Patients Depression
Hearing voices
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Hello @shellybell42 I am really sorry about what you are going through... I don't know much baout schizophrenia so I don't know if it can be cured or no, but it doesn't sound pretty. But I don't think that suicide is the answer. I can relate to you when you say that you cry most days, me too, but I try to steel have a bit tiny bit of hope that things might change.
All this just to say that you are not alone and that you can talk to me if you need it... Cheers

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Unregistered member
Hi Shelly
you sound quite upset
don't do yourself in .
who's gonna look after your furrybabes ?

Unregistered member
Hi Ian don't worry I've not done myself in. I'm switching broadband at the moment and it's hard to get on line but I'm feeling a wee bit better long may it lasts but I'm still crying at some point most days. These voices are so much more than that and I'm so sick of the pain they cause me but I'm being strong. Hope all is well with you Ian xx

Unregistered member
Hello Shellybell
I guess that's a bunch of highly relieved furrybabes .
The ' Scitzotypal ' part of the ' personality disorder ' I have , means I can understand how you feel . It's all so horribly ' personal ' isn't it . And it can't be shared .
I'm in a hotel room at the moment , trying to ' add comment ' , before a page cuts in , demanding I upgrade and buy breakfast .
Its funny how this hi tech stuff kind of - transcends - an overwhelming ' inner landscape ' , isn't it .
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