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Hello David,
I'm new here too. Welcome :)
Have you been diagnosed with any form of anger problems that cause this? I'm the same, in terms of how quickly my mood flips.
There will be people who won't always understand exactly what we go through or how it is we're feeling. My partner also says things like "what have I done wrong?" etc. When truth is we just need them to talk too, not blaming them for anything but it's just how we are as of right now.
My advice to you is to write more often, as cheesy as that sounds it helps. When I began writing whether it be on some form of blog/website or even just in a handbook kind of journal it allows me to have an outlet, to get my mood out in the open without storing it inside of me. I prefer a journal because it won't judge me for what I say to it, it won't question or complain. It'll listen. When you feel your anger approaching (even if it's just irritable) try standing outside in the fresh air. Listening to something soothing, whether it be the rain or sounds of a beach or even just calming music. It'll help your mind state. It's hard at first but it takes time. I'm not saying it'll take away the issues you have etc but it'll help you be able to control it or even cope with it.
I hope I helped somehow? If you feel you want to talk to someone or need to, message me.

Unregistered member
Thank you so much for messaging back some really good tips . AN yh doctors say it's stuff that I've held in for years from bad childhood up to no. People don't no how to act around me incase my mood changes. I would love to be a nice person but because I've been like this for years but I feel like this is me now my personality and I kind of like acting a bit cold hearted because comments or compliments bounce off you if that makes sence
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Last activity on 19/01/2023 at 00:05
Joined in 2016
67 comments posted | 35 in the Depression Forum
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Hi David,
I too another Newbie here, but I totally get where you are coming from, I have never been able to journal myself, I think its for me I felt that no one was really listening, and that's is part of my issue, always feeling like I am talking to myself, I too went through a phase of share anger and frustration, and it was start from nothing.
Like Saysay said , writing really does help, and the music thing does too, I couldn't do calming music I found it irritating, but I found pumped up powerful music helped, anything that breaks the pattern, and strange as it sounds, chewing gum, it is a well known fact that we lose our appetite when we are stressed or angry, this is due to the fight or flight response kicking in, if we chew gum it confuses the brain in to thinking that the danger is over and it calms you (my son taught me this), it will also close out the negative self talk that can often exacerbate issues.
Its a journey and you have taken a massive step and you should be really proud of yourself, it is not an easy thing to do, but it is important for you to realise we are all currently doing the best we can with the resources we have available, I hope being here not only encourages you; but also gives you resources that well help you change the behaviours that you no longer wish to do.
Because you are more than your behaviours, you are a living breathing miracle, who is stronger than you realise.
best wishes
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Stormy by Day Stormy by Night
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Last activity on 01/09/2022 at 20:51
Joined in 2015
187 comments posted | 122 in the Depression Forum
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My names david I'm 25 an I feel like I am drowning it's hard to breath everyday my anger is always on boiling point?
Do we Know we have a choice if we stood up and fecked everything to do with anger and change the people and Scenarios we get ourselves in? Also did we cause the anger we feel the right to fight against and people look at us strange?
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Last activity on 18/02/2021 at 22:11
Joined in 2016
Hi I'm new here, I am not diagnosed as depressed by my doctor at this time, because I haven't been to them, but I have been diagnosed in the past . I went through a good few years of problems at home and at work , to much to go through right now, but now I feel everything has gone downhill, I always feel like I'm on an upword struggle and I feel so tired of it all, as one thing after another comes and flaws me every time I feel I'm just scraping by. Every time I try to help myself I keep hitting a brick wall, I am stressed out big time with money issues, living issues and my health is suffering , I have always been slim but I have gone down two dress sizes in the past couple of years, I think I have insomnia as I cannot sleep , when I'm a sleep I cannot wake up. I have some lovely friends but they have their own different problems, so I don't really talk to anyone a bout me. I would love to hear from anyone who has related so far to my post for further conversations ,
Thanks for reading .

Unregistered member
Hi thank you for all the advice it's going to help alot. Money is a problem for me. It's like come on god I need a bit of a break here lol . I do have trouble sleeping cause my brain is like arrrgghh most of the time. I do suffer alot from sleep paralysis which is there scariest thing I've ever felt an sometimes I don't want to go back to sleep cause I can get it 3 times in a night.

Unregistered member
Hello knighthawk, I'm new here too.. I've suffered from depression on & off all of my life, I'm 52 now & I to feel as though I'm on a big downward spiral. Lots of negative things have happened in my life, lots of positive to but can't seem to find them when I feel like this, like you I feel I'm scraping by, exiting not living. I've hit that brick wall so many time in my life I now feel it is my best friend!!I wish I could help you. The only thing I can suggest is to go back to your doctor & tell him/her everything, try to see a councillor, c b t is good, it helped me in the past. Don't give up. I don't know where I'm going from here, all I know is that the path of my life has been taken out of my hands by this horrible disease & that I have to follow its every move. I wish you well & I hope you find the help you need.
Best Wishes
Last activity on 02/04/2024 at 18:19
Joined in 2016
Hello l am new here too. I suffer with depression and anxiety which has got worse over the years l am nearly 60. Some of the things helps me is classical music it cuts noise out and it is like a friend. I like to walk in open spaces and listen to the birds watch the seasons change but can not walk to far. We are all told distraction is good but it is hard especially if you are having a bad day but just try little bits at a time. But if people are suffering you must go back to your doctor you are just important as the next person he has a duty of care towards you.
Good luck.
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Unregistered member
Right this is another thing that's like fukin with my head. Been with my partner over a year now an she knew I had a son from the beginning an I just said to her it's like ur not interested in him an she said she's not I said he's my son an she said I no he is but isn't to say I'm ok with it. What the fuk does that mean ? I don't no what is happening my son always comes 1st always what do I do ?
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Last activity on 19/01/2023 at 00:05
Joined in 2016
67 comments posted | 35 in the Depression Forum
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Personally, my take on it is you would come as a package, you and your son are the same person, he is a part of you an extension of your own body, I have 3 Children, and when I was single, I was not looking for a father for my children they have an amazing father, I was looking for a partner for me, but I friend for my children.
If someone is looking at being with you long term, they have to accept that, and anyone that cant probably isn't mature enough for a relationship with someone that is a parent, especially one who will always put their children first.
but you also have to remember you are also more that a parent, and you deserve a life of happiness too x
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Stormy by Day Stormy by Night
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Unregistered member
Hi everyone I'm new to this kind of thing. Sorry if my spelling is shit it's cause I cannot spell ha. My names david I'm 25 an I feel like I am drowning it's hard to breath eveyday my anger is always on boiling point but I can switch to being nice in a second. I have a partner who I try an vent to who turns it around on her an says what has she done wrong an it's like just please listen to me I need someone to talk to. I have never spoken to anyone about my mentalhealth problems well apart from the doctor but not told him eveything. Sorry if this is all like wow lol but is there any advice for someone who feels like there is no hope. Anything. Thank you