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Where are you from? What help do you receive?
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Unregistered member
My husband and step son are the sufferers - my husband and I live in Scunthorpe and my step-son is currently in hospital in Doncaster, having been in various hospitals for the majority of the last 7 years. Some of he best care he received was in a private hospital in Blackburn funded by our health authority and in the Forensic Unit in Leeds. My husband gets no help whatsoever now, having been discharged because he could not conform to the 'latest initiative' presented to him by the community therapies team. If he crashes again, or I should say, when he crashes again, we will have to go the route of being admitted via A & E. He has suffered with his mental health for 50 years. He is on Duloxitine, prescribed by the GP as this was the drug he was on when discharged, but no one is reviewing it, so not happy with this at the moment.

Unregistered member
Excellent idea by the way @KellyJayne88

Unregistered member
I was on Duloxitine for Fybromyalgia. It contributed to me becoming Diabetic. Be careful he should be kept an eye on.

Unregistered member
Ps I'm from Canterbury Kent. I'm on Citalapram, Zomorph, Prgablin, Metformin, a trial injection.

Unregistered member
am from North East of Scotland am on Fluoxetine 40mg and recieve no other help. I was on a waiting list for shrink but that was 4 years ago and still waiting.

Unregistered member
Hiya I'm from Dover here in Kent I suffer from schizophrenia I have to see a mental health services every 5 months I'm on anti depression and anxiety medication

Unregistered member
Hello iam from essex and am now taking quetiapine and diazepam forbipolarand ptsd im still not sure my diagnosis is correct havnt really had muchmental health help until this year.. my doctor decided to just keep loading me up with tablets citalopram 60 mg daily and oxazepam 30 mg daily in the end i was a walking zombie with huge highs and lows my family hated the way i was i spent a whole year decreasing my meds to nothing it was terribly painfull i didnt realize it was the coming of the benzodiazapines that had causes all the suffering in jan i got rediagnosed and they said i had ptsd not bipolar they then put me back on diazepam after all of this someone told me diazepam was highly addictive so i gradually lowered it then in march i hit rock bottom and had a paranoid psycotic episode i totally lost it..... my daughter went to stay with her father not really good for her and i went informal into hospital there were no beds nhs so i went to priory in london.. it was an awfull time they took all my meds away and cold turkeyed me it was very painfull they then made me take risperidone for the hallucinations it had an adverse effect on me and gave me catatonia and restless leg syndrome i took myself out of the hospital and over this time and after had tried suicide 5 times the crisis home team referd me to a psyciatrist he changed all meds that day i had to stay with my family i feel so terrible i put them through hell...they thought i was making it up but the doctors explained that if i had been i would not be climbing the walls after so much sedations... my family now understand me better than they ever have i just feel ive wasted my life through not being helped for twenty years im now with a mental health team and am on a waiting list for trauma focused cbt if that dosent work they will try emdr apparently.l.have discovered that the mental health service is in crisis so how are they helping all the people with mental health issues its not a good situation for the sufferers or there families best wishes to everybody here i wish you all good mental health thankyou for your stories i appreciate them greatly in my time of need...
Good advisor
Last activity on 06/04/2021 at 02:35
Joined in 2015
24 comments posted | 2 in the Depression Forum
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Hello I'm Alan, living in the Highlands, on anti depressants for longer than I care to recall. Last year they finally added PTSD to my diagnosis and I got to see the psychologist. There is only one up here with an area larger than Belgium to cover. His solution to PTSD is to shut off the events in one part of my mind. In other words to do what has been breaking down to cause the problem. That was September last year. Haven't heard from him since. He said he wanted to see me every 3 months. Telling someone with PTSD to shut the thoughts off in one part of their mind is like someone complaining to a doctor.
"Doctor I can't walk." The doctor says,
"Of course you can't walk, your legs are broken."
"What should I do?"
"Stand up and walk around for a bit, and you'll be fine."
Another place people look to for help, the local CAB, is something of a problem. As soon as things get difficult they drop them. Suffering depression means you lack the motivation to do things. It is near impossible to maintain the pressure needed to keep the CAB on track. This is why my PIP application failed. Also why a friend has not been able to get the vehicle he had ordered, through his mobility payments.
There is a Support in Mind Scotland drop in centre in the village. I've been going to that for the last 14 months. That is the best help I have had. They are really good. Friends I have made there are a big help, we help, and look out for each other. The staff are great and very committed (or should be committed), Other's in this group have had similar and worse experiences with NHS provision.
The other thing that helps me is writing. It is something I can do to occupy the long, sleepless, hours that stops my mind spiralling in on itself. I would say I am only learning the craft at this stage, but it has taken on a life of its own. With some success in the publishing world.
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Making a conceited effort not to be cynical.

Unregistered member
Im from east Scotland and have been on Prozac for 20 years then two years on sertraline(horrible)im now back on my Prozac thank god. I am in the proses of changing doctor as was just left to do what ever as I wonted of them because they made me put on weight my doctor didn't agree said that's a small price to pay,(for you maybe.) But had she read my notes and listen to me she would know different.

Unregistered member
Hi I am Kirsty, I'm 25 from Rochdale I have recently been diagnosed with depression and I am currently taking Mitazapine, I have only been taking them for 17 days so they haven't quite started to work yet. I was on a different anti depressant tablet but due to taking an overdoes I stopped taking any medication for a while as I didn't trust to have them in the house. I have realised that medication is something I cant really live without even if I like to think otherwise. So I have decided to change the medication and start taking them again.
Every since being a little girl I have always had up and down moods, I cant remember a time when I didn't want to die. It wasn't until earlier on this year that I was diagnosed with depression and starting to get the help I need.
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Last activity on 24/09/2015 at 00:16
Joined in 2015
7 comments posted | 5 in the Depression Forum
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Hi there,
I think it would be interesting to have some insight into where each of us are from geographically and a look into what care/help people are receiving in regards to their mental health? I will keep updating the first post with peoples' responses so at a glance you can see who/where people are from, so if you have a question regarding anything specifically to services in that area it might highlight potential people who could help? What do you think?
I live in Leeds and I am on Anti-depressant medication (fluoxextine) as well as sleeping tablets Temazepam and I have been referred to see a Psychiatrist (I have an appointment on Monday 19th October).
What about you?