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DBT as treatment for personality disorders
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Hello !
Dythemia , on the list , and has been on my med cert ( perscip Citalopram ) . This comes co morbid with the personality disorder ' Scitzotypal ' , present , main , diagnosis from Hove hospital , alcohol detox .
God ! I must admit I like these personality disorders . On the ' Internet mental health ' STPD ' page , I could have been reading about myself ! .
So , Hi fellow personality disorder person ! .
I would recommend you have a bash at DBT
How about this
The Tarot card ' The Chariot '
The chariot driver is the personality . The two horses , one for reason , one for emotion . The drivers job , to keep these forces under some sort of control , so , the chariot ends up going somewhere . And preferably not into the nearest ditch , well , not all the time anyway !
ian59 ( :
Last activity on 27/10/2018 at 16:06
Joined in 2014
17 comments posted | 12 in the Depression Forum
I'm liking the chariot analogy! And ditches aren't that bad until you wake up! xxxx
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Last activity on 27/10/2018 at 16:06
Joined in 2014
17 comments posted | 12 in the Depression Forum
BTW Ian, am having a bash at DBT. it's so hard but so good.
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Last activity on 24/09/2015 at 00:16
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Hi Vic,
I was diagnosed with BPD and have had it for a while now; I have had 2 psychologists, many a psychiatrist and many different GPs, I tried a DBT skills group which was basically a lecture with about 40 people in; you didnt participate you just listened like a uni lecture and that was it for 8 weeks. It was very boring and dull and I didnt find it helpful in the slightest because I was anxious about the other people there and hate silences so it was really awkward for me, plus I couldnt see myself using the skills or applying them in my real life so it was silly. Smaller DBT groups are apparently better and DBT therapy with a psychologist one to one is supposed to be helpful. If you get one; keep hold of it! Let me know how you get on.
I am currently on the waiting list for another psychologist (been on it for 12 months thus far from when I ended up in hospital twice last August, Ive been told it usually takes about 18 months - which is terrible.
I am moving to a City soon so hopefully the waiting list will be shorter there, we can only hope.
Good luck and take care, youre not alone!

Unregistered member
Hi Vic !
It's not a bad analogy is it !
So , DBT , sounds quite heavy ! , dialectic , thesis - antithesis - synthases ! , hard ! , quite possibly good !
Getting the heart and mind to pull in the same direction - down the middle of the road ! . ( impossible ! )
Hi Kelly !
The collection of letters after my name STPD , ' scizotypal ' ' pd ' , means that I too have had multiple psychiatrists , counselling, agencies , social workers . Because I drink though , they have all dumped me , even my GP !
Ultimately we do have a responsibility for our own well being , and that includes seeking professional help , to work with rather than expecting our problems to be sorted out for us .
Psych Central is a good place to learn about DBT , so I would recommend finding out what it is , read books , self help and so on , and NHS may consider helping out , with a one to one , private therapist !
hope your move goes well , and you are excited about it ! ( me too , I'm gonna move soon )
Vic and Kelly
Brilliant day ! ian59
Last activity on 27/10/2018 at 16:06
Joined in 2014
17 comments posted | 12 in the Depression Forum
Hi Kelly, your experience with DBT sounds shite. I have a group with up yo 5 people in it and it is excellent, with a 1-1 therapist too. It's in Birmingham so I guess I'm lucky having that postcode. It's awful that it depends on where you live as to what help you can get. I hope you get better support when you move. xxx
Ian, its crappy when you drink so they won't help you. When I was drinking to cope I was still in denial and not even seeking help. I hope you reach a breakthrough point either at the bottom of a bottle or with some prof support.
sending the love xxxxx
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Unregistered member
As long as it's not at the bottom of a lake - that I fell in and drowned - although this would be a breakthrough in a way . The prof help in this area in my experience ( some ) , is another kind of drowning , in the world of ' ' ' units a day ' , ' AA ' . ' therapeutic communities ' , and ' revolving door ' , falling off the wagon now and again to keep the whole thing rolling along . No one could call me cynical .
Maybe a dialectical approach would work ?
Thesis drink is bad in denial about it .
Antithesis drink is good can cut through ' dythemia ' ( not quite depression , more bad mood ) , health services in denial about this .
Synthesis drink in of itself is neutral . Don't let it become a habit . Always make sure you have a decent breakfast , don't start the day off with a can , and try not to fall in the lake .
Last activity on 27/10/2018 at 16:06
Joined in 2014
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I think I might call you cynical Ian, but funny too. xxxx
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I am undergoing therapy ( :
Last activity on 27/10/2018 at 16:06
Joined in 2014
17 comments posted | 12 in the Depression Forum
Lol, literally
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Last activity on 27/10/2018 at 16:06
Joined in 2014
17 comments posted | 12 in the Depression Forum
hi guys, I have emotionally unstable personality disorder. I am currently being assessed for DBT, dialectical behavioural therapy. I was told this could make me a 'new me'. Obvious reservations as how can therapy change your personality, which essentially what has to happen to feel better. If anyone has experienced this first hand or heard anything about it I would love to hear from you. Or if you share a similar disorder. Living with this disorder is becoming more unbearable but hope is a fickle thing. Look forward to hearing from you. xxx