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- Frightened of psychosis returning.
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Frightened of psychosis returning.
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Unregistered member
Why does nobody answer. Am I in the wrong forum. Is this the wrong place. Should I not be asking these questions?

Unregistered member
Hi Niamh
I don't have much experience with what you are asking, I have other dissorders, but at least for me I know that the doctor told me not to leave the medication even if I felt sleepy all the time. After months of begging he is now leting me leave it gradually so it doesn't affect me that much and he says that I have to have a strict routine of excersice and sleep, eating etc so I don't relaps or need the meds anymore. I have depression, and I know it is not the same, but maybe this can help you.
Don't feel alone and don't stress about it, cause the more you stress, the more I think you can have an episode. I have met some people that have psycothic episodes and one told me once that as in other conditions, he had things that triggerd it sometimes, like big amounts of stress or not sleeping... so maybe you can have that too, you can identify your triggers.
I hope I help and please don't feel alone, I know it is shit to have so much going on...

Unregistered member
Thank you Aria :)
It is pretty shit you are right....and you are right about stress too.
Im just having a moment...quite a long one :0. I just wish they were some answers but I'm not sure there are. Makes it much harder...the unknown.
I appreciate you dropping by.
Take Care

Unregistered member
How are you going Niamh???
How was the weekend??? Is everything going better??? I didn't have a good weekend. I had a huge fight with my parents about my eating disorders again, eventhough I think I am going pretty well... pfff anyways I spent almost all my wknd locked up in my room... I sometimes really feel no one understands me :(

Unregistered member
You are on the right site/forum. I suspect the reason nobody has answered is a) someone who is or has gone through what you are, hasn't seen your post, or, b) those reading it, may not feel they have the experience or knowledge to help by answering.
But what I do know is that by joining here, admitting to it and opening up helps the beginning of help/treatment.
Bottling up emotions and feelings is not a healthy way to live.
Can you remember when and why you started getting these 'Psychotic' episodes?

Unregistered member
Sorry to read you had a huge fight with your parents and ended up 'locked' in you room all weekend. With my experience and current and current exposure to people with all sorts of 'mental illnesses', I'm beginning to firmly believe the medical world and majority of Professionals, whom haven't experienced the 'mental' turmoil have no clue to how sufferers feel.
Aria. Hopefully there will be people on here who will understand you.
What you need is someone who will listen to you with out pre-judging or prejudice towards you.

Unregistered member
Hey Aria, things so so thanks. Not sure really.
As Freedom says maybe people on here will have more understanding. Though I bet your folks are just worried about you. Why do you think they don't understand? I don't have much experience of eating disorders but sounds tough. Is there a group on here?I'm happy to give you a virtual hug if you're feeling low. :)
What would you have been doing if you'd not argued with your folks..would you have been out and about?
Hows things now?
Niamh x

Unregistered member
Hey Freedom.
Thanks for your reply. It feels less lonely being more open about things and when people are happy yo chat without judgement. I have some ideas why the psychotic episodes started but Im not certain. Maybe there is no meaning in it....I don't know....it worries me. It does feel quite a step coming on here so I'm glad about that.
Thanks. Niamh

Unregistered member
I'm scared of the damn vapours and colours coming out of some people.

Unregistered member
In face they can go feck themselves. Come near me and it will be the last thing they do.
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Unregistered member
I wondered what people thought about managing psychotic episodes without medication? Or also would people take medication continually if the psychotic episodes had been years apart? I guess I'm a little frightened about the potential return of symptoms but felt so awful on meds that it didn't seem like an option. Now I wonder if I'd stayed on antipsychotics might the last episode not have happened. I've also started to become really anxious about it returning. Just feel a bit lonely with it all and wanted some opinions. Thank you to anyone who takes the time to answer. X