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I am new to this so I am nervous writing on this. Anyhow its seems like a good group to share thoughts and tips. Ok here it goes, I am 38 years old, and was abused sexually by a lot of people. I received files from Health services who knew about the abuse and done nothing to help, 800 pages of files were sent out to me and the rest of them I cannot see as the are damaging to my mental health and would do me more harm by looking at them. I am in counselling the last year and suffer from horrid nightmares and flashbacks. I cant seem to get rid of the nightmares. I know they will never go away but I would just like to have one night sleep with out them. So yes after all that rambling on, can anyone give me a few tips on how to even try to get a good nights sleep?

Unregistered member
Hello smokiepee,
Thank you for sharing your story with us. It takes a lot of courage! Of course there are things to do in order to fall asleep, but if you have terrible nightmares I am not sure how it will work. First of all, there are medications to help you fall asleep or help you relax. Some people also find it helpful to do relaxation techniques, which you may be able to get from your GP or maybe a physiotherapist. I am brainstorming here, since I am no specialist. But what about yoga? It is known to give your mind clarity. Maybe that could give you some relief from all the thoughts you have.
I found this article on nightmares and how it might be relieved. You can have a look at it and see if there is something that sounds appealing to you.
I really hope you find a way to have a good nights sleep. If you feel like it, please keep us posted on how it turns out!
All the best,

Unregistered member
Dear All,
I am happy I am here first of all, the place I think people might understand you without judging you, I used to harm myself from childhood, when I got to teenage age started attempt suicide, then it became habit till now, never like to live specially after I left Iran, I am 44 and I have a lovely daughter 24! my life was very complicated!
2010 I hospitalised after committed suicide in London and from then my life has changed to night mare! it was nervous broke down and I couldn't find myself after, I have been in depression tablets for ages, just recently my GP said it seems I am bipolar! NHS in UK is rubbish in term of mental health, I haven't diagnosed completely neither assessments! I am just more confused and now I used substances as well, hate life

Unregistered member
Hello Fariba,
I am happy that you feel that you have found a place where you can talk freely and be understood by others, instead of being met by judgement. Thank you very much for sharing your story with us. I really hope that your GP will follow up after his "half diagnosis" that you might be bipolar, so you can get some clarification and some focused treatment - and not least feel less confused!
Please feel free to keep us posted on your situation.
All the best,
Last activity on 08/02/2016 at 15:49
Joined in 2014
1 comment posted | 1 in the Depression Forum
Hey guys,
I am 16 years old and it's normal for me to go for months disinterested and indifferent, seeing grey and considering suicide .
My parents are stressed enough dealing with my older brothers, so I've always sucked it up and tried my hardest, but there are days where I have great difficulty just getting out of bed to go to school. I am unsure if I can continue this way for long, I can't go to a psychiatrist as I am under 18, but I don't want to tell my parents. I would be so grateful for any advice at all, I am not suicidal because I wouldn't do that to my family and friends, but I really don't know what to do.

Unregistered member
I joined this after finding it by accident. I have been suffering from bi-polar "symtoms" as my GP refers to it, and depression for many years. I've been able to hide it from most people as best as I can, but after a mass meltdown recently (resulting in isolating myself from the outside world) I've been advised to start again on anti-depressants. I start psychotherapy on Thursday but am anxious at what the session will entail. I am finding each day a struggle and have spent most of today sleeping or crying. All day I have I hate myself for feeling this way especially when there are so many other people in the world in worst situations. I feel selfish and weak that I'm not able to control this (whatever it is!) Think I can safely say today has been a bad day!
Last activity on 12/10/2024 at 21:55
Joined in 2014
hi im new here so I don't really know where to start.i suffer with general anxiety disorder,social anxiety and agoraphobia.as I said I don't know where to start but that will come in time
Last activity on 27/10/2018 at 16:06
Joined in 2014
17 comments posted | 12 in the Depression Forum
Hi, i suffer from borderline personality disorder and associated symptoms, depression, anxiety etc. but the worst is the mental torment. I cannot cope. I have suffered secretly all my life but had a complete nbreakd 5 yrs ago and have not been able to get back up again. My depression was under control until earlier this year when I retreated to bed for 7 months. The mental torment and tortured emotions and feelings are overwhelming. I know I am close to suicide but have two young boys, 7 and 10. They have kept me going but I now , selfishly, have had enough of existing in such pain for other people. Guilt and shame is terrible. I don't know how to stop the madness in my head and it is just getting worse. I am being assessed for DBT but have no hope. I know this makes me a bad person. Self-hatred rules my life and always has since a young child.
Vic x
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Last activity on 28/04/2018 at 16:53
Joined in 2015
Hi all,this is my first post,my problem is I have constant anxiety,from i was 35 years old,i'm now 60,I also have a med phobia.witch means I panic when I take medication,especially antidepressants,as years ago I tried a few and had very bad side effects,I am getting no help off my GP because I won't take meds,I have agoraphobia too,so I can't go out on my own,as I get lightheaded,and jelly legs.I want to go out shopping,for clothes,and go on holidays,but my body just won't do it..I am depressed over all of this.nobody really understands,and I spend most of my days at home,praying,hoping for a answer to all my problems.mayby someone on here could help me..
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Unregistered member
miarose and if you try step by step? like just one day steping outside your door for a few minutes and then next week two steps further and waiting there... I dunno they are ideas, it breaks my heart to hear that you want to get out but just can't at the same time. :(
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Hello everyone,
In this group you can share your thoughts on your condition and get advice from other patients. It can be anything from how to cope with your condition, family life or work. And most of all getting support from other people who understand what you are going through.
Please don't be shy to share your story here.
All the best,