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Moving on but struggling
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As a child who's parents left her under not nice circumstances, after I matured as a person I understood the reasons behind it and I respect my parents a lot more for making that decision to leave than to stay for me, as separated they are much better people and are much better parents.
I know the situation is different, but I have every faith your daughter will fully understand and will see a strong woman for making that brave and difficult decision with both your best interests
Sending Love xx
Last activity on 31/05/2018 at 12:24
Joined in 2016
Thank you that means the world xx

Unregistered member
If you ever need to talk please just message me :) xx
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Last activity on 31/05/2018 at 12:24
Joined in 2016
5 comments posted | 3 in the Depression Forum
I have had three breakdowns and several major depressive episodes. I have only just gone down on my medication to the lowest that you can go and that is only after I had left my husband in November last year who I realised dragged me down rather than lifted me up. Yes I found someone else who matched me in more ways than he did anymore. After 26 years we met at 18 I grew apart from him and I wanted my daughter to see a strong person not one that was constantly crying and resentful and struggling. I was the only wage earner for 12 years and it was a struggle to manage. Everytime a job was suggested there was an excuse. I know I will look awful in some peoples' eyes for leaving my 14 year old daughter with my husband, but she is happy with him in the house as there is more room and her friends nearby and I am only less than 10 minute walk away and she knows she can come round whenever she wants to. That hurts me more than anything and the guilt is sometimes unbearable when I think about how I walked out on her. but we talk lots when we see each other and she confides in me etc. I struggle to keep smiling all the time. Even though my life is 1000% better than it was. I have a partner who loves me, makes me laugh, lifts me up, we go places together even just walking is such a joy. But still there is this little bit in my head that won't let go of the sadness. I feel sometimes that I am going mad. and "pull yourself together" but ......................
I just wanted to put it out there as the guilt eats me up sometimes and everyone says I am completely different so much happier and look more relaxed yet I feel like a swan with all calm on the outside and struggling faster and faster inside.........................
Thank you for listening x