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- Trying to find an explanation for 'irrational' 'out of context' emotional responses.
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Trying to find an explanation for 'irrational' 'out of context' emotional responses.
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Unregistered member
That is a very profound observation! There is a school of thought that subscribes to a ‘Collective Consciousness’ – a term used by certain scientists to describe the practice of humans, and animals, sharing behaviours and ideas with each other telepathically.
It is the same sort of thing as going to the phone to ring a friend just as it rings and it is that self-same friend on the other end – ‘I was just about to ring you ‘ we say, and put it down to coincidence.
Those that practice alternative or complementary therapies will talk about a place having good or bad ‘energy’ and often believe it is a sort of universal energy that they tap into when performing their therapies. It may sound like mumbo jumbo to those that don’t follow this route, but might be another branch of what I think you may be tapping into.
Look also at Geopathic Stress, stress caused to a building or place by the things that have either happened there or by things like power stations nearby.
I am not saying this is definitely it, but look at the full Daily Mail article on Collective Consciousness here:
There is loads on the internet about Geopathic Stress, but this is a fairly easy to follow link without too much New Age stuff thrown in :)
I don’t know if either of these things, or maybe a combination of them or something different but along these lines, is causing you to ‘feel’ the pain of others more acutely, to feel on a deeper level as you describe it.
I am not sure what I believe in all this, but I like to read, research and generally gain facts about all sorts of random things. This is one I have read quite a bit about, so just wonder if it might fill in some blanks for you.

Unregistered member
Having worked with a Dr.AMDavie since 1991, till he died in 2006, on cause and effect within the Earth's EMF, i understand geopathic stress as more to do with unstable levels of energy in the Earth's EMF, caused by the interference pattern of the frequencies of light as it arrives from the sun and is reflected off the moon. Am not sure about levels of energy left by events but have had some possible experiences of such. I am convinced from my own research that everything is infinite including each individual intelligence cyclically manifesting - demanifesting on harmonics of a 270.5515486yr cycle
I think I remembered, circa August 1999, things that happened to me in February 1729.

Unregistered member
We were involved in treating people with Hodgkins and getting them rehoused because of the proximity of pylons and more

Unregistered member
When I said I was 'starting to think' it has been something I have been considering and researching for quite some time but was trying to make it a bit less categorical and open to question.

Unregistered member

Unregistered member
Ha, I see I was preaching to the converted! How interesting to be involved in such work.

Unregistered member
yes but i currently have no outlet for my energy knowledge and understanding after some changes in my life that started after DrDavie died, managed to get myself to Edin Uni after 2 yrs college to get highers maths n physics but uni was a diff kettle of fish, not nice at all, so i lasted the 1st year and then had a breakdown :-( still not recovered fully and trying to re establish doing gardens in edinburgh.

Unregistered member
Doing gardens in Edinburgh? What, actually gardening, or something to do with the energy work?

Unregistered member

Unregistered member
The energy work is an on going thing in every aspect of my life and interaction but with no financial aspect.
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Unregistered member
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