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Patients Depression
Are you alone too?
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Unregistered member
Hi I hope you can take this and see some light. We are surrounded by millions of ppl but when you suffer from depression its like someone put a blanket over you. It changes who we are, what we do and how. This changes the way ppl see us and react to us. Sitting alone seems the only way to go. But getting up and doing something for yourself, finding something that you liked to do and do it. I found that running helps. I have my music and the open road ppl see me and after a while notice me go by ever other day about the same time. But most of all I don't have as much time to think.
I am not saying go running I am say find that thing you like to do and push yourself to do it ever day.
Be proud of yourself when you achieve even a small goal.
I hope this helps.

Unregistered member
Thank you for replying.
I try to draw (art is my life) but lately I just can't. And what with Bowie leaving us, it's just harder to leave my room and do stuff, go to class, etc.
I'll get there eventually. Hopefully.
thank you again

Unregistered member
Please force yourself to go to one class. To draw one picture. The first step is the hardest really. But once on the path your on your way.

Unregistered member
I already go to 90% of my classes. I feel worse afterwards, but I go. Mostly because a friend makes me feel bad for not going, even though they know about my mental illnesses.
Everything just feels pointless, I'm so sick of it. I try to do the things I loved to do, but as soon as I start feeling better, someone or something messes it up.
I don't feel valued and I'm sure I'm a burden on most people.
How do I stop feeling useless? I've tried doing things and it's making me worse.

Unregistered member
You are not useless. No matter how bad things get you are not useless. Each of us is put on this plant for something. No one is useless.
No matter how small a thing you do be proud of what you do. It would be nice to see some of your art work.

Unregistered member
hey i know exactly how you feel hun, I see you like art have you tried them adult colouring in books they might be able to help you get back into art and maybe listen to some Bowie whilst doing so?
Just an idea but i don't know how useful it will be aha, you can pull threw this alone feeling its horrible but i believe in you that you can :) x

Unregistered member
P.S love how you have Zombieboy as your DP he's awesome <3!x
Last activity on 29/06/2022 at 07:38
Joined in 2015
Hi, I'm new to this!! I suffer with depression and feel alone. Sometimes infact a lot, I just don't want to be in this world and feel it would be better if I died! The only thing stopping me is family and friends. So I carry on suffering. I know there are people Lot worse of but it doesn't help how I feel. So many people suffer with this and it's so cruel and exhausting.I wish we could go back to a more simple life, community and a more caring world.

Unregistered member
Hi Miracle,
I understand completely how you feel, a lot of us on here have been or are going through what you are dealing with now. You mentioned friends and family, that's good, a support network close to you. Do you have a good gp, or any other medical professional ? Its very important that you do. I always say and whole heartily believe, no bad time lasts forever, I speak from experience. Please keep talking and never be afraid to ask for help. And last but not least, your never on your own sweetheart.

Unregistered member
i have come back to england in hope of help but have found it extremely hard i cant cope although i have my family around me i feel im a burden to them they dont understand my fears and how lonely i am i get no help from the government as i havent been bak long enuff and i have to rely on my kids for money which i cant do anymore i feel isolated and just really useless wats life all about really i cant do it no more years and years i have suffered now im tired and worn out
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Unregistered member
Just wanted to talk to some people that also have depression, but won't try to make themselves seem so much worse off. I just want to talk to someone. Anyone. I don't want to feel this way forever, and I don't want to just sit and wait til I die.
Maybe just say a little about yourself, what you like, etc.
I know this discussion isn't much but I have nowhere else.