Breast cancer Forum

  •  873 members
  •  44 discussions

Post on this group all links, articles or web pages that caught your attention and have to do with the disease (treatment, medical research, therapeutic innovation, seminars on the disease or any event)

Patients Breast cancer

Medical fact sheet

Breast cancer

Medical fact sheet - article

Treating breast cancer

Medical fact sheet - article

Symptoms of breast cancer

Medical fact sheet - article

world cancer day

Medical fact sheet - article

Self-examination of the breast

Medical fact sheet - article

Breast cancer: Cause and risk factors

Medical fact sheet - article

Diagnosing breast cancer

Medical fact sheet - article

Key figures and prevalence of breast cancer

Medical fact sheet - article

What is breast cancer?

avatar maddoglady

 Research and useful tips - Breast Cancer

Breast cancer: Test means fewer women will need chemotherapy

avatar Margwina

avatar lesmal

avatar lesmal

avatar Bagpuss66

avatar Margarita_k

avatar lesmal

 Research and useful tips - Breast Cancer

Double mastectomies for breast cancer tripled in 10 years

avatar Jellag

 Research and useful tips - Breast Cancer

How to exercise safely with breast cancer

avatar maddoglady

 Research and useful tips - Breast Cancer

invasive lobular carcinoma

avatar Micmic

avatar Bubbles01

avatar Mandi53

 Research and useful tips - Breast Cancer

Breast cancer costs low-income women more jobs

 Research and useful tips - Breast Cancer

October: Breast cancer awareness month

avatar Margarita_k

 Research and useful tips - Breast Cancer

7 summer tips for breast cancer patients

avatar Allybaba

 Research and useful tips - Breast Cancer

Managing Fatigue

avatar Rosemcarthur

avatar maddoglady

 Research and useful tips - Breast Cancer

5 Breast cancer Myths Vs Facts

avatar maddoglady

avatar suzyq39

 Research and useful tips - Breast Cancer

Breast cancer drugs should be given for 10 years, study shows

avatar maddoglady

avatar suzyq39

 Research and useful tips - Breast Cancer

Acupressure cuts fatigue after breast cancer treatment

avatar suzyq39

 Research and useful tips - Breast Cancer

Filling of implant surgery

avatar Margarita_k

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