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Unregistered member
Hi Debbie, IMHO I think you did the right thing to tell him. Best get it out now and if he thinks anything of you he'll accept you warts n all. If you waited to tell him he could of walked away and left you heart broken, where as now it won't hurt as much.
I hope everything works out well for you, and if he doesn't want to see you again, he wasn't good enough for you.
Stu xxx

Unregistered member
Thanks Stu for your thoughts on my dilemma. I'll let you know what happens.

Unregistered member
Good luck Deb's and I hope all goes well and you have found your happiness.

Unregistered member
hi im rob i suffer depression and find it hard to find a relationship what can i do

Unregistered member
@Rob, I'm on a few dating sites but I haven't had any luck but you just have to keep trying. I use Plenty of fish (POF) it's good and free. I've tried disabled dating sites without any success. I have found that some of these sites try to con you by making you sign up for months and it's difficult to stop them as they set up a DD at your bank. Also you get messages but there set up and not from real people just to get you to join.
One place is your local centres like mind where you'll meet people in the same boat as yourself.
Just keep trying, that's what I'm doing as I would love someone to share my life with and there's with me. Someone to laugh with and cry with and help be supportive of each other.

Unregistered member
Rob, first of all I'm Deb, hello. Stu has given you really good advice there. I'm sure you have read my initial comment at the start of this conversation. I'm also on Pof dating site, and yes u are gonna come across some time wasters and idiots. But stick at it, I had my date no 3 yesterday with the guy I met on line on Pof. And do u know what I like him and he appears to like me too. Its early days but we have to try and keep with the positive outlook. Stu and Rob just keep at it and let me know how things go.

Unregistered member
I hope you've found the right man Deb's, it's so good to have someone in your life, more so when you not feeling to good. I was very truthful on my profile, well I'm truthful all the time but I don't think it works that way, as soon as someone finds out your not 100% they pass me by. (I'm talking about my back problem not my depression). I think the women just look at me as some kind of help case which isn't true as I do everything for myself now. I did try something and put up the same picture and did a profile which I think a woman would like to hear on a different site, but never joined the site fully and the results are very surprising. There are some very good looking woman interested in me but I know if I say I suffer with a back problem and can't do the moonlight walk along the beech I'd never hear from them again. But I'm honest and don't like liers so unless they like me as I am I'll just be on my own until whenever, thing is I don't like being on my own so I don't know what I'll do if things get any worse.

Unregistered member
Hey Stu,
I have never even see a pic of you and can sense your a lovely, caring man and someone will be very lucky to have you in their life. People who dismiss you for back problem or me for bipolar aren't the right souls for us anyway. I don't know how things are gonna work out for me with this guy, I'm just taking everyday as it comes and see what happens. Seriously I really believe there souls that are meant to be together. Don't give up !

Unregistered member
Debs, I don't show my face as I think people have enough problems without seeing me, do you really want to have nightmares on top of everything else you have going on right now LOL.
And good advice taking it a day at a time, only thing I'd like to add is if things are not going the way you think they should, then get out as it will only get worse, trust me you can't change people. You need to find the right one from the start or it will never work, whether you have an illness or not at our age we can't change just to please someone else.
I was with someone 12 months ago, planning on living together but she had family problems and treated me really bad. I should of walk out then but I decided she need support, someone to be there for her only for her to dump me 2 months later and it hurt after everything I'd done for her. So make sure you find your true soul mates and if your not, part as friends then no one gets hurt.
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Last activity on 01/09/2022 at 20:51
Joined in 2015
187 comments posted | 122 in the Depression Forum
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What I have realized is if my mind is not sorted, how can I expect happiness as things have to be equal to work?
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Hi, I'm looking for a bit of advice. I met someone from a dating website on Wed for the first time. We had another date last night. I've been single for 7yrs, so yeah quite a while. Last night he picked up on me maybe being a bit anxious. He was aware that I don't work right now, so yeah I bit the bullet and mentioned my bipolar. His response was that he had already thought that I may have had some sort of issue,or that maybe I had a rough time with my last relationship. Have I mentioned stuff too soon ? He said last night my bipolar didn't bother him, but could see that I was worrying about what his thoughts were. Last night had been going really well, up until the above happened and then he asked me if I was ready to move on and have another relationship. I really like this guy and right now I'm a bit lost as to what I should do next.
Hope someone can give me some advice.
Love Deb