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Seeing a Psychiatrist...or not
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Unregistered member
I think it depends on who initially prescribed your meds. If it was a psychiatrist them your GP is under their instruction. Don't worry, it may just be a five min appointment due to medical ranking.

Unregistered member
Thanks for your reply Janich. The appointments for an hour so it's a full assessment I think.

Unregistered member
I would say to take the risk and see a psychiatrist! I can tell you I have tried some antidepresants and as I told you on the other post now I am triying to go meds free, but I think is whorth the while to go to at least one appointment to get your meds changed and that might hep you. Our bodies get used to some medicines and after a while they don't work anymore, so it might be of good for you!!!

Unregistered member
Thank you for your replies aria :)

Unregistered member
@Niamh1 how are you doing? Haven't heard from you in a while...

Unregistered member
Hi Aria :)
I'm ok. Had a little wobble but sorting it. How are you? It's lovely sunshine here today. Makes a change in Scotland. Hope you are ok? x

Unregistered member
Hey Niamh! Good to know you are doing well and that you could enjoy the sun. I have been having a lot of ups and downs and can't sleep... I hate it, even with the pills they give me I can't sleep, I just feel numb all day.
How are you doing today??? x

Unregistered member
Hi Aria, :)
Och I'm Ok..ish. I hate being unwell and I hate being told I'm unwell when I didn't realise that I was unwell....if you get my drift. I understand the ups and downs....me too never ending. Can you do anything to help you sleep better?? No tv, no caffeine, relaxing music all that malarkey? Are you on sleeping tablets...I was but they only worked for a wee while.
Do you feel numb or are they side effect of pills?
I hope you are feeling a little better. Life can be a bastard. I'm sending you a hug and a cocktail. XxxxNiamh

Unregistered member
I hope you are feeling well today.

Unregistered member
Hello Niamh,
I hate being unwell too, and most when I am trying to take care of myself and out of nothing I start feeling bad. It is a pain in the ass trying to eat 'normal' and a bit of everything, I just can't, I have a lot of pain in my stomach, I know I caused it myself, but now that I am trying to be good and eating more it just burns all the time and there is no medicine that can help for the moment. I think that even though I take pills for sleeping this is why I can't sleep, or maybe I am just too stressed about wanting to sleep that I just don't manage to do so. THe numbness are side effects, I think, I hope, that is what the doc says, but some days I just feel everything passes as a big blure in front of my eyes and I am not even there... dunno, I am rambling a lot, it is one of those days I just can't stand the pain in my stomach, but well, I have to keep going!
Hope you are better Niamh, I send you a Mojito (my fav cocktail) and a hug :D
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Hi everybody, this is my first post. I'll try and keep it brief as poss. I was unwell 15 years ago and was sectioned twice. Diagnoses were constantly changing 'likely schizophrenia', psychotic episode, bipolar etc etc I do not have good memories of this period. I have over the last 10 years managed to complete a second degree and mostly stay in work. There have been a few ups and downs and difficult periods where I have had to take time off work, change jobs etc or stop work. I have had some major depressive episodes. I had a period last year where I became depressed and delusional/psychotic..this really scared me. I have not engaged or needed to engage with mental health services for the last 10 or so years and feel this has been the best way. However, I recently went to my GP to ask about changing my antidepressants (I came off all other meds myself) and she won't do it without me seeing a psychiatrist. I was so disappointed and am scared of getting caught up in mental health services again. Feels like things will just spiral our of my control if I do...but what happens if I don't. Sorry..it's consuming my thoughts. Thanks for any feedback. :)