Muscles / Skeleton / Joints Forum

  •  4,388 members
  •  100 discussions

Start discussions in this group about the condition that affects you. Share your experience on your quality of life, the impact of treatments and practical tips with the community.

Patients Muscles / Skeleton / Joints

Medical fact sheet

Muscles / Skeleton / Joints

 Living with diseases affecting muscles, joints and-or skeleton

Life after spinal sugery

avatar Somya.P

 Living with diseases affecting muscles, joints and-or skeleton

Do you have cramp fasciculation syndrome?

avatar Somya.P

 Living with diseases affecting muscles, joints and-or skeleton

Pip for cramp fascination syndrome

avatar Gally63

 Living with diseases affecting muscles, joints and-or skeleton

Life after a joint replacement: Share your experiences and advice!

avatar ladybear1

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avatar Mrs E Larkin

I had a hip replacement 16 months ago due to osteoarthritis. I can honestly say it was the best decision I have ever made. Yes I was not looking forward to everything post op, but I am now 100% mobile and after not being able to walk any distances I now enjoy walking again and I've managed to lose 2.5 stones. Totally pain free and I've had lots of comments about how much happier I look - my face was obviously showing my pain. If you have any questions please ask! 

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 Living with diseases affecting muscles, joints and-or skeleton

Shout what really gets you angry!!!!

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 Living with diseases affecting muscles, joints and-or skeleton

CBD oil for arthritis

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avatar josie42

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 Living with diseases affecting muscles, joints and-or skeleton

Spinal stenosis

avatar Sonicbear

avatar Polina.K

 Living with diseases affecting muscles, joints and-or skeleton

Curvature of the spine- Back problems

avatar Cammy9

avatar Hippymum

avatar Faithkitty

 Living with diseases affecting muscles, joints and-or skeleton

Duloxetine for fibromyalgia

avatar Jhiggy64

avatar LizziB

 Living with diseases affecting muscles, joints and-or skeleton



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avatar LizziB

 Living with diseases affecting muscles, joints and-or skeleton

Osteoarthritis and pain

avatar Sickofpain

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avatar Courtney_J

 Living with diseases affecting muscles, joints and-or skeleton


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 Living with diseases affecting muscles, joints and-or skeleton

Osteoarthritis of the knee

avatar Courtney_J

avatar Sunshine5

avatar juliamac

 Living with diseases affecting muscles, joints and-or skeleton

Knee replacement

avatar Moonstone1

avatar Jennyh44

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 Living with diseases affecting muscles, joints and-or skeleton

Total hip replacement: Can you share any advice?


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avatar Courtney_J

avatar Pagma1

avatar Dodger99

avatar ladybear1

 Living with diseases affecting muscles, joints and-or skeleton

Having trouble getting my knee operation scheduled because of COVID-19

avatar Nanaclaire

avatar Tony65

avatar Courtney_J

 Living with diseases affecting muscles, joints and-or skeleton

Leg swelling

avatar Smudger

 Living with diseases affecting muscles, joints and-or skeleton

Photo testimonial: Years of diagnostic uncertainty facing Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

avatar Lisanna

avatar Beyondwords_uk

avatar JosephineO

 Living with diseases affecting muscles, joints and-or skeleton

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome: What's your story?

avatar Lisanna

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