I was a baby till I was a teenager, then I could go if i wanted to but I never missed going to see him ,he was a Skitzoprenic paranoid, psychotic, when i was little mental hospitals weren't called that they were called lunatic asylums, and there were nurses carrying baths with blocks of ice in to use on patients so they could put patients in to send shock waves to the brain ,there were padded cells ,many times my dad was put in ,I saw my dad being restrained with straight jackets ,being held down while they injected him, to calm him down ,give seen nurses with rows of keys round there waist because when you visited them you was locked in behind large doors ,I've seen my dad after having ect treatment ,looking like a really I'll person shuffling his feet ,rolling his fingers because they call that pill rolling ,I've seen old people shuffling keeping close to the walls because they were scared ,ivd heard women screaming banging on doors, crying seeing them with nappies tied round there ankles because a loss of a baby ,thank goodness for now because now more is getting done I am 65 yrs old now and I myself suffer with PTSD low moods depression and anxiety because of everything that has gone on in my life ,when I was 26 my dad fell from his hospital window and died and I had to go and identify his body, and I was bullied because of my dad being mentally ill from the age of starting school till I left school I had people gangs of boys and girls hitting me kicking me 24/7 till I left school ,my life has been really hard to cope with what with being raped at 17 having 3 bad marriages, one was very violent ,having been kicked out of my own home living on the streets, for 6 months ,having my life threatened, being stalked ,getting coeliac disease at 49 so you cant eat what you want ,then going deaf ,having loads of illnesses then being told you have breast cancer ,and have to wait nine more yrs before you get the all clear but still I wont let anything beat me I haven't never given up because I want to live my life what time I have left now I have my family I have 3 bea beautiful children a absolutely wonderful husband, 12 grandchildren and one beautiful great grandson and I know when I get down or depressed I just have to talk to them as they are my life ,many times I could have committed suicide but I wont let it beat me I stay strong just for them I used to have my mum as she was my world but I lost her through lung cancer in 1995 but I even nursed her because she was all I had at the time with my three babies but now here more being done for mental health and some of the stigma is still about but we have to get our stories out to explain how we cope so we can help others so I thought I would share some of my mental health but there is a lot more I cant tell you as it is to painful lots of love to everyone who is going through mental health now I am a member of mind so why not give them a call because they will help you dont forget it is called Mind lots of love TIGER xxxx
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Last activity on 03/01/2017 at 08:42
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I am always chat and listen to any of you guys and share my story . I know what it is like to hit lower than rock bottom and to feel suisidal.... I almost did it. I am living proof that there is a way out . I’m grateful I had people I could talk to or just sit with . Now I want to be that person who listens and supports and gives advice. My first advice would be talk to someone... visit you doctor tell them you need help. For knowing someone cared helped me . I don’t know you but I do care, I know and understand how feel
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Last activity on 27/03/2025 at 18:22
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Hi everyone I haven't been and spoke for a while about how I'm been coping with mental health well my doctor referred me to steps to change the lady there was very helpful so helpful that I now try and help people we have a group called time out we sit every Thursday and talk about everything anything if i am feeling down i was told to concentrate on a picture that means the world to me and really concentrate on it and then just lightly tap each knee till my anxiety lifts and I feel easier, I found this very helpful so maybe passing this on it could help others she found out about my trauma by using a machine as I started to tell my story the lights were going of the radar the lights just kept going so fast then she said they were doing that because I was suffering from PTSD low moods depression and anxiety so she got in touch with my doctor and he told me to take 2 amitriptyline every night and that should help so now that is exactly what I do so just remember if you are feeling down then just try and bring up a picture and tap each leg slowly until you feel better and if you get the chance to join a group then look up a group called Ted they just might have or maybe you could start up a group in your own area now I have found several groups to join and I find it helps a lot .Tiger
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Unregistered member
Hello all wishing you better well being.🌐
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Last activity on 27/03/2025 at 18:22
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Thank you Ursula love and good thoughts to you to stay healthy
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I'm feeling really suicidal, the psychiatrist cancelled my appointment, and I don't see my counsellor or support worker until next week, I have made a plan to take my own life, something I've never really done before, but before I resort to carrying out that plan, I'm trying to find ways to get the treatment I need. One last attempt to try to be rational, I've thought of trying to see the Police PCSO's to get across just how bad I feel, in the hope that they can help me get some emergency treatment, or I've also thought of going to the drug and alcohol project, to the walk-in service, and speaking with them to ask for their assistance, as they have their own psych team, but their so overstretched, that seeing them is impossible, but if I tell them of my intentions, perhaps they may make an exception, I can't think of any other way I can access emergency treatment, going to A&E is not an option, as it's too far to travel, I'd likely carry out my plan before I get there, and A&E have this nasty way of deliberately treating me so badly they make me feel worse, and make mistakes like giving me things I can harm myself with, so I have no trust for A&E.
Are there any other ways to access emergency treatment, knowing you need treatment to continue to keep yourself safe?