Epilepsy Forum
- 379 members
- 19 discussions
In this group you can share your experiences with eplielpsy and tell us how you manage this condition on a daily basis.
Patients Epilepsy
Living with epilepsy
Epilepsy and intimacy: What works for you and your partner?
Living with epilepsy
How to cope with epilepsy?
Living with epilepsy
What was your first seizure like?
Living with epilepsy
How do you feel during and after your seizures?
Living with epilepsy
Epilepsy and intimacy
Living with epilepsy
Have you suffered a burn caused by a seizure?
Living with epilepsy
PIP and epilepsy
Living with epilepsy
Epilepsy and male infertility
Living with epilepsy
Have you ever experienced memory problems because of your epilepsy?
Living with epilepsy
Have you ever been mistreated or discriminated against because of your epilepsy?
Living with epilepsy
Understanding epilepsy
Living with epilepsy
Is there a link between epilepsy and male infertility?
Living with epilepsy
Medication info
Living with epilepsy
Have you ever been injured during a seizure?
Living with epilepsy
Auras or other warning signs before a seizure: What do you experience?
Living with epilepsy
Living with epilepsy
epilepsy and hormones
Living with epilepsy
National Epilepsy Week