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Depression a Danger to others??
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Unregistered member
I'd say that there was more than just depression wrong with this guy. I'm no expert but I've been in a right state and hurting others would never have come into it. Media ignorance is par for the course with all mentalhealth issues.

Unregistered member
The media is stigmatising depression for a story. It makes me mad too. It's dangerous to align what he has done with mental illness. Dangerous and incorrect. The guardian had a piece about doctor telling people not to stigmatise depression because of how the media are portraying this story.....ABSOLUTELY right.....interestingly in another paper.....this is the title of an article (in the 'Mirror' yesterday).....I mean REALLY....'Post-natal depression made me stab my man and attack him with a hammer'. Says it all. Mental illness doesn't equal violence. FACT.

Unregistered member
Hi everyone!
Really interesting question. I am actually quite a fan of conspiracy theories and I always think that behind weird stuff like this is a governmental stuff hidden which they try to hide with a really 'stupid' story in which they balme a poor inocent, or not that much, and make a big fuzz about it just to cover the truth that maybe there was someone important on the plane they wanted to eliminate. Dunno, but it sound really weird everything that they are saying and I feel it doesn't fit...
And of course everything they are saying about depression being the source I mean come on!

Unregistered member
I came across a news report from a German reporter on the weekend which I sort of suspected at the time, but made my eyes open when I read it. It seems to have been blocked out by all media, but the reporter called it France's 9/11 ?!?!? and it had nothing to do with Depression / 'Mental' health. Sick notes could be a cover.

Unregistered member
See!!! They are hidding sth I know!

Unregistered member
I have had Depression for ten years. As far as I am concerned people with Depression need support and medication to help them on the right track. I as a person would not want to kill someone else . people that kill are not in the right frame of mind. Mental Health Issues in this country need to be addressed. More help from Mental Health Services is desperately needed in the UK. I had severe Clinical Depression after my children. Had the support been more available I would of got better sooner. Services in the UK can be very selfish.
People in general are selfish. I think that's why the world Is in the state that is. You can't even defend yourself anymore without getting attacked. People should help one another and not leave people alone to try to cope. When you have Depression your in a dark place. You don't realise people are trying to help. Everyone has some problems in life whether it be Smoking or drinking or severe Depression Its how you turn out well in the end. Be thankful to everyone is one lesson I have learned. Never take life for granted.

Unregistered member
Look after your friends and they will look after you.

Unregistered member
Have lots of support from friends and family.

Unregistered member
I felt confused when I was in my deepest Depression. Lonely frightened and unhappy. Never in a moment would I have wanted to kill anyone. People do get on my nerves sometimes and people can be rude unkind and miserable but I would never kill anyone. You would have to be really sick to do that. I have never wanted to take my own life let alone anybody else's life.

Unregistered member
My opinion is that the NHS needs re organising. Staff needs sorting out. We need staff in the right departments coping with different issues. We are only human after all. We are not miracle workers. I think more discipline is needed not just for the patients but for the workers to.
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Unregistered member
Dear forum members. To those of you whom are well enough to be aware of whats going on in the world outside and those of you who may have read the latest news on Andreas Lubitz, I'd like to ask you a question.
Have you ever felt, or do you feel like harming others, to the point of taking their lives, when at the point of your deepest Depression ???
I'm disgusted that the media have taken this tiny piece of evidence and turned it into another means to tarnish the worlds misundestanding of Depression.
I for one firmly know and believe, my Employers were well aware of my Depression. I would categorically say that most or any decent Employer would know if one of their employees was suffering with Depression (or one of the many words/phrases) the Medical world are now beginning to label it.
I for one at my lowest point would never have thought of harming anyone else, let alone killing them. I certainly wouldn't have been capable of co-Piloting (if I could fly) a plane. Most days I hardly felt like getting out of bed.
This fiction the media are peddling is seriously beginning to make me angry. I certainly wouldn't have torn up any sick-note. I was so desperate for help I turned to most 'therapies' for help. I dont think I would have dismissed a 'sick-day' and then raced off to go fly a plane !!!! :-s
What do the rest of you sufferers think???