Patients Depression
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Last activity on 03/04/2016 at 01:26
Joined in 2016
Hi Jessa, I have depression and anxiety, I too am finding it hard to cope since being discharged from hospital, the anxiety is getting me more and more and I find it hard to cope, I'm worried by just about anything but I am listening to some peaceful music which is helping me at the moment, maybe listening to some tunes that you like might do the same. As half an hour passes I think "Well that's me got through that" and I just focus on getting through each part of the day, whether it be in half hours or ten minutes. Sorry I've not been much help but I hope music can take up some part of your day to get through it.

Unregistered member
Hello, I think that's a great idea. I'm making a playlist on my phone of only songs which make me happy and that tends to help slightly. I've also found an app on my phone called 'Headspace' which is a meditation tool. I normally turn up my noise at the idea of meditation but for me, this worked brilliantly at just calming me down and making me feel slightly more free. There are free sessions and then it asks you to pay, I didn't pay any money. I just used the free sessions, and I love them.
I hope that's okay and you find new ways to keep you upbeat x
Last activity on 23/10/2021 at 19:09
Joined in 2016
I like colouring in books you can download some off internet for free, i like audio-books and pod- casts too and the radio.
Nice to meet you all , good luck .

Unregistered member
Thankyou everyone, you've all been so kind!
I will try all of them and keep people up to date on what helps me.
I hope you all feel good for helping someone else who knows exactly what your going through!
jessa x

Unregistered member
Hello there Jessa,.
I suffer with a list as long as my arm which all involves Anxiety&Depression. Finding coping strategy's is probably the best thing anyone can do with a anxiety issue or Depression. In all honesty for me it's probably why i am still here and not gone insane. My situation is hard to cope with as i am sure it is for other people who suffer with a Anxiety disorder.
I have to go through a rigorous routine daily and nightly of strategy's to combat my issues. Music is probably top of the list. i do not just enjoy it but i mix it. always had a joy for Djn. and i have the tools to do it. so i do that often plus if you enjoy gaming? and i mean any forms of gaming even them fun games on Facebook can pass the time away! most importantly.. If your feeling anxious it will focus your mind away from the Anxiety attacking you.
Another great strategy is Talking to someone who is around you, could be a friend,partner,family member. It all helps and does work. even having a good natter on the phone to someone you know. also Chatting on skype or whatsapp for me it does help..
Another Good strategy i have found is having a Pet. I got myself a Cat 7 months ago and have to say she is helping me allot! really does take away that loneliness and isolation.
I would love to chat with everyone that has issues with Any forms of Anxiety or Depression as i do believe we can add something to each other that can help us all even if it is in small doses. It does help!

Unregistered member
Hi reeceyb,
Thankyou for your comment. i have found that talking and listening to music does help me. I play games on my ipad anyway. i wish i could have pets in my house but sadly my landlord doesn't allow them :(.
Me and my partner have made up a game while we are out and about to help with my anxiety and honestly that does help me, may seem mad to others but it helps.
Im glad you have a way of coping with things, its never easy...
Hope your better soon and thanks for the comment!
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Last activity on 09/12/2020 at 21:16
Joined in 2016
82 comments posted | 55 in the Depression Forum
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I have been using Meditation since the mid 70's. There has been an explosion in interest in Mindfulness in recent years. This is because there is solid scientific evidence for its effectiveness. There is a group that are into providing MP3's of Guided Meditations. It is called The Free Mindfulness Project. It is well worth giving their stuff a try. This site doesn't seem to like links but you can copy the url below and paste it into your browser.
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In the darkest night the sun may seem like an extinguished match or an ember drowned by rain.
Last activity on 28/12/2022 at 18:59
Joined in 2016
1 comment posted | 1 in the Depression Forum
Hi Guys,
My name is Hibbz and I have been diagnosed with Depression since I was 19, I am now 33 (and feeling it to be honest). I am a british muslim (the peaceful loving kind, not the the type u hear on tv). Been married since 2013. Work for a NHS Hospital in Hertfordshire working as an Inpatient Administrator for the elderly ward.Worked for them for over 2 years, spent a year and a bit on temporary contract before being made permanent. And although I use to love working long hours. And I work long hours to help my other half with the rent/bill. But I am now at a point where I am struggling to enjoy anything. I think its because I pictured my life to be adequate enough to be happy about. But now i look at my life presently and have tried to change the way i think or do things to get out of this rut that im struggling with. And no matter how much I persuade my other half to change jobs change his hours change his routine to help me. Nothing seems to be working. I hate working long hours but I do it to keep busy and out of my depression episodes.. Even though I only work 37.5 hours a day, it just feels like my life is wasting a way each week. I use to work evenings and weekends too but i use to get exhausted and my other half felt like my weekends were for me to recover and rest up so he requested that I stop working weekends. Which I completely understand he looks out for me, worries for my health. But he works 40 odd hours a week barely get to spend any time together. so that adds to my depression too. He can't take the weekends off to spend time with me because his work employer says weekends are their busiest times. And I can't take thursday / friday off (these are his 2 days off) because I work monday to friday. I'm sat alone often at the rented flat everyday. My friends don't normally have time for me, probably once or twice a month maybe we'l see one another, because they are busy with other stuff. Dont really want to be sat with my family 24/7 because of their constant negativity bitterness criticism about other people. I hate it. so i hide away in my flat. I don't like it. I use to be a busy person i loved being productive and always had something going on to keep my hours full. But now its like my life is not existant non-fulfilling. I stopped going out, because I don't like going out on my own as it makes me even more depressed alone.
Everything I use to enjoy now becomes a constant battle to try and enjoy again (if that makes sense) all i ever seem to do is watch tv and i regret it afterwards because i think to myself i have wasted the day doing nothing productive?And end up over analysing and overthinking. I started going gym,try best to go at least 3 times a week but struggle to even get out my front door nowadays which is unlike me. I find it easier if I go out to gym/or errands or etc straight after work. Because If i come home and then go out I am highly likely not going to be able to get myself out the front door. I also try healthy eating but I sink back lower and go back to eating junk food, comfort eating i guess.
Sorry for rambling on, but I am at my wits end as to what I can do to get my self out of this negativity behaviour?
Can anyone help?
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Last activity on 30/11/2020 at 17:32
Joined in 2016
461 comments posted | 420 in the Depression Forum
1 of their responses was helpful to members
Good Advisor
Hi Hibbz, Sorry to read that you are in a rut. I understand how hard it is to motivate yourself to be productive when you have returned from work. Can you + your partner not arrange "date nights/times"? You don't have to always go out, do something fun at home. Go out together when you are both home, just don't stay out too late if one of you has work the following day.
Do you like reading?
How about volunteering ?
I work with people with various disabilities. I am also a club leader for the above 1 evening a week. Volunteers are always welcome. I was starting to feel better after going through the worst 3 years of my life due to depression + when someone asked me to consider doing the leader role I was worried as it was outside my comfort zone. It is the best thing that I have ever done for myself.
It also made me realize that my life is pretty good compared to what some people have to live with. The service users are amazing and I feel so lucky to be in their company.
In my low days straight after work I would walk my dog or just go for a walk because I knew that I wouldn't do it if I sat down!! Write a list of things that you enjoy doing . Tick them off as you do them.
Email friends or this site; it is easier to write to a stranger than chat face to face sometimes.
Only you can make those changes needed in your life. Make a huge effort ,hard and tiring as it appears.
Go for walks together, join organizations. Go for picnics.
It is the simple things in life that will get you through these hollow moments.
You are not alone in your thoughts but if you can muster some enthusiasm you will get to where you need to be.
Good luck. x

Unregistered member
mindfulness is a great way to destress and can help anxiety alot search it :) its kinda like meditating im always here if u need a chat p
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Hi Everyone,
Ive been having a hard time with coping just recently, i need to find new coping methods, my ones dont seem to work anymore.
Can anyone help ?