Patients Depression
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Sending positive vibes stay strong x
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Last activity on 30/11/2020 at 17:32
Joined in 2016
461 comments posted | 420 in the Depression Forum
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Good Advisor
Great to read that you are having a good day. That is the difficult thing about depression , no 2 days are the same. 2 steps forward ,3 steps back springs to mind.
It is hard not to beat yourself up trying to work out what has made you feel so bad/low in the split of a second. All you can do is try not to over think things and put it behind you at the first possible opportunity.
It is good to know that you are getting support from more than one angle.
Love, light and happiness Jessa. x

Unregistered member
Hi Jessa, my week not been good either, i had a fall in town on monday and i cried because of shock and well embrassment, a couple who were in there 70s helped me up! (pretty sure its normally other way around)
Then i have ups and downs all week, try and just take one day at a time . I understand about missing people who you love.
Take care you can always private message me on here if you like or even if you like fb me :) Thats your choose though :)

Unregistered member
Hi everyone, thanks for getting in touch!
I hope everyone has a better weekend, I'm sorry for those who had a bad week.
Haze24-Im sorry for what happened to you, i hope your feeling better now and have a lovely weekend. ive been to see a doctor and im trying to sort things out with them and for me. If you do wanna chat then please message me? you can send me your name for facebook and we can chat on there, i can reply quicker on there x
Thanks Jessa x

Unregistered member
I really want a better weekend, lol :) Ah glad your been to your docs, i seen my GP and psy team recently too, going to try me on a new drug which i have heard bad and good things, but i will try :)
Ok I shall Private message you on here my name on facebook :) One mo :)
Hazel :)

Unregistered member
Hi Hazel, sorry, i havent been on here for a while.
been busy sorting things out. well this week hasnt been that bad, hows you been ?
did you PM on here for your fb name?
Thanks Jessa
Last activity on 03/04/2020 at 01:29
Joined in 2016
18 comments posted | 7 in the Depression Forum
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Hello everyone I'm catwoman123 I also suffer from depression or (Bipolar Disorder). I want to help people like Jessa who are struggling with depression. I'm currently in remission and you will find in my book, which has been published, how I've coped with depression. My book Snappy but Happy [This content has been moderated due to infringement of the Terms and Conditions of this site]
I'm so glad I joined Carenity because I would like to help people who are suffering the same.
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l smart

Unregistered member
Hi Catwoman 123, welcome to the site :)
Last activity on 03/04/2020 at 01:29
Joined in 2016
18 comments posted | 7 in the Depression Forum
1 of their responses was helpful to members
Thanks for the welcome
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l smart

Unregistered member
Hi catwomen123, welcome to this site.
It has helped me to chat to people who understand what its like to have different illness's and such things.
Hope your okay and have a lovely weekend!
Jessa x
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Unregistered member
Hello everyone, hoping your all having a good week?
well mine could be better, I've started to keep a diary on how ive been feeling and well yesterday was horrible.
I had thoughts of suicide last night and my partner was so upset, he wouldn't let me go and kept cuddling me, i said sorry and i didn't mean it! we have been going through a tough time with multiple things.
Today i feel better, i miss my partner, hes working, trying to provide for me since ive been ill and been told to rest by the doctors for medical reasons.
Thanks for reading.Feel free to message me or comment.
Im happy to talk to others if they need help, i love to think if im helping just one person , i can make a difference.
Thanks Jessa x