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Patients Breast cancer
Treatment plan for breast cancer: Let's share!
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Last activity on 13/01/2023 at 13:51
Joined in 2020
2 comments posted | 2 in the Breast cancer Forum
@Courtney_J I'm feeling a little upset and anxious at the moment as I've just had a telephone appointment with a rather brusque Doctor (who I've never met) to say that they're delaying my palbociclib treatment for another week (already put off for the last two weeks). Last week they told me that my neutrophils weren't high enough at just over 1 - apparently they've got to be higher now because of coronovirus, even though I'm shielding so not meeting anyone! This week she said my liver function was too high, possibly because of the medication but hasn't said why this could be happening when I haven't had any for two weeks, I'm now panicking that the cancer has spread to my liver: I haven't had a scan since January and don't know when I'll be having the next. My previous scan was in another hospital as we moved house at the beginning of March and my new consultant doesn't seem to have any of my notes other than what I've told him, so nothing to look back on. I feel helpless! Thank you for letting me offload!
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Last activity on 13/10/2022 at 16:47
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1,280 comments posted | 39 in the Breast cancer Forum
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@Jojo234067 Hello Jojo234067, thank you for commenting. I think we can all relate to how you are feeling, this is such an uncertain and frightening time. I'm so sorry to hear about your colleague, I'll be keeping you and him in my thoughts. Keep your chin up, hopefully better days are coming soon!
@Soomeyrals Hello Soomeyrals, thank you for sharing your experience. I can't imagine the stress you're under, moving house and having a new medical team, and all during a pandemic! Please keep us updated on how you're doing and how your treatment is progressing if you feel up to it!
Take care,
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Courtney_J, Community Manager, Carenity UK
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Last activity on 30/09/2020 at 12:09
Joined in 2020
14 comments posted | 12 in the Breast cancer Forum
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I'm currently going through chemo. I was doing alright initially, but now I'm feeling really terrible. Getting out of bed is a struggle, I feel so ugly with my hair falling out, and I'm so worried that I'm going to catch the virus as I've seen so many going round without masks. What a mess. I only have a few weeks left of it so I'm hoping it'll fly by.
@Soomeyrals Did you manage to get your scan? I can understand the worry, I was so afraid I wouldn't get my chemo during lockdown.
Last activity on 13/01/2023 at 13:51
Joined in 2020
2 comments posted | 2 in the Breast cancer Forum
@bravest thanks for asking: I've got a scan booked for early July now, so will hopefully know where I am (for better or worse). It sounds as though you are having a hard time but hopefully you will start feeling a bit better once you get to the end of the chemo. Sending you positive thoughts. xx
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Last activity on 13/10/2022 at 16:47
Joined in 2020
1,280 comments posted | 39 in the Breast cancer Forum
10 of their responses were helpful to members
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Hello everyone,
How are you today? 😊
What was it like after you received your breast cancer diagnosis? Did you receive a treatment plan? Did you feel like you were well informed and made well aware of all your treatment options? Is there anything you wish had been done differently?
@fefe333 @cag201 @LauraMacK @Lindanaude69 @KarenK62 @Bazley @NaturalApproach @Nannycakes @Ponytail @Angiepops @Snowie36 @Susanmiller @Mandymoo5467 @Bronners @Trifle @Angel-1402 @Jill780
Take care,
See the signature
Courtney_J, Community Manager, Carenity UK
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Hello everyone,
When diagnosed, how much did your doctors include you in your treatment plan? How does your plan look? Surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, targeted therapy - or maybe a combination?
Good day to you all,