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- I know everyone has to fill out the ESA forms!!!
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I know everyone has to fill out the ESA forms!!!
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Hello, I'm Deb and very pleased to meet you. The forms are a nightmare, whether its for Esa or Pip. Me personally I don't even attempt to fill them in myself. I go along with my carer to our local social work department and they have staff there who do these forms on a daily basis. That is my advice to you, if you can make an appointment, explain what it is for and let them do the hardwork.
Hope this helps a wee bit

Unregistered member
Why does it make us feel worse? I often wonder that too, but then I realised last time that we spend our life trying to live around the conditions and fears we have, and then we're forced by the questions in the form (or in my case the phone interview as I can't attend the office) to delve into our feelings and fears and it brings it all back up again. Personally it takes me about a week to settle back down again, during which I feel like a useless individual who isn't any better than a piece of muck on the sole of somebody's Jimmy Choo. GRRR!!
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Last activity on 02/03/2021 at 22:44
Joined in 2015
11 comments posted | 8 in the Depression Forum
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Thanks to Debbie77 and Charliegreeywolf for ur comments. Were i live i dont ave the options dat u ave Debs and i ave is citstzen advice dat do not know me r my conditions and on that score ive been up from a tribural twice witch it is terrifing to say the least but its not fair dat we ave to bear our souls to get the monie dat we deserve!!! Im not a person who bears my soul i keep it all in n tell no one!!! Ive been going to my same doc now for ova 20yrs and its only now dat i tell him some tings!!! trust is a big ting wit me!! So is there any way i cn et threw this with upsetting my self along the way??? Tanks again for the other comments i really appericate big time
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Cathrina Mc Andrew
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Last activity on 02/03/2021 at 22:44
Joined in 2015
11 comments posted | 8 in the Depression Forum
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Hi Charliegreywolf
Ur worth more than dat and dont ever let them people let u feel dat way ur not a piece of muck on some one esle shoes ur worth a hell of alot more. You look afta urself mate and take care x
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Cathrina Mc Andrew

Unregistered member
Hi Bean69,
Do you have welfare rights department you could contact ? If you do they can and will definitely help and assist. I do understand what you mean the system is wrong, we shouldn't be made to feel like liars, cos that is what it comes down to at the end of the day. I know its not fair, and obviously makes a mental health condition so much worse. Let us know how you are.

Unregistered member
Thanks for the comment Bean69. Hang in there yourself too. I was just wondering if you have a D.I.A.L branch near you? My mum found the lady very helpful here in Peterborough.
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Last activity on 02/03/2021 at 22:44
Joined in 2015
11 comments posted | 8 in the Depression Forum
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Hi Charliegrerywolf and Debbie tanks for ur help and understanding ill let u know ow it goes go for me abt my E.S.A ave appt wit citzen advice on tue morning and debbie im not sure if we ave want ur taliking abt but i will find out and tanks for ur help and Charlie ive never herd of D.I.A.L near me i live in N Ireland im frum near Enniskillen so i live in a really country area so i wudnt the same services dat u wud b able to get and now wit the cuts bks its worse again. U all take care my new friends n hope ur both keeping well.
Trina xxx
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Cathrina Mc Andrew

Unregistered member
Hi Trina,
That's good news you having an appointment with citizen advice. Please let us know how you get on.

Unregistered member
I'm at present sorting out PIP I was on DLA but now with all the changes I have to re-apply. I have found someone to help and they work for the local council so fingers crossed it all goes well and it's someone else that others may find to help them.
I get very anxious about these types of forms as a few years ago I was taken of benefits and was told I was fit for work (hahaha) well I appealed (and won) but I didn't get a penny to help while it was being sorted and it took 7 weeks before I got any money. I used to spend my days in the job centre on the phone for hours at a time.
Good luck everyone that has to sort these forms out and get help, start with Citizens Advice, they will no longer help you fill the forms in but will tell you who can help.
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Last activity on 02/03/2021 at 22:44
Joined in 2015
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Hi everyone
Yes Debbie will let u know ow i get on and so sori to hear Isitallworthit i know dat feeling to well, what i hate is we ave to go threw this every so often which i tink it's terrible wen we r gud honest people but fell like we ave to prove to the goverment of our illness just to get wat We r entililed to!!! I find dat sooo bloody unfair to put the gud decent people who r ill in the first place!! Well enough of my rant for today looking forward to hearing frum u all again n b in contact. Take care everyone
Trina xxxx
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Cathrina Mc Andrew
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Last activity on 02/03/2021 at 22:44
Joined in 2015
11 comments posted | 8 in the Depression Forum
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Everytime i get sent these forms i feel like ive to bear my soul to prove to them i cant work and getting v upset and get worked up and all my illness are in over drive and cant settle!! Wat do other people cope?