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Why can't I just be happy?
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Unregistered member
Your story really moved me. I really think it is a corageous to tell you story and to see that even though the ups and down you haven't gave up. I suffer from deression and I can tell you that I get yu, it is not easy to wake up every day even though ou have loved ones that others might see as a good enough reason to keep going, but the problem is way deep inside. For a long time I didn't feel worthy of anything nor did wanted to get up in the morning and be productive. But the thing that made me change was to start loving myself. I watched movies and series all the time and saw the people soo happy and succesfull there and wondered why I couldn't be like them and I started anaizing what were they doing to be so happy and the bottom line in all those 'cheesy' movies is that the ingredient is hidden in self acceptance and love even the rest of the world thinks you are different. It wasn't easy but now I am happy of being who I am and I don't give a rats ass what others think of me and you can't believe it but it has made ohers to respect me cause they see I respect myself, as I saw in a move "If you know and act like you deserve something, people are more than willingly to give it to you".
So I just invite you to do an intrsopection and apply the mantra 'I don't give a shit' haha to your life, or 'I am awesome'. I repeat that to myself everyday and it has helped me to gain confidence and now I even have a job I love and try to focuse on doing things that make me happy.
I really hope you get to see how special you are and that you deserve to be happy.
Wish you the best

Unregistered member
Dear Kezzy. I’m so sorry, that really is tragic that you’ve had to suffer for so long in silence about your bullying. Sorry you never had any friends, that must have been so lonely for you. What were you bullied for/about? Do you know? Mt daughter was bullied for a short time in school and I know other friends of my daughter who were bullied.
THis is very brave and courageous of you to write this and admit it in public. THis is the first step of your recovery.
Kezzy – its NOT YOUR FAULT !! NO you Don’t deserve it. Cutting is a silent cry for help. Did you ever have a good teacher that was supportive of you? Youre not stupid and youre not a bitch.
Actually you are loved. You said yourself, your family loves you. And there is One who Loves you more than your family. He knows more about you than anyone. Ignore your so called ‘boyfreind’. Hes just that – a BOY. He’s angry because he didn’t get his selfish way with you.
Kezzy. To me, its seems you are lacking a shortage of Love, affection, affirmation and attention. Don’t label yourself with a medical condition that is not true.
I have several good Dr/GP friends and one of them gets annoyed at what he calls ‘self-guessing laymen’ who look up symptoms on the internet.
You are NOT a stupid failure. You have a lot to offer people. Don’t mix with the wrong crowd.
Find someone who really care for you, will accept you as you are, will listen to you without judgement or ridicule
Why do you feel like this??
Simply because …… you feel UN-LOVED, Un –appreciated and Un-wanted.
Seek out true Love. Cry out, ask Love “where are you?” ask Him to reveal Himself to you.

Unregistered member
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Last activity on 09/12/2015 at 20:14
Joined in 2015
1 comment posted | 1 in the Depression Forum
Hello, I am new to this and have never spoken to anyone properly about how I feel, but slowly things are just getting to me that I find myself crying myself to sleep almost every night. I am constantly feeling down and alone and whenever I go out my heart races and I start to feel sick and scared and just race to get back to my flat.
I'm a new student at University and am 18, and it's my first time ever living and being away from home. I have been bullied for 14 years so have never really had friends.
One year the bullying got so bad that I was chased down the street by a gang who wanted me dead, and as a result I found myself hiding in a pub toilet. Due to never having any friends, I never left my house. My mum and dad along with my little sister are my only friends, which is great I suppose, until you move halfway across the country from them for uni :(
Starting from the age of 12-13 after dealing with bullying for so long, I started getting these thoughts of "Maybe it's all my fault? Maybe I'm asking for it and deserve it?". I then got to the stage of Cutting myself and tried committing suicide about 9 times, but I was never strong enough to end my life, so cutting was as far as I could go. Then I started abusing myself verbally and physically, calling myself a stupid bitch that no one likes or loves, hitting my head against the walls until I would feel dizzy and sick. I could never tell my parents about this, it would break their hearts, and I couldn't have that burden on them!
I then got a new boyfriend when I started Sixth Form age 15-16, but then he tried pressuring me into having sex which I refused and kept pushing him away until I could run back into the school. I was terrified but I couldn't tell anyone. Then he ended the relationship through Facebook messenger saying he deserved a better woman and that i was nothing but a pathetic child who wouldn't even have sex with her own boyfriend. I felt disgusted by everything he was saying. I had not long turned 16, and I would never EVER think of losing my virginity at that age, especially after being in a relationship for no more than 3 weeks :/ But at the same time, my heart shattered. I thought he loved me. I though I found someone who cared and that I could confide in without breaking my parents hearts. He hurt me so much I resorted to cutting myself again.
Then, in my final year of Sixth Form aged 17, someone new walked into my life. He was so perfect and loving, a true gentlemen. i loved him so much, and I still do. I was able to confide in him about everything, including self harm and suicidal thoughts. He helped me stop cutting and gave me hope again. But then I had to make the big move to Uni, miles and miles away from everyone I knew and loved. He told me it would be okay, because I'll be working to a brighter future and the three years will fly by.
When I moved to Uni in September 2014 I was so scared and lonely, I broke down and just wanted to go back home. At 18 (current age), I can't cook or even look after myself properly. I just wanted to give up on my future right then and there. I didn't see no point. I started cutting again after just under a year of stopping. When I told my (now) Fiancé, it broke him. I let him down so much, but I just wanted to die so badly. My flatmates were bullying me, I had no friends in class, I was completely alone on the other side of the country with only phone calls and Skype to contact anyone, but that's not the same as a physical hug.
I promised him I would never do it again, but to this day I still find myself crying to sleep and having bad dreams and hallucinations at night. I struggle sleeping and from chronic pains in my stomach which Doctors believe is Kidney Stones, but Idon't get results back until 9th of Feb, and even then the Doctor said I might need an operation. I'm terrified. And every time I start to feel even the slightest bit happy, something always happens to rip it away from me again. I still have that urge to cut myself, to relieve the emotional pain inside my head.
I spoke to a Psychiatrist before about this and they said they will get back to me, but it's been two years and I haven't heard a thing back. I decided to start looking into things and found that I share so many symptoms (pretty much every single one) of Bipolar Disorder. I have the major highs for absolutely no reason and feel so amazing that I've had people ask if I've taken drugs (which I never have). I feel over-confident like I'm better than everyone else in my class and receive amazing grades. My thoughts race and I can never stick to just one task, i get easily distracted and talk so fast that my family ask if I breath out of my ears (which I find rather funny).
But then I hit rock bottom. I feel low, useless and pathetic. I look at my grades and am 100% certain they aren't good enough and that I am nothing but a stupid failure. I feel like I'm letting everyone down. I fight my suicidal thoughts so much and have to put away every single sharp object in my room and fight off the need to self harm. I get so angry and irritated easily and take it out on those around me. I've lost interest in the things I once loved and even sit here thinking "why am I even at uni? I'll never get my dream job! I'm wasting my time as well as everybody else's!"
Ever since I first spoke to someone about how I felt, I never did it again after that. They just left me! When I really needed them! I've never been formally diagnosed by a Doctor but I'm pretty sure that these arguments I have with myself and the fight to stop myself from doing anything stupid isn't right!! All I want is to be happy. Why can't I just be happy? :(
I'm so sorry that this is long winded, but I've been holding so much in for so many years. In fact, this is the shorter version :/ I just needed someone to talk to. I just needed to get this off my chest without hurting anyone I love.
Why do I feel like this? :'(