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Why bad spells and good spells?
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Unregistered member
Hi Cassie,
You aren't alone. I've averaged out that I have 2 'meltdowns' every year. Sometimes once a year if I'm lucky. My most recent one was 7 weeks ago and I'm still riding this one out hence joining this community and forum today in hope that I'm able to seek help and advice from others in my situation.
How long do your low's last and have you ever been treated for them with medication or therapy?
Last activity on 27/06/2020 at 14:33
Joined in 2014
16 comments posted | 8 in the Depression Forum
Hey Reilly 85,
Lows vary in length. Once again no pattern, no reason. Think the panick attacks frightened me the most in my last low. Never happened before. Have done anti depressives before. Made me really paranoid. Which made me feel worse.
When my last low n panick attacks hit, I tried a alternative therapy. Homeopathic/kinesiology/raki. It worked for me.Doctors just give meds here (Ireland) & no offer of counselling or anything. When lived in UK at least I was referred to counselling. Which helps to talk somtimes.
Have you worked a pattern or reason to your episodes?
Hope you are in a good place at the moment
Last activity on 03/06/2020 at 20:35
Joined in 2015
4 comments posted | 1 in the Depression Forum
It doesn't take much to knock me.. Triggers are every where when I in a low spell.. I always try to make the most of good spells.. I see the difference in my families faces when they realise I'm well.. At the moment iv been knocked back and have financial worries and now im over sensitive to anything that I feel is negative..
i live with bad spells and good all the time.. It's. Not nice..
Last activity on 27/06/2020 at 14:33
Joined in 2014
16 comments posted | 8 in the Depression Forum
Hey jo,
Financial worries is one of my biggest triggers too. But I over think things. Everything always works out.
I try and not let my family know im low. Especially my children. But its tough when the tears come.
Hope you're in a good spell now. If not itll be coming soon.
Chin up
Cassie x

Unregistered member
Hi ,
Just wanted you to know, your not alone, i sometimes have anxiety and panic attacks but never bad ones they pass quickly, seem to happen at night, well they used too, but they never lasted long.
well on friday this week i had one and so bad i thought i was dying of a heart attack, i was crying and trying to breath i was on my own, so i went into a dentist and said was going on, they said ring my doc i did, no one aviable so the receptionist said call 999, so i did. That was so scary, espically when they said they were blue lighting. Anyways i was bad when they came but they were so understanding and awesome. My blood sugar was low that was partly why i was feell so crap.
I am under so much stress, i think my body is like struggling to cope.
Dealing with it use some apps which are free about breathing deep, yoga etc or dance to make you feel happy for abit, distraction so music, walking, paint names etc etc anything to try and help you calm better. watch a fav dvd :D

Unregistered member
Ermm pass, because i think our bodies have no idea what to do lol. I think alot has to do with life events that day, so on a good day, well i class a good day as not wanting to kill myself, a bad day is when i cry and just feel so so alone and dont want to be alive anymore .
Life is hard but normally with right support you can get though, just ride it out.
Last activity on 27/06/2020 at 14:33
Joined in 2014
16 comments posted | 8 in the Depression Forum
Hey Haze,
Your panic attack sounded horrific, hope you've come round after. My 16 year old daughter gets them that bad too. Over the smallest things. Very scary. We talk about it, so i think it helps. Unless you have had a panic attack, you cant understand.
Negative thoughts are awful. Wishing i was dead most of the time. we have had 2 suicides in my family and one very recent attempt. So I wouldnt put my family through another one xxx.
Day by day is how I cope. Good days bad days. Im in the middle at the moment, kinda numb. Better than bad than I suppose!
Stress never helps anyway. And my brain stresses over the smallest things.
I hope you have support xxx
Head high and try and think positive, I know easier said than done xx

Unregistered member
thank you, sorry to hear about your family struggles. Well before i was born a relative of my mums killed themselves. Thing is like you said i could never do it to my friends or family, even if i wrote a detailed note they would always wonder why and blame themselves. So i keep going for them and i remeber how important life is eg i think of people with cancer who give anything for more life, difficult to remeber.
At the moment no i dont really get proper support but i get some supprt i guess thats better than no support
Last activity on 27/06/2020 at 14:33
Joined in 2014
16 comments posted | 8 in the Depression Forum
Hey Hazel, How's your weekend going? The sun is shining today, always helps!
Glad you get some support, as u said def better than none.
It horrible when you actually understand why they commit suicide or attempt. Tried a few times when I was younger. Remember waking up thinking "Great im still here". When you're in that mind set you dont care who you hurt and you think no-one cares anyway....sure whos gonna miss me. Horrible.
I have 2 children now and they keep me going. My fear is they will suffer from depression too. My daughter showed signs last summer. Didnt want to go anywhere, meet her friends etc. I notice and got her someone to talk to. It def helped her. I just have to keep an eye on her, she talks to me which is great. Not sure my son will be as open if he's feeling low. Scary when its in the family, just another thing for my brain to over think!
Hope this fines you well, and youre in a good place today x

Unregistered member
hi well, my weekend started great, had a good friend come over for a take away on friday night, she brought me some things to cheer me up as well shes an awesome friend one of my best friends.
Saturday was awesome too, I was helping in a charity shop in morning then meet a friend in afternoon she dyed my hair red, then i went to a gig :D Really happy.
Then today started ok had a small headache, i been getting them alot due to stress, well on tuesday night i went a and e it was so bad got some meds. WEll today it came back still have it now :( Been drinking lots of water etc and taking meds but nope. So back to A and E and gave stronger meds.
The thing is though as you say of course your worry about your kids thats normal, i am 24 and my parents always worry about me and my younger sister and brother, (sometimes too much worry) as my sister is Autistic so my parents very over protective.
Anyways you having the mental health problems just mean that you know signs to look for like you did with your daughter :)
Also hopefully make it easier to talk about mental health in general :)
How was your weekend?
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Last activity on 27/06/2020 at 14:33
Joined in 2014
16 comments posted | 8 in the Depression Forum
I am having a good spell at the moment. This time last year i was at rock bottom. Depression plus a new addition of panic attacks. There is no pattern. No reason. Just one minute fine and then, bang, for no reason a bad spell.
Is it just me or does this happen to others too? There can be years between my spells...