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I don't know what's wrong with me...
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Hi. I am fairly new here, but have found it helpful already to share my experiences with others and read their problems. Let’s you know you are not alone, that there are others out there fighting the same battles, and to gain some very useful tips and advice along the way.
My husband has severe clinical depression, anxiety disorder and all topped off with Borderline Personality Disorder and a variety of physical complaints. Mine are all physical, but the list gets longer by the week at the moment.
Although I don’t actually suffer with depression and the other conditions personally, being a care giver for my husband means I do see the effects of them and think I have managed to gain as fair an understanding of the problems as it is possible to have without actually being a sufferer.
I went on a course called ‘Mental Health First Aid’ about 3 years ago. It was one day a week for 6 weeks and was some of the most valuable time I have ever given to anything. It was actually aimed at Health workers whose primary role was not in Mental Health, but who may come into contact with it. Its aim was to give an overview of the conditions and enough insight for these workers to deal with it if they encountered it in their daily activities. As a care giver, I didn’t really fit the brief, but the Care Association locally that I am registered with got me onto it. As well as my husband, I have a step-son with Schizoaffective Disorder and paranoia, so they thought I would benefit.
They were certainly right. The skills and strategies I learned on the course, together with the insight it gave me into the conditions has been invaluable and I strongly recommend it to any partners, wives or husbands of those with this life-altering condition.
I am happy to chat any time, share experiences, trials and triumphs and anything else, so get in touch at any time. Keep the faith, things can improve and talking about it all, sharing your concerns and worries is a big first step!
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Hello, I'm Charlie and up till now I have been living with low self-esteem and feeling sad and worthless. Last year, I finally bought down to my mum saying how unhappy I was with my life and not happy just wanted to disappear, with her help and support I started get my life back on track. I thought I was getting my life up together at the end of last year however now I'm back to square one feeling down and the negative thoughts consume my mind. I feel like no one around understands, I don't like troubling anyone with my issues for fear they will just leave or think I'm too crazy to handle. I came on this site just feel not alone discuss depression and relate to someone who gets it.