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Unregistered member
I've just joined this site as I feel so lost. I left my faith about 6 months ago and then my Mum and Grandfather got sick.
I've just been experiencing a break-up and feel so alone.
Do you think much about the correlation between spirituality and depression? I want to go back to thinking about God but I'm struggling to have the energy to function without my other half.

Unregistered member
Felicity. Sorry to read you're feeling so lost. What do you mean by 'lost'? Sorry to read that your mum and grand-dad became sick.
Correlation between spirituality and depression? Absolutely. Jesus, taught/warned more about Hell than Heaven. The west has become more dependent upon 'self' and science for our answers to life than anything else. God/Jesus have been rejected even at Christmas, Easter. Although these were originally pagan rituals/times in Brittania, they had become the bedrock of Christian Celebration times.
Jesus spoke/warned about Satan, who comes to Kill, Steal and destroy, but 'I' have come to give you life and life in abundance. What does satan want to kill, steal and destroy? Firstly our belief in a Heavenly Father and His Son who calls us friend. In Daniel and Revelation it talks about Satan and his army (third of the angels in Heaven) who were cast down to earth, because they thought they were greater than God. But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short." Rev 1212
he wants to kill our lives, our health, relationships, money, desire, dreams.
Jesus' arguments were were with Religious and Legal 'experts' and those who were against Him.
"You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies...." John 8:44
and as the Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Ephesis (Turkey) "for our battle is not against flesh and blood (humans), but but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. (Satan and his army of demons) Ephesians 6:12
Therefore, what does depression have to do with Life and Life in Abundance? To be filled with Life, we need to be filled with the Life that God, Jesus wants us to have. We can only have that life when we repent of our sins, and give our life to Jesus.
Jesus said "I have to go to be with my Father so I can send the Helper/Councellor?Holy Spirit....
You may have 'left your faith', but God, Jesus will NEVER leave you. For He has more thoughts towards you (Loves you more) than there are grains of sand in the sea - Psalm 139.
Don Basham - was a world renowned expert on Spirituality and Deliverance.
Ask the Prince of Peace to come into your life again and fill you with His Spirit.
Grace, Peace, & Mercy.

Unregistered member
I guess by "lost" I mean not sure what I believe, and not sure what is real.
I left my faith about 6 months ago and now I am trying to figure out what I want. It is very interesting to think of a link between spirituality and depression. It makes sense that a Christian would find purpose in life but this may be hard with a different world view.
I'm finally trying to figure out what I think but this depression is very hard to deal with and part of me thinks there may be some people not wanting me to feel good at all, namely Satan and his kindgom.

Unregistered member
Yes, Depression can be very hard to deal with. I've had very many hard years. Some good days, weeks and months. Then out of the blue I would crash and burn, for what seemed no reason.
I have started describing my Steps to Freedom on this site. It did seem to come in steps. Ive done a lot of searching for Freedom from it.
There were definte steps to healing.
I don't find purpose in Life, I find purpose in Jesus. As he taught "I AM the Way, The Truth and The Life"..........( John 14:6 )
Satan (and his millions of fallen angels) know what our Achilles Heels are and he will attack us there. One of my weak spots is my work. Being self-employed, if I cant get work for a while, my spirits will crash and I feel useless and not very good at my job. But a good dose of Bible reading, watching TBN on freeview or listening to UCB or singing along with CD's and my Spirits are soaring again within minutes.
I hope you find your way soon, F
see this video of one of my friends who nearly died of M.E.
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So many people suffering with Depression, anxiety, fear, etc say they are living in a black hole, or living with the Black Dog. They fight 'demons' or hear voices in their head.
Some of you may find this video VERY interesting. Derek Prince is no flaky weirdo. He was an Eton (Greek and Latin) Scholar. His talk in Singapore - Casting DOWN Strongholds!
(Derek Prince was born in India of British parents and was educated at Eton College and King's College, Cambridge. He was a scholar of Greek and Latin, although at Cambridge. He took Philosophy, specialising in logic and studying under Ludwig Wittgenstein. His MA dissertation title was The Evolution of Plato's Method of Definition, and won him a fellowship at the age of just 24.
Under the influence of vice-chancellor Charles Raven, Prince refused to bear arms in World War II, and instead joined the Royal Army Medical Corps. He was posted toScarborough for training, and while in the Army Barracks he started to read the Bible. As a consequence, in July 1941 he had what he described as a supernatural experience a meeting with Jesus.)