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Don't know what to do anymore
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Last activity on 30/11/2020 at 17:32
Joined in 2016
461 comments posted | 420 in the Depression Forum
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You don't say how old you are. How long has it been since you were diagnosed with diabetes?
I suffer from anxiety depression and now osteoporosis. I felt suicidal at my lowest point and couldn't see any future. Communication was my biggest life saver; along with medication. I can't pretend to understand how low you must be feeling but I can sort of relate as my partner of 1 year suffered from a mental breakdown some years ago , only then to be diagnosed with Leukemia . He will never be cured. His wife committed adultery which just made him spiral in to a dark hole. It is ok for people to say "get on with it" but faced with such huge hurdles in life especially being told that you are terminally ill is horrendous. It is normal and totally understandable for you to be angry . You may also ask "Why me"? My partner frequently comes out with that statement. Anger is part of the path that you must go down.
Try and turn the "Why me?" into "Why not me?"
Only you can make the changes needed to adapt to a happier life. It will happen once you have come to terms hard as that will be. Release your anger in to doing something positive; physical exercise, running. Anything that will release that anger and also release the so called "happy hormones"
Listen to calming music, sit/lie and totally relax. Concentrate on your breathing.
Do some volunteering work. I work now for a mental health charity. It was the best thing that I ever did. It was outside my comfort zone but so humbling and rewarding. My ailments, moans and groans are nothing in comparison to what these people with disabilities go through.
If it helps, feel free to sound off at me to release your anger. I won't judge. Tell me how you really feel if it helps.
Love, light and happiness can be yours again. x

Unregistered member
if you feel your anger building up try and find a productive way of letting it go... trust me i know how much anger can build up so do something productive and try let go of that anger.. hope you start to feel some bit better soon :)
Last activity on 28/05/2022 at 16:47
Joined in 2016
11 comments posted | 7 in the Depression Forum
I'm 18 years old, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes last month. Was rushed to hospital and could of died from going into a diabetic coma and since then been saying that people should of just left me to die because there is no point in being alive if I can't eat or drink what I want without being judged by one of my family members or someone who doesn't know me.
I listen to music and sing to get out my anger, I listen to heavy metal/alternative rock so it does help when I am screaming part of the song.
Last activity on 20/10/2024 at 22:23
Joined in 2016
9 comments posted | 5 in the Depression Forum
A-A,it`s not your fault you were diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.
Please don`t be too hard on yourself.You`re on here and I`m sure you`ll get the support you need.Music is a great soul soother,I reckon.I`ve gone from Indie to Funk and Soul and Gospel! Whatever gets you through the night,huh? Hang on in there x
Good advisor
Last activity on 30/11/2020 at 17:32
Joined in 2016
461 comments posted | 420 in the Depression Forum
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Good Advisor
I agree with JaneMay; you are on this site which is a way of knowing that you are not alone . You are bound to be angry at being newly diagnosed with Diabetes. You are young and so I suppose you can only see it as a milestone around your neck. My youngest son [20] has just suffered 2 bleeds on the brain and so now has to change his life style. Like you he is young and is so angry at what has happened to him through no fault of his own. He is at University doing Sports/Psychology Degree.
Time is a great healer and you will come to terms with it in time. Please look after yourself though and take all the measures to keep yourself healthy for your later life.
Continue to find ways of venting your anger in a non harmful manner.
Take Care. xx

Unregistered member
Hi my name is Hazel, I just say take one day at a time, your feel good sometimes and crap other days, mood diary can help track / see if anything triggered it.
Just have to ride it out, but go GP if stuff not helped eg meds etc etc

Unregistered member
My name is Esma
I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at 23.If you would like to talk sometime.Feel free to message.I hope you are in a better place now.
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Last activity on 28/05/2022 at 16:47
Joined in 2016
11 comments posted | 7 in the Depression Forum
I'm just lost. After the diabetes diagnosis my depression has got worse and I am more suicidal than usual. None of my family, doctors, counselors even the group I go to have asked how I feel about the diagnosis, nor have noticed how depressed I am getting. I was diagnosed with depression when I was 16 and was given tablets that didn't work, now I am on different tablets that still don't work. I just want to leave because I don't think I can live like this the rest of my life. I feel like im being pressured to stay here because my girlfriend keeps pushing me to carry on living and I just hate it. I don't want to snap at her again, but with my anger building up I just don't know how long I can keep it bottled up for until I explode. I can't talk to anyone my own age about having type 1 diabetes because all I have ever seen is old people with it. I just can't cope with it anymore. I just want to leave or have a normal life like it said on the leaflet the diabetes nurse gave me "People who have diabetes go on to have normal happy lives".... I am not having a "normal happy life" I don't think stabbing yourself with a needle is having a normal life. I feel pathetic, every night I just lay in my bed and cry all night until its time to get up and have my first injection for the day. Someone help? :( I can't do this anymore.