Patients Depression
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Unregistered member
Hi Michelle I've had depression for 25 yrs , I know how low this condition gets you I've seen counselors and psychiatrists which like you I found didn't help. So I decided to go to university to find out about my conditions through psychology and it's helped me understand the feeling I go through and to stop getting as low as I did now I love life I still get the low feelings now and again but I understand my conditions now , maybe you could take a psychology course to help you just a thought

Unregistered member
@Pauline Davies I've never thought about that and it is a great idea! Get the info by myself and learn to know what is happening to me. I think it is great advice and I'll try to look for some courses.
@MichBrad I assure you that with time it will get better, you just have to hang in there

Unregistered member
Hi Michelle glad to hear that, I found out about depression and how it can get you feeling really bad and u think your alone etc it does really help , and now I've got a new life I'm training to help others as a support worker for the mental health issues before I hated myself now I don't before I felt I couldn't do anything right now I can if u gan get on a course Michelle it will turn your life around instead of feeling worthless u get your confidence and self esteem back while educating your self about your illness I'm plessed your going to try it because depression is very hard to live with , well done

Unregistered member
Hey Michelle :) I'm 18 and I seem fine to everyone every day but then just feel down when I'm on my own.. It's awful isn't it? I wish I knew how to stop the feeling... It won't last forever will it?
Last activity on 07/07/2015 at 02:36
Joined in 2015
9 comments posted | 8 in the Depression Forum
It won't last forever no, everyone has good and bad days and I know yo probably feel everyday is bad but honestly it's not
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Shell xo

Unregistered member
Hello again @OriginalUsername I feel like you, I put my happiness in being surrounded by people and I my shrink always says I have to learn to be happy by myself, but I just haven't learned, I wonder if I need to do a Eat, Pray, Love thing to achieve it lol

Unregistered member
Hi Paul Adam here , I've been suffering with depression for over 20 years, ive seen counsellors and on medication , to cap it off I have been suffering with crumbling of the spine . I still work , well not at moment it went into a spasm

Unregistered member
Its horrible, you have bad days and good, just have to ride it out :) Best you can hun
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Last activity on 07/07/2015 at 02:36
Joined in 2015
9 comments posted | 8 in the Depression Forum
Hi guys, my name is Michelle, I'm 20 years old and I suffer with major depressive disorde. This has been in control of my life for nearly 4 years now and it doesn't seem to get any better. I've seen councillors and psychiatrists but it just results in me feeling worse.