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Depression, anxiety and bi-polar
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Last activity on 24/11/2020 at 00:04
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216 comments posted | 198 in the Depression Forum
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Hi Lexilou, I have been struggling with depression and anxiety since my childhood, so you're not alone, you're question about bi-polar, there are lots of people here with bi-polar, I myself have not been diagnosed with bi-polar, however I have diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder, and ADHD which has very similar manifestations, I can't really comment on treatment, or recommend anything since I'm not myself bi-polar, however was treated for many years for symptoms similar to, with antipsychotic drugs, I myself found old fashioned drugs like Promazine (Phenothiazines) the most helpful in quelling symptoms, but also found it made me zombie like & submissive, and found it quite addicting despite doctors suggesting it's non addictive.
If you suspect you may be bi-polar or have some kind of mental health condition, you need to visit your GP, be very honest about your symptoms, and be referred to a Specialist/Psychiatrist who is trained in the diagnosis of these conditions, just because you feel this is what you may have, you could be wrong, so do not even try to self medicate without specialist help, and diagnosis, being diagnosed is not a quick process so be prepared for a long wait, in the mean time join some local mental health support/self help groups, and peer support groups, they can be very helpful in helping to manage your routine and behaviours, and any trained staff at those groups may have more insight, many of mine over the years suggested their diagnosis beliefs, and what I could/should do next.
you say about very rapid ups and downs, I understand perfectly, and being this rapid, I'm afraid from personal experience (I'm no expert), it doesn't sound like bi-polar, as usually the manic phase of bi-polar lasts much longer, this is where people become mistaken, but it definitely sounds like it may be worth you seeing a Psychiatrist for evaluation, good luck, and I hope you get some answers and the help you need :)
Stumpy. x
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Last activity on 10/10/2024 at 19:09
Joined in 2017
8 comments posted | 7 in the Depression Forum
the therapist I see when i thought I was bi polar said 'sometimes it's better not to put a label on it'
in saying that I know how you feel because my moods are up and down all the time and I was convinced I had bi polar, but the therapist said I don't fit the bill for someone who does have it, and I can be quite erratic at times, so I think it is quite a difficult diagnosis.
I would say look at your diet, alcohol and caffeine for sure have massive effects, stop drinking them if you do, and try practising mindfulness on a daily basis, it took me a while for the penny to drop with doing it but it definitely makes a difference to my wellbeing (I think ?, I still get anxiety pretty bad at times)
good of luck I hope we all get peace of mind, that's all any of us actually want

Unregistered member
Thank you Paul2501 & Stumpydavies. Peace of mind is definitely the goal, I'm actually joining a meditation group next week, hopefully that will help.
Ive been researching and don't believe I have bi polar. On a good day, I convince myself all is ok, but it's not, so mindfulness is something I'm interested in massively.
Thank you for taking the time to reply x
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Last activity on 30/11/2020 at 17:32
Joined in 2016
461 comments posted | 420 in the Depression Forum
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I completely agree with Paul and I do believe that 'labeling' is something that is now being avoided by Mental Health. There are so many symptoms to put everyone in the same box.
Taking care of yourself really is the way forward.
Eating well, exercising, establishing a routine etc.
In my experience the most important thing is to take time out for 'you'; no matter how small.
Accept that it is ok to admit that you aren't feeling 100%; No one is happy 24/7.
Don't be hard on yourself; be gentle as you are the most important person here.
Adopt a 2 steps forward, 3 steps back approach .
Be patient. There are no quick fixes for mental illness but believe that you will get to a better place, it just takes time.
If you are having periods of stress /anxiety/ lows then relax and concentrate on your breathing ; i still do this and it really does work.
Talk, talk and talk some more; this is one of the best tools with the added bonus that it is 'Free'
This group is the ideal place to do that, as you are never judged only ever supported by people who have first hand experience. The causes for our 'issues/illness may differ but believe me the emotions/thoughts etc are the same.
You need to learn to accept yourself for 'you' . You under estimate just how loved, cherished and wanted you are when you feel low/anxious. In these dark times, logic flies out of the window; relax within yourself.
Always here to walk with you on your journey ;as are a lot of other 'friends' on here.
Keep posting .
Little by little, day by day.
Gentle Hugs,
Julie xx
Last activity on 10/10/2024 at 19:09
Joined in 2017
8 comments posted | 7 in the Depression Forum
My mental health has been shocking at times, I am 40 years old now and I have struggled with it for most of my life, I was in the army for 8 years and I think that has not helped me, I took a turn for the worst last year, I cannot tell you how bad the anxiety was, I was getting into work but I was an absolute mess, I started isolating at home and not wanting to go to the gym or anything, it completely consumed me, OCD was off the scale, checking everything, worrying about contamination, the therapist lady I see was telling me 'they are only thoughts, they are not reality' but my head was overriding everything she was telling me, I literally thought I was going mad, my case got put forward to see a psychiatrist but this has been pushed back to remain in therapy, I feel a bit let down tbh, if they could see the effect this has on all the areas of my life, I am going to speak to the doctor next week about it.
I just find the relentless of life a struggle at times, I don't drink now because that just makes everything one hundred times worse but it is my anxiety that would take me back to drink it is a vicious circle. I hope I get better soon, I am literally exhausted by it.
I do mindfulness everyday, it took 3 months of therapy before I even did it, I wasn't buying into it, I thought it was bullshit, but it does help, it gives you the space to look at things that may have panic'ed or upset you, in a more rational manner. We humans are susceptible to being 'hijacked' by our thoughts and spend a lot of time in autopilot, mindfulness is supposed to give you the headspace to not get hijacked as much (I am no expert this is just stuff I've learnt from therapy), there is a website www.headspace.com which you may find of use.
take care of 'yourself'
Paul x

Unregistered member
Hi I'm new to all this and only just admitted to myself and others I am struggling with depression and anxiety. I think in all honesty I have suffered on and off for a long long time but never wanted to admit it. Lots of things affect me but mainly work and the fact my husbands ex has just got back in touch with him and although hasn't admitted it out right is still in love with him and just won't leave him alone?

Unregistered member
Hi I'm new here,iv suffered with anxiety and depression for 20 + years, I have weeks where I can't face anyone or anything, I order meal shakes just in case I can't go to the shop,then I have days where I can go shopping, only in asda so I can self serve myself cos I don't want to talk to the cashier about products I've bought or anything for that matter,I isolate myself a lot because I've stopped drinking alcohol, because doctors said that's why I'm I'm depressed, for months dry and I'm still depressed 90%of the time, I'm on all sorts of tablets which I'm unsure are worth taking, think positive they say,but when I'm my lowest I can't function nor think positive, sorry if iv gone on a bit, I'm just fed up
Last activity on 13/08/2024 at 18:10
Joined in 2017
1 comment posted | 1 in the Depression Forum
Hi everyone, My name is Billy and i have bipolar and anxiety.
I am new to this forum but have found all of your comments very helpful.
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Last activity on 30/11/2020 at 17:32
Joined in 2016
461 comments posted | 420 in the Depression Forum
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Hi Billy and welcome. This really is the ideal group to join, not just for support but also to realize that you are not alone in what you may be going through. My advice is to interact regularly as talking /opening up really is the best way forward.
We are all here to support and encourage each other.
Be gentle on yourself always.
Little by little ,day by day.
Julie x
Last activity on 15/07/2019 at 16:25
Joined in 2016
4 comments posted | 4 in the Depression Forum
Hi there. I can completely relate to wot u r saying. Hang in there x
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Unregistered member
hi there
I am new on here, so hi!
ive been struggling with depression and anxiety for some years.
my question is I think I may be bi-polar. Has anyone else been diagnosed? What sort of treatment do you have? How do you manage it? Do I just say to my doctor, who is great, 'I think I may be bi-polar'?
i have a husband and two young girls and just can't seem to allow myself happiness! I'm so up and down and have deep depression. But then the next day I'm through the roof! It's so hard to talk to anyone about as no one really understands!
i appreciate I'm waffling on. But any advice or experiences would be great.
thank you in advance x