Patients Depression
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Last activity on 28/12/2016 at 13:13
Joined in 2016
Hi there, I really feel for you. I am older than you and although I was married and raised 4 children then many years later had an unexpected child by my now partner, that was 6 years ago, I have suffered with depression for as long as I can remember. I had to give up work and was under a psychiatrist due to self harming and a nervous breakdown. Depression is unforgiving and can affect anyone. I also have joint hypermobility syndrome so am in physical pain most days. But I can cope with that, I cant cope very well with the emotional turmoil that cant be seen. When I go out the house no one would have a clue, well dressed, fairly attractive, sociable for short bursts and I smile a lot at people. Inside I am dying some days, I loathe myself. So I absolutely understand how you feel, suicidal thoughts are always tapping on my shoulder. Don't feel alone, stay on this forum, talk to like minded people, sometimes that is the best therapy because we DO know the awful feeling unlike the so called proffesionals. I would recommend you go back to GP and start a course of antidepressants. I take Duloxetine and it works fairly well most of the time. Be kind to yourself, you are important and how you feel really matters. I look forward to chatting again Jane. Try and stay strong my thoughts are with you..Melanie x
Last activity on 21/10/2024 at 17:53
Joined in 2015
6 comments posted | 4 in the Depression Forum
Hi Melanie. Thank you so much for replying to my post. That means a lot. Sorry to hear about your struggle with depression too and the physical problems you experience. I too have physical problems that I believe to be fibromyalgia but haven't been diagnosed yet. Basically, it makes all my muscles very tender and painful to touch and I feel constantly exhausted, not to mention that I work shifts which makes getting quality sleep difficult. I don't know about you but I think lack of sleep and feeling tired exacerbates the feelings of depression.
I am the same as you, in that, for the most part people wouldn't know that I'm depressed. I am a very friendly, chirpy person and am always smiling a lot. However, when you are feeling really down inside, putting on this constant facade can be completely exhausting in itself.
As I mentioned in my previous post, I have sought help in the past and have tried numerous different medications that included: prozac, seroxat, sertraline, citalypram and maybe one other. Prozac made me feel better at first but by the second week I felt incredibly suicidal, seroxat made my anxiety worse and almost killed my brother who stopped breathing at the cinema one day, which was very scary, sertraline again made my anxiety a lot worse and citalypram gave me really bad palpitations to the point where I thought I might have a heart attack. None of the medications made me feel particularly better in terms of my mood apart from maybe numbing my emotions altogether which I just found really frustrating. So, I don't think I would ever go back to prescription drugs again. I am currently taking a herbal remedy called 5-HTP which I think is working OK most of the time.
Thank you again for responding to my post. I hope you have a good weekend. Take care! Janex
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Last activity on 30/11/2020 at 17:32
Joined in 2016
461 comments posted | 420 in the Depression Forum
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Hi Jane, I hope that you are having a good day. Depression really is in a league of its own. The good thing is that there is light at the end of what can seem like a very dark tunnel. I am taking medication for anxiety depression. I have also been recently diagnosed with osteoporosis. I couldn't sleep at the beginning of my illness as my mind wouldn't stop over thinking what was going on and what my future would become [following a marriage break up after 30 yrs to a man who had been very controlling ] My GP addressed my lack of sleep firstly and then my anxiety depression. I too, had palpitations with Citalopram but I stuck with it and they stopped.
When on eventually telling people exactly what I had been going through which then also included my dad being diagnosed with a chronic lung/heart condition, my sister being diagnosed with Cancer and me facing redundancy [thus leading to my depression ]they were shocked as I too am a bubbly, chatty, out going person.
Along with my medication I was offered counselling but I had a wonderful network of friends and so I declined that offer. Talking helped me to get through along with me helping myself to start to loving myself. I started doing breathing exercises to calm myself down , I took time out to do something that i enjoyed pre depression. Simple little tasks that previously I would talk myself out of doing ,I did .
It wasn't easy and it wasn't a quick fix; nothing in life is easy but it was worth fighting for instead of feeling so low and worthless, which would wash over me in waves.'
My mantra now is "Little by little, day by day"
Life can be good and it is a case of recognizing the signs and acting on them before they swamp you.
Take Care.

Unregistered member
Hi everyone, my name is Hazel, just wanted to say anyone can message me anytime :)
Depression 3 rd time and alot of other crap going on

Unregistered member
i suffer depression now and then/i left my home in new zealand to move to the uk to be closer to family and my partner/now six months have passed and waiting to move/meanwhile my cat stays in a cattery and partner in dublin/i may be with family but this isnt my home and feeling so torn apart esp from my cat

Unregistered member
Stephenjames, sorry lifes being so mean to you, if you need any ideas or what a rant or chat you know where i am :) , same goes for everyone :)
Drop me a line :)
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Last activity on 21/10/2024 at 17:53
Joined in 2015
6 comments posted | 4 in the Depression Forum
I was bullied at school and have spent the best part of my life alone, not through choice. I'm 35 now and have no real friends in my life and no partner due to some bad experiences with relationships in the past. I find that being constantly alone is one of the biggest factors that leads me to become depressed quite often. Sometimes this lasts a few weeks or months and sometimes I fall down into a much deeper and darker depression that is hard for me to find my way out of. This goes in cycles and is always the way I have been. I don't think I have ever been genuinely happy in my life because of being alone. I have tried to reach out to people and sometimes confide in people whom I thought I could trust about my depression but in the process just end up feeling more and more isolated as no one is willing to help or to just be my friend.
It got to the point last year where I had been struggling so long that I felt the need to tell my work that I wasn't coping and that I needed to get help. I have been away from my job for 8 and a half months now, have spoken to countless doctors about my problems, including how I have felt suicidal on numerous occasions, I was sent to see three counsellors and a psychologist through my work but have found none of them of any help. Each week I go and they ask me how I've been but despite setting goals of what I would like to achieve from the sessions like; to improve my confidence, to become more assertive, to challenge negative thoughts and develop a more positive outlook, and to manage my anxiety, none of them actually gave me any practical exercises or coping strategies to use to help me to cope with the problems that I encounter. Although, I am feeling somewhat better at the moment after doing some self help exercises myself, such as taking up meditation and trying to focus on the positives in my life, no matter how small they may seem, I worry that the depression and anxiety will worsen over time, as it always has done in the past, and that things will become unmanageable for me again to the point where I can't cope with my job and life in general and this will cause me further problems down the line. After trying various medications in the past that didn't help and seeing countless therapists who were also of no help I find that I have run out of options and don't know what to do to make my life better and to just feel remotely happy for once.