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- Talking therapies, have they worked for you?
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Talking therapies, have they worked for you?
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Unregistered member
I felt talking therapies were a waste of time. I have had too many tragic events happen in my life so the bad memories will always exist.

Unregistered member
Thank you dunrunin for your opinion and I wish you well for the future. I guess I am still searching for my answer and I hope you find yours too

Unregistered member
I had talking therapy, and after I was told I was making it all up, I turned to cutting myself. That's Tameside Mental Health team for ya!
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Last activity on 01/09/2022 at 20:51
Joined in 2015
187 comments posted | 122 in the Depression Forum
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Hi I'm Lee, from Hartlepool plus take no tablets and have complex PTSD combined with Military PTSD. For me I have been left 22 years untreated and had reports from combat stress sent to doctors only to be ignored.. But I have recovered 90% on my own. Good to meet you all. :)
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Unregistered member
i have depression, anxiety and a bunch of other problems. A lot of it I think comes from loneliness and isolation. It's probably my fault and I act the way that comes naturally to me. In my opinion, connection is the root of all this. Most people have a need to belong. I don't feel I belong anywhere .

Unregistered member
I have been to therapy a few times but decided to stop attending due to the fact that I felt that therapy was a complete waste of time and I didn't understand how talking to some stranger for an hour or so was supposed to help.

Unregistered member
Thanks for all the contributions. Has anyone got anything positive to say about talking therapy or even hypnotherapy as these are the areas I have read about and am tempted to try. I just don't want to feel even more vulnerable afterwards so I guess I am looking for some reassurance
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Last activity on 01/09/2022 at 20:51
Joined in 2015
187 comments posted | 122 in the Depression Forum
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I have found that if talking therapies don't Help, then You need to dig a little deeper into your individual trauma and look for that help followed by talking therapies Plus Mindfulness. Then you will lead the way. :)
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Last activity on 01/09/2022 at 20:51
Joined in 2015
187 comments posted | 122 in the Depression Forum
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Moonsense I feel you..;)
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Last activity on 08/06/2020 at 20:55
Joined in 2015
I have found talking therapies really useful, when you see a therapist you don't need to worry about hurting your loved ones when speaking what is on your mind.
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Unregistered member
I would like to gauge peoples opinions of talking therapies. Have you had any and how did they help, if indeed they did?
I first became aware of my depression at the age of 43 which was 3 years ago. I don't remember too much detail of my life during this period and the best way I have described this to people who have never suffered depression was it was like an out of body experience. After waiting for around 12 weeks I finally got to see a therapist on the NHS and we started a program of CBT. I so wanted some answers to why I was feeling the way I felt. At the beginning the therapy created more questions than answers and opened up a can of worms of emotions (some may say this is good as I had little or no emotion at this time) however I wasn't prepared for this buried information to be brought out. The biggest issue was the NHS only allocated me 10 sessions and after these sessions were completed I was left alone with some new coping techniques and identification of triggers but no therapist to lean on. Since this treatment I seem to have been on a merry go round of stabilizing and then sinking deeper into depression with now anxiety and lack of self esteem coming in as well. I can't help but feel a little lost with suppressed feelings awakened but no therapy to help me. I have now started to look into paying privately for therapy as I do believe in its benefits as a crutch to myself. I have also heard of the benefits of hypnotherapy to get into the deep sub-concious mind to unravel deep buried feelings. Have any of you tried hypnotherapy and if so did it work. In fact please feel free to discuss any alternative therapies that you have used to help with depression and rate their success as I want to turn to one again soon as I need the support of something other than drugs