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Patients Depression
Counselling/therapy, medication, real, not real, helpful, not helpful
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I guess this is not the right place to post. :(

Unregistered member
if you feel like this is helping u, then keep going there is no harm, it can only help, do what u feel is best and not what u hear regarding ways that will help u, its sounds like these sessions where helping u, so my sdvice is to book one again and carry on...:) good luck and keep us posted.

Unregistered member
thanks for your time @louise40

Unregistered member
hey i have plenty of time for people, i really care for people that are struggling like me and worse because it ruins ur life and id love a world in which no one suffered from these illnesss,keep strong and keep working on what u are doing good luck, im struggling and feel as low as a fox at the minute but u have to keep going and trying.....although its very hard!:)

Unregistered member
Hi Cloudatlas
My eldest son had Depression and went to counselling for many weeks. He has completely turned his life around. He embraced it and all it could do for him and found the common sense it offered to be really helpful. I thing every one should go on their own experiences as for everyone it helps there will be another it does not. My husband for instance, also a depression sufferer, has never been helped by therapy, but having had it for 50 years, he thinks it will be a waste of time before he goes to it, so never embraces it or tries any of the coping skills it tries to teach him. If you had a rapport with the therapist, this is valuable as this is what happened with my son. I would certainly recommend staying with it if you feel it helps, and never mind what others say, that was their reality, this is yours!
Good advisor
Last activity on 14/05/2020 at 12:51
Joined in 2015
8 comments posted | 2 in the Depression Forum
Good Advisor
both my husband and I have joined a support group in our local community , we still have good days & bad but have come to realise there are other people with problems much worse than our own . My husband previously had several sessions with a counsellor on his own & felt great while there but as soon as he left the problems came back . He has really opened up , as have I in our group . But he now cares about and thinks about other members in the group which helps him put his problems into perspective .
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Crazy cat lady

Unregistered member
I would like to find a support group locally too TraceyC. Is this one organised through the NHS or one of the charities, or an independent one please?

Unregistered member
Thanks so much for your words @Suncatcher2015 and @TraceyC . I did go back though the last session was really hard and I felt awful and really stupid. Like I expected too much and I was stupid to expect that things might get easier. However, whilst i didn't say this at the time to the counsellor I then got an email from her saying that she was aware I was struggling in the session and that this was normal and that she welcomed me talking about this in the next session and she suggested I send her an email before I go of things that I feel are important. She made me feel ok about it again. She said she wants to go at my pace. I am so grateful to her and feel surprised that someone is showing such interest. I'm a bit worried that this is some kind of set up. I know that sounds stupid. But I don't know why I see that. Like I know something isn't right. Does this make sense. It feels too intense and that I might make things worse. I don't know. Im not sure I know how to live anymore. How you do it.

Unregistered member
Fecking shit shit shit shit shit. I'm angry. Angry about it all. all of it.

Unregistered member
There are so many variables I don't know where to begin. Yes it's ok that I see the corner of things. The joins like bits of bodies. I didn't ask for it ever and I wouldn't start asking for that. Too many people too many mouths All the fucking time. i tried to sort it out But I didn't ever. I don't care anymore.
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I went to see this counsellor for 6 sessions, she was so nice and said she saw potential and thought she could do further work as the sessions were due to finish but she said that she thought I could do with more sessions to process things. Things that are not in my conscious grasp at the moment but are starting to show up. She said we should talk further and look at things that have happened. Things that I might and might not be aware of as yet. She made me feel so normal and like there was hope. I want to see her again and I want things to change and I will see her again as she is the only person that made me feel this and that I felt safe with. However, I have heard lots of different things about therapy if you have had psychosis...and am unsure whether this is good or bad or indifferent. I have a real urge to go back just because I really like her. I'm not sure though whether I should be doing this though. There is so much going on....symptoms worse, symptoms better. I'm not sure.