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Last activity on 30/11/2020 at 17:32
Joined in 2016
461 comments posted | 420 in the Depression Forum
1 of their responses was helpful to members
Good Advisor
Hi ,Just read your post and was wondering how you are feeling ?
Depression really is so hard and only those who have first hand experience can understand. I too struggled to motivate myself to do anything.
I too have a dog and she was my best friend during my darkest days. She always sensed when I struggling and would come to me. I truly believe that they understand us, sometimes better than we understand ourselves.
Life is a struggle but it i worth it. I do hope that things are improving for you. I would love to have an update.
Big hugs x

Unregistered member
Hi just wanted to say your not alone, i actually am having trouble with spending (alittle different i know), this is not my normal self, i have had depression before but not this bad, i have really wanted to just kill myself but i have taken a step back and thought nope not going to let this horrible illness win.
I got paid ESA 2 days ago around 200 pounds right, in on day (though sales shopping i thought this makes spending ok) I only had 10 pounds left :/
I am on council housing waiting list (my family dont know yet as its a senstive area i still live at home with my parents, they were awesome when i was 4 years ago sectioned but this time not really good) My ex bf left me and alot of my friends have left me .
I cannot tell you how much it hurts to be alive nowadays but i carry on :) Keeping busy doing things i love helps :)
Good advisor
Last activity on 30/11/2020 at 17:32
Joined in 2016
461 comments posted | 420 in the Depression Forum
1 of their responses was helpful to members
Good Advisor
Spending, drinking ,drugs ,comfort eating etc are like a release valve; sadly short lived as you come down from the buzz.
I would say that all of us suffering from depression have done the above and then regretted it when the damage has been done. You are spot on with your comment Haze; that you are not going to let this illness win. That is the attitude that will get you through ; hard as it will be. 2 steps forward ,3 steps back will become a well felt emotion.
Haze, if certain "friends" have left you then deep down they weren't true friends. I found out who my true friends were; some just wanted to pretend to be interested when in fact all they really wanted to do was gossip. I chose to divulge my darkest days with only a very select few. When you feel really down and someone shows an interest thus lulling you into a false sense of security for want of a better word, you open up and get it off your chest. Some of your "friends" may even judge you; their problem not yours as you don't need to be judged by others; you judging yourself is more than enough.
Following all my problems which included 30 + years of totally trusting my now ex to support us financially in old age [he was totally in control financially ;I gave up work to raise our family , returning to work p/time as they went to high school but not in the professional capacity that I was when we first married.] I was panic stricken about not managing to cope with everything financially.I would spend as little as possible for fear of losing everything. In time I went the other way but thank God I didn't go OTT. I would buy things that I didn't need and then feel panicky later.
Food; I would comfort eat previously but during the split I would feel that ill/sick that I didn't eat. The rapid weight loss made me feel good which would spur me on to lose more. Looking back it was the only thing that I could control. I am now facing a different kind of stress with my partner who is severely depressed due to terminal illness, alcoholism, break up of his marriage etc. hence I am comforting eating and so face that daily cycle yet again .
We all have our own journeys containing many struggles/hurdles to make in life ,trying to remain strong will get you through this bumpy ride.
Big hugs.

Unregistered member
Well everyone knows where i am if they need to chat :) Ta for your awesome words and advice as normal :)
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Last activity on 15/10/2024 at 21:48
Joined in 2016
2 comments posted | 1 in the Depression Forum
My depression is particularly bad at the moment. The past year has been filled with grief as people I cared about died and my home reflects my state of mind. I seem unable to complete the simplest of tasks and everything is a complete mess. Next year my interest-only mortgage finishes and I haven't got the £73,000 necessary to pay it off. This situation arose because five years ago the woman who was buying with me moved out and I have been going downhill ever since.
I have spare rooms but since my last lady moved out in January I can't get myself together to spruce up the rooms and advertise for someone else. It's as much as I can do to wash up every couple of days. No one would consider living here in this chaos.
One of my greyhounds has been really sick and needed an operation which cost thousands. He is on the mend but lack of income from renting the rooms and living on pension has depleted my savings.
Friends who have helped me in the past with getting my place in order are just fed up because I just make a mess again. I feel the tasks are just too huge to tackle, so I do nothing. This sounds really pathetic.
If I moved to a smaller flat here in London, it wouldn't necessarily mean paying less and here I have wonderful neighbours so I am reluctant to move. I shall be 70 this year so my options are limited.
This all sounds like a terrible moan but sometimes I think that I would be better off out of this.
Thanks for reading, I know there are people far worse than me and I do appreciate what I have, especially my two wonderful greyhounds. However, as you will know, it is sometimes really hard to be positive when the depression knocks you to the ground.