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Last activity on 03/02/2023 at 15:26
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710 comments posted | 13 in the Depression Forum
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Hello everyone!
Does someone has advice for @lj73unique ???
Remember that sharing can help others to cope and prevent.
All the best,
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Last activity on 24/09/2015 at 00:16
Joined in 2015
7 comments posted | 5 in the Depression Forum
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Hi @lj73unique,
I am sorry but I don't have aspbergers or ASD nor do I know anyone closely who has it in order for me to give you my opinions.
Have you been back to your GP and asked them about it? They could refer you to a psychiatrist in order to be tested for it?
I hope you find some answers soon.
Take care

Unregistered member
you know- i think its come to that. The thing is-and (even tho i dont)like it or not-i seem to slip through the system..repeatedly- and i think its possible i've coverewd it here too.I bin "diagnosed" with depression,anxiety disorders,bipolar(very wrongly) SAD ,and goodness knows what elsenot just diagnosed but "treated"for...whether its bin cognitive therapy style or medications.both of which have worked,not worked,helped and added too with outstanding variations. At same time,for alot of the time(at least 20+yrs)i also had a eating disorder(bulimia)which depending on circumstances varied in degrees of how utterly blatent it was.a prescription i probably never should have been given cured that-but had such dire consequences i dunno if it was worth it or not.Also running concurrent i "brought up"(use term loosly)a now 19yr old son.hes walking proof of "more luck than judgement"and i know thats lucky as hell. Like i 20+yrs done so far-tho realistically i reckon all 42yrs been strains of the same...but i now have the age thing and as 5year old,who-i dont want to be in same position as his brother was(who i wouldnt happily have put there either)..the thing is..the more i read up on it,the more familiar i am with a fair description of me..and part of that includers an inability to move past the thinking part-i am the personification of a good intention/zero action... i display it,and i know i do-when im zoomy my house is a tip,my behaviours eratic and tempers head goes too fast ..i have the (benefit??)of a borderline sick sense of helps me get by but never further yknow. i hate being tho i dont,not at all-in so many ways i am utterly blessed-but im a disasterzone 24/ either frantic or f++ked. I need so much sleep it just bout qualifiesd as dead ...i know doc sounds like a [plan-but its gona get me noplace.i am gony try tho ok.thanks for response-really appreciate even knowing someone might listen.sorry bout blaaaaaaaaaah! (that comes n goes too_
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hi. not sure if this is landing in the right group or not?if not please feel free to move/tell me how?...ok- so i'll try my best to stick to condensed version.I'm 42,single mum of a 19 and 5yr old.the oldest left for uni couple of years ago. Ive suffered anxiety,depression since late teens-at various times have had variety of effects n experiences c/o medication and\or starting stopping it. Ive consistently argued the diagnosis-mostly cos truth is no much bothers me(unless i get obsessed with it)and I'd actually have a cheek being depressed(thats as variable as the next mans life yknow).One of my friends recently suggested i have alot of similarities\indicators suggesting aspbergers.or..ASD of some kind. Ive done little research on this other than a couple of online screeners which always seem to land me in a high score\seek advice score.thing is-where from.its probli relevant i live scotland.cheers