Patients Depression
I Feel Worthless
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Unregistered member
Hey deary...
im so sorry to hear how you are feeling. I can relate all too well to how you are feeling. Please remember that you are never alone in this world! no matter how alone you may feel. Believe me suicide is not the answer, despite myself feeling like it was this time last year. It was only when I was lying in hospital and saw how distraught my family were that I realised I didn't want to die. You really need to try and fight those thoughts because I promise it's not the answer.
if you feel like you have noone to talk to there is always hotlines you can call where people will listen. And of course you can speak to anyone on here, including myself.
you can get through this. Speaking to someone is the first step.
hope your okay,
sarah x
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Last activity on 08/05/2021 at 14:30
Joined in 2016
18 comments posted | 12 in the Depression Forum
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Hi Sarah thank you for your message, i was in hospital last year as i took an OD and was on drips i stopped eating for over a month in the end the mental health team came to see me and sectioned me so i was then sent to a psychiatric hospital...i'm trying my very best to keep mind from spinning with thoughts...but i lost a family member on monday and it's so hard to control
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L Cragg

Unregistered member
So very sorry to hear about your loss. you need to speak to someone about how your feeling before your mind twists your thoughts into something much worse. Try distract yourself by doing something even if it's something simple. I know its a hard time for you as it is without losing a family member but you need to be stronger than this and fight those bad thoughts.
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Last activity on 08/05/2021 at 14:30
Joined in 2016
18 comments posted | 12 in the Depression Forum
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hi sarah thank you...i have been trying to keep myself busy with my therapy colouring books but just find it hard to concentrate i keep going back to my books to try and try again
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L Cragg
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Last activity on 08/05/2021 at 14:30
Joined in 2016
18 comments posted | 12 in the Depression Forum
Good Advisor
Where do i start...i feel like i shouldn't be on this planet anymore, i get a lot of suicide thoughts i don't get any support of my family i really can't talk to my mum because all she cares about is herself. i just hate my life and myself,