Epilim Chrono (sodium valproate valproic): Reviews and patient testimonials


Medication indications

Epilim Chrono 200mg

Treatment of generalised, partial or other epilepsy.

Epilim Chrono 300mg

In the treatment of generalised, partial or other epilepsy.

Epilim Chrono 500mg

Treatment of generalised, partial or other epilepsy.

Route of administration: Oral
Molecule: sodium valproate, valproic

Patients' opinions on Epilim Chrono

In brief

General satisfaction level: 7.75/10 Learn more

Treatment's effectiveness: 8.75/10 Learn more

Ease of use: 9.00/10 Learn more

Adherence to prescription: 9.00/10 Learn more

Detected side effects: 3.25/10 Learn more

Improvement in the quality of life: 8.25/10 Learn more

1 = Not at all satisfied
10 = Extremely satisfied

1 = Not at all satisfied
10 = Extremely satisfied

1 = Not at all satisfied
10 = Extremely satisfied

1 = Never
10 = Always

1 = Not at all important
10 = Extremely important

1 = Not at all satisfied
10 = Extremely satisfied

Tips and advice of the community

on 09/11/2023

Epilim is well tolerated but at a high dose I had nausea. There is evidence that it also causes male infertility but my epilepsy specialist is saying this is still being explored.

Long term it has caused weight gain I have gained 10 kgs from 70kg to 80kg. I asked my epilepsy specialist who told me about this. He was not supportive and rather than suggesting improving my diet and exercise, he said would I want more seizures?

There is a history of Diabetes and Heart Disease and I don't want to be obese. I'm borderline obese at 5'5. I have been monitoring my food intake etc.

I am considering coming off it and told him I would like to explore another medicine.

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Members using this Epilim Chrono

Conditions related to this medication

Fact sheet


See the fact sheet