Patients Depression
empty mind
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I've had it starting at an early age I think..
Where I've edged myself onto picking up as many fair views on as many things I can in life,
so much so where only recently I can't recall pretty much any of it.
As a result of that I'd been left with that same blank feeling too.
If you're going through what I think you're going through I say you don't fear the feeling, but adapt to it and try and not overthink as much..
Food for thought; food kills :o
Last activity on 10/05/2016 at 21:13
Joined in 2016
20 comments posted | 13 in the Depression Forum
thank you for your reply ; trying not to overthink , i think i overthought so much my brain has shut down for a while , memories are not there , but im still hopeful of things returning to normal
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d l turner
Unregistered member
You're welcome and yeah it's likely you'll start picking things up again and you're right,
your brain must just be going through a lot stress at the moment..
Hence the reason why you feel as though your mind's blank, just take it easy:).
Unregistered member
Yeah i sometimes dont feel human some days i feel just sad, sometimes happy but lasts for not long well depends, then nothingness , then my mind races fast and other times i think of something then its gone again (like dory in finding nemo)
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Last activity on 10/05/2016 at 21:13
Joined in 2016
20 comments posted | 13 in the Depression Forum
i seem to have overthinked my life
now my mind feels blank and its very scary
anyone else have this or know how it feels ?
i feel empty and confused .....