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Have you experienced side effects from your medication?
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Last activity on 15/07/2024 at 09:21
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Have any of you ever experienced any side effects? If so, what were they? Did they eventually calm down or did you have to stop the medication?
@sophiesmum @JanetGJones @WinterSky @BrianM @Sammy240 @StumpyDavies @eloumol @martinrukin @KoalaPig @johnjames @KoalaPig @Kimarianatyson @icecream @deanosal @catriona7899 @Daisydef @judyoshea_ie
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Josephine, Community Manager
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The very first time I started taking my sertraline tablets they madee tired, so I would have to have a nap, but as my body got used to them, the tiredness cleared up.
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TJ Bennett
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Ok side-effects, where to begin?
Citalopram - Suicidal Ideation and a feeling of invincibility, like I could really fly - and continuous menstrual bleeding - Had to stop
Mirtazapine - No effect, still depressed - and continuous menstrual bleeding - Had to stop
Fluoxetine - Severe suicidal ideation - Had to stop
Venlafaxine - Initial energy boost, and like walking on a cloud, this wore off after a week, again no effect still depressed - and continuous menstrual bleeding - Had to stop
Sertraline - Worsening of depressed mood, sharpness under feet, like walking on egg shells, but in a literal manner, headache, Suicidal ideation, Violent outbursts, Oversensitivity to stimuli like light - and continuous menstrual bleeding - Had to stop
Trazodone - Initially seemed to be helping, but effects wore off after about 6 months, and I started experiencing headaches, and hearing voices, couldn't see a doctor so stopped abruptly, as the voices scared me - voices stopped after stopping Trazodone
Promazine - Initially helped calm psychotic and suicidal thoughts, and dry mouth, but then turned into more of an addiction than a need, Made me feel extreme elation, I liked this, but followed by very severe agitation and suicidal ideation when I reached peak dose and couldn't take any more, leading to frequent self poisoning, and a severe overdose - Had to stop, not safe to continue
Aripiprazole - Made me feel psychotic, invincible, aggressive, and violent, made self harm and dangerous behaviours worse - Had to stop
Lorazepam - One off in hospital, great to control excess agitation, no side effects
Temazepam - No Effect
Diazepam - good for minor agitation and anxiety, no side effects
Zopiclone - Mild, I still struggle to get to sleep, a horrible metallic taste in my mouth after taking
Zolpidem - Best sleeping tablet I've ever had, it works, I'm sleeping within 30 minutes, no side effects
ADHD medications
Ritalin, works to reduce the worst of my hyperactive thoughts, but is highly addictive, and you constantly need more, eventually I'll have no option but to withdraw or move onto another more potent alternative
Anxiety medication
Propranolol Beta Blockers - Works to reduce physical shaking through anxiety, usually no noticeable side effects, can cause diarrhoea, if brand is changed as different brands use different colourants
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Last activity on 15/07/2024 at 09:21
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@sophiesmum @StumpyDavies Thank you both for sharing, the detail was very interesting and I imagine a lot of members will find this helpful.
Don't forget, we have our medications unit where you can rate medication, leave comments and read what other members have to say. You can add medication by clicking HERE.
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Josephine, Community Manager
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Last activity on 10/03/2025 at 17:23
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Side effects of medication affect us all so differently. I am on anti-epileptic drugs, blood pressure, Osteoporosis and thyroid medication, and take an antihistamine daily. I encounter the following side effects:-
Tegretol - Weight gain, drowsiness, blurred vision occasionally. This has caused low sodium in my bloods, so I am now being weaned off it after 30 years! It works with me so was nervous of course to change. I still have another 6 weeks of weaning off Tegretol so obviously the change of new medication has a big impact on the body and one's epilepsy.
Phenytoin - Drowsiness. Another medication I have taken for 30 years but it works.
Vimpat - A new epilepsy medication for me at this stage (6 weeks so far), increasing dosage by 50mg. every 2 weeks. Drowsiness, loss of balance, headaches. Not sure about an allergic reaction as I suffer from many allergies to food, fragrance, chemicals etc.
Levothyroxine - I don't enjoy using it as feel it doesn't have any impact.
Atenolol - no effect I know of.
Risedronate sodium - no effect that I am aware of.
Adcal-D3 - Weight gain.
I am on such a variety of medication; these probably all interact with each other.
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I am on Escitalaporam 10mg daily, for PTSD symptoms, and gabapentin 300mg 2 tablets 3 time's a day, and dihydrocodeine 30mg 2 tablets 4 times a day for arthritis in lower back and Both knees, I moved area,had to join new Doctor clinic, my 1st appointment was a medication review, the lady doctor wanted to half all my Meds there and then, without even knowing me, she halved my Escitalaporam from 20mg daily to 10mg daily, and I have started having panic attacks and mood swings since she did this, Without even asking me how am I feeling?, Or do I need more? I used to take sertraline, but they made me feel panicky all the time, and it was the worst 3 month's I'd had, every time I went out I'd suffer a attack, and had to be looked after by someone, I said I can't take anymore,then I was put on 20mg Escitalaporam which was working out good for me, until this New doctor halfd it to 10mg daily.
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Last activity on 15/07/2024 at 09:21
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Taking some medication can cause side effects, such as weight gain or nausea. Have you experienced any side effects from your medication? If so, which medicaton was it and what did you experience?
Please share :)