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Last activity on 21/08/2024 at 13:54
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59 comments posted | 37 in the Muscles / Skeleton / Joints Forum
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Wow annicariad! That was a turn around! I also have osteoporosis so I have to have a calcium rich diet so I still eat dairy. I suppose I'm lazy and don't give enough thought to my diet except for keeping my weight stable after being on a weight reduction regime. So I'm probably giving myself more problems with my conditions.
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T. Clark

Unregistered member
Aglowlady, thanks for your comment. One thing that struck me on here is that everyone is posting about how bad they feel, but not what they are doing about it! It seems that, if a doctor says a person has to be drug dependant for the rest of their lives, they accept it as gospel. Most regular doctors don't even tell people (maybe they don't know) about diet and how it can change your life! If you ran your car on the wrong fuel, it simply breaks down, yet we all know that cows milk is to nourish baby cows, we are the only animals to continue drinking milk (and not even OUR species milk!) after being weened, so how can it be good for you? The dairy industry has long conned us into believing that milk is good for us, but calcium is found in many other foods, ones which do not compromise our immune systems. [This content has been moderated due to infringement of the Terms and Conditions of this site]
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Last activity on 20/08/2020 at 10:58
Joined in 2016
22 comments posted | 5 in the Muscles / Skeleton / Joints Forum
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I've also been following the Gluten free path of late, and would agree, it has certainly helped. My Hypothyroid condition was caused by an Autoimmune disease/dysfunction called Hashimoto's Thyroiditis- it is the cause of a lot of Hypothyroid conditions, and indicates that the immune system in one's body has been damaged through food intolerances, though I wasn't told any of this when I was first diagnosed in 2003-just told I needed to take Levothyroxine for the rest of my life, and I'd be symptom-free. I 've recently discovered that food intolerances are responsible for a lot of the inflammation we have in our bodies, which, of course, makes the pain from arthritic joints even more severe. As you say, though, most doctors simply prescribe painkillers over various sorts, rather than trying to help us to control the causes of inflammation. I didn't know about the bicarb/lemon thing, but I'll definitely give it a go, too.

Unregistered member
Aspirin 300mg plus high strength pure cod liver oil 1000mg taken simultaneously helps. THis may affect WArfarin level so try cautiously. I have multiple joint OA and pacemaker plus aortic valve replacement and with the help of paracetamol I manage very well.
NB: now only need to take about every 3/7.
Hope this helps.
Last activity on 30/03/2021 at 22:26
Joined in 2015
9 comments posted | 2 in the Muscles / Skeleton / Joints Forum
The constant pain is a killer, it just goes on 24/7 think I need to get my head transplanted onto a different body, fed up with the pain.

Last activity on 30/01/2023 at 07:14
Joined in 2016
1 comment posted | 1 in the Muscles / Skeleton / Joints Forum
I have been taking a high dosage turmeric pill two a day, and it has helped my feet and hands but sadly not my neck. By the way the turmeric pills took around two months for me to feel the results.
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Unregistered member
Hi Annicariad........It certainly helped to read your comments.... l also hate being dependent on medication so started the slice of lemon & hot water drink every morning. Find this has helped. Will try the Gluten free idea and will let you know how I get on. You certainly sound positive which I liked. Find not sitting too long and walking helps. I like to keep active. Not saying I have pain, I do, but don't want to give in yet awhile!!! Hoppie68
Last activity on 29/04/2021 at 18:37
Joined in 2015
4 comments posted | 1 in the Muscles / Skeleton / Joints Forum
i have arthritis, in back, hands, knees, neck and slightlly in feet. Was put on diclophenic which caused all kinds of problems to my stomach. Now I take joint ease (chemical free) pills and turmeric. I make an effort to do gym on a cross trainer as this is less harsh on knees and keep fit class (gentle exercies) once a week each. Have also cut down a lot on bread and sugars. Believe this has all helped as pain much less. Shall also try the lemon and hot water in mornings. Hope this helps. I dont do any pain killers now which has probably helpped my stomach also.
Last activity on 11/05/2020 at 14:33
Joined in 2015
10 comments posted | 7 in the Muscles / Skeleton / Joints Forum
To all of you who suffer with Osteoarthritis I have it in my Back,Neck and also my legs would just go from under me without any warning. I have tried all kind of meds. Went to see Doctor in the pain clinic and was put on a drug called Pylexia SR otherwise called Tapentadol . I started Tapentadol on 50g morn and night but now take 250g twice a day. They keep your pain at a manageable level butyour not in pain all day. To see what this drug is go to this.
Tapentadol: Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Warnings -

Unregistered member
My wife started feeling pain in her thumb joints approximately 4 years ago. After seeing many doctors and specialists, she was diagnosed with osteoarthritis. It spread aggressively to all of her fingers, ankles, toes, knees and lower back. She wore a fentanyl patch daily and supplemented that with narcotic pills and Aleve almost daily. Rainy, low pressure days became unbearable. I truly did not know what we were going to do as nothing worked and the situation was getting worse. Weekends were spent with her recuperating from her Mon - Fri work. She insisted on trying to keep a normal life - we could afford for her not to work. It was painful to watch her. Then, I started reading about stem cell therapy. Her doctors did not believe in it. An acquaintance described how stem cells worked well on his knee after years of pain. We made an appointment and selected the procedure. She had over 30 injections in various joints. Within two days the pain was gone - no patch and no pills. It is expensive, but we are convinced it works. At a minimum please look into the procedure. There are many clinics and doctors who are beginning to perform this "wonder" procedure. Good luck to all!!!!! We know what you are experiencing.
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I had a hip replacement 16 months ago due to osteoarthritis. I can honestly say it was the best decision I have ever made. Yes I was not looking forward to everything post op, but I am now 100% mobile and after not being able to walk any distances I now enjoy walking again and I've managed to lose 2.5 stones. Totally pain free and I've had lots of comments about how much happier I look - my face was obviously showing my pain. If you have any questions please ask!
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Good advisor
Last activity on 14/11/2024 at 09:36
Joined in 2016
13 comments posted | 3 in the Muscles / Skeleton / Joints Forum
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Hi I have osteoarthritus of the spine I suffer with a lot of pain in the spine and it affecting my legs from my hips to feet constantly throbbing and aching .Tried applying for pip told I wasn't entitled .Sick of the pain I am going through I use a stick as I can't walk properly as aches and pains