Patients Depression
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Last activity on 30/03/2024 at 08:26
Joined in 2017
6 comments posted | 4 in the Depression Forum
Going to cheat,,,,,,,,,,!just awoken and got up so time yet! ,on a serious note,I just to have tactics to hold in the tears,now just let 6Yen flow and feel better for it usually,,,depends if I'm in a busy public place tho I guess!tho cliches like "stay strong "make me cry out of despair,,,,have a good day yourself jo ok? Xx
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Nick Smith

Unregistered member
Your not on ya own nick it's horrible I wouldn't wish this on anyone. But yes it can help to have a good cry but you most probably fed up with crying bcos I am ha.
So where you from if you don't mind me asking xx

Unregistered member
Have you got family that you talk to about how your feeling and stuff. Sorry my grammer is poor
This might make you laugh I have a abcess down stairs near me foo lol
Walking funny and taking turns when sitting me bum cheeks just try and picture me I might video and put it on fb or YouTube lmao.sorry if I've spoke out of tune I just say it as it is I'm not the kind who chat rubbish to ppl haha xx
Last activity on 30/03/2024 at 08:26
Joined in 2017
6 comments posted | 4 in the Depression Forum
Hi jo thank you did indeed make me ☺ this afternoon tho unsure if abscess was on your bum or foot ?
I do have a good support network of my friends and family,, sometimes no matter how much they try though still feel wretched at times, I live in walkington a small village near Beverley in Yorkshire and you jo? Xx
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Nick Smith

Unregistered member
hi nicksmiths the abscess was on me foo/vagina hate that word lol,, hey thats good you have family and friends but we're not all that lucky to have them. i'm in manchester uk england xx

Unregistered member
Sorry Guys its been a while since I have been on hear so much has happened and just wanted to catch up with you guys
Recently a pet of mine passed away
Anniversary of my Grandmothers death is coming up next month but I know she wouldn't want me to be sad over this occasion.
and Sorry to hear about you're abscess near your foo hope its all healed up and haven't you gone to the doctors or a sexual health clinic about this.
I live in St Leonards East Sussex and still get asked for ID I don't know whether to take as a compliment or an insult :) x
Last activity on 13/08/2016 at 12:18
Joined in 2016
12 comments posted | 4 in the Depression Forum
Do you have a friend or family member that suffers from depression or perhaps bipolar disorder? Not only is this very upsetting to the depressed person, but it can cause much frustration in those among their family and friends. Some hold back from trying to help such a person for fear that they will make them worse. What are some things that you can do to be a support to a depressed person?
The first step is to reassure your love for the person. They may feel like their illness makes them unlovable. Make sure to distinguish clearly in your own mind the difference between the illness and the person. This often takes a lot of patience and love. For example, at times, a bipolar person may not like being around other people, but don't take this personally. Keep being their friend.
Another step to supporting a depressed person is to do research about their particular condition. This can give you and them special insight into the way they think and act. This can help you see to what extent their illness is affecting them. This will also help you treasure the person behind the illness. You might even consider accompanying your friend or family member to the doctor so that they feel like they are not alone.
Good communication is essential when dealing with a depressed person. Misunderstandings can easily arise on either side. Being constantly kind and forgiving will reassure the person that you are there for them and understand what they are going through. You will also want to avoid making the person feel that they are responsible for their own suffering and that if they only exercised enough willpower, they could get better.
You may find more advice here :
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Unregistered member
hiya everyone hopes your all ok and today has been a good day or at least an ok day mine has been ok only cried the once lol