Patients Depression
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You don't know how much I identify with you. I think all my problems started because of bulling and from a 'close' friend. I never got the chance to build a really strong confidence in myself cause it was shattered at every time it was possible. I think even now that I feel stronger and people think I am so confident of myself and know what I want, in reality is that inside I am doubting every step and most of all my physic, I tell everyone that I love myself now but the truth is that sometimes is not true and I hate what I see.
For me my friends have also been key in me getting better, they are the family I chose and that have stayed there for me in the good and in the suuuper bad, and I agree that you can come out from depression or deal with it more easily if you have someone that loves you there for you.
Thanks for sharing your story, it has helped me to feel less alone, cause even though we have our friends that supports us, I think no one can actually know what you are going through unless they have gone through that also.
Love, Aria
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Last activity on 07/07/2015 at 02:36
Joined in 2015
9 comments posted | 8 in the Depression Forum
Since I haven't opened up about my problems in the last while I think while I'm at ease with myself I think I need to have a write up. As some of ye know I've suffered from mental illness for the last 4 years, it can't be physically seen to those around me only those who know me well. It is something I suffer from on a daily basis and like many others I suffer in silence.
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